Frequently Asked Questions

The Leake family at the farmers market

1) I am new to your website, where should I start?

If you’re new here you should definitely check out Start Here, our Recipe Index, and our free Real Food Resources area. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay in touch and be informed of new recipes, tips, and resources as they come available.

I’ve also written three best-selling cookbooks that are geared towards typical families trying to get healthy, delicious food on the table, fast. These are available anywhere books are sold and in many libraries.

2) Why don’t you consider sugar to be a “real food”…isn’t it natural?

Sugar comes from a plant so it is definitely a “natural” food. Some other “natural” foods that we like to avoid are high-fructose corn syrup (from corn) and white flour (from wheat). What all of these have in common is that, aside from being natural, they are so highly refined and processed that the good stuff is stripped away leaving mostly empty calories. Here’s a little more about our decision to avoid sugar and other refined sweeteners – Mini-Pledge Week 9: No Refined Sweeteners.

3) What does your family eat now that your strict “100 Days of Real Food” pledge is over?

When we are at home I estimate that we eat 95%+ real food. Since our pledge ended we’ve incorporated a once-a-week “special treat.” This could be anything from a homemade chocolate cake to a donut from Krispy Kreme, although I do try hard to steer my family away from artificial ingredients and food dyes no matter what. With that being said, we do believe moderation is key so we most certainly let our daughters participate in school celebrations, birthday parties, and other events that often involve junk food.

4) Have you noticed any health-related changes since your switch to real food?

Yes! We switched to real food because we thought it was the right thing to do. What we did not expect was for our youngest daughter’s constipation and asthma to completely disappear. We were equally surprised by how much my HDL level increased (a.k.a. the “good” cholesterol that should be a high number), which jumped up by 50%! I also feel like I have more energy (no more afternoon slumps), and my husband and I both lost a couple of pounds without even trying. For more details check out this link: Our personal changes in health.

5) What kind of milk does your family drink?

We’ve switched both our type of milk and source for our milk a couple of times over the last year. We currently drink the least processed type of milk available in North Carolina (where raw milk is illegal). We buy Homestead Creamery’s non-homogenized whole milk in half-gallon glass bottles from Earth Fare. Since switching to whole milk we’ve also been working to reduce our consumption.

6) What kind of cheese do you buy that is “real food” approved?

When it comes to cheese we go for blocks of cheese that are organic and preferably from grass-fed cows (if we can find it). The pre-shredded stuff contains an anti-caking agent (to prevent it from sticking together) which is a little too powdery for our taste. Also, most cheese is actually supposed to be white so even though the orange coloring is natural and probably a harmless additive I like to stick with white cheese just to make a point. :)

7) I see that your family enjoys foods like cream cheese and boxed whole-wheat pasta, but aren’t those processed?

Actually even cooking is technically a form of “processing” or changing your food. So since we are not on a raw food diet I guess you could say we avoid all “highly processed” foods, which we define as having more than 5 (or any refined) ingredients. Check out our real food rules for the full list.

8) Is there anywhere that you can shop without having to read labels and scrutinize the ingredients?

Unfortunately, no. But the closest you can get is a growers only Farmer’s Market. At a growers only market, all of the produce and meat will be locally grown/raised. There are a surprising number of farmer’s markets out there that allow third-party vendors to sell you anything from Chilean blueberries to Florida oranges (which is, of course, okay if you actually live in Florida!). But even growers only markets have local “bakers” that use their fair share of white flour and sugar so you still have to ask questions. We also like to ask our local farmers if they use any chemical pesticides or synthetic fertilizers on their offerings because we prefer to eat foods that are as organic as possible, even if they are not USDA certified organic.

9) Where else do you shop for food?

I’ve shared my food shopping routine as well as my grocery template here.

10) Are there any “real food” books you recommend?

Well, first of all, I must recommend my first book of course! It’s part cookbook and part guidebook. The book that originally inspired us to switch to “real food” is In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan. Two other books I highly recommend are Food Rules also by Michael Pollan and Food Matters by Mark Bittman. I also highly recommend watching the documentary Food, Inc.

11) How do you deal with eating at someone else’s house when they don’t exactly follow a “real food” diet?

It can be tricky to try to eat a certain way without offending your host. For us, taking our “100 Days of Real Food” pledge was a great conversation starter as to what we were doing and why. I am not saying everyone around us fully understood or agreed, but at least they knew about it. :) During our pledge we did not have any flexibility at all so for the most part, we either brought our own food wherever we went (and people were thankful because it meant they didn’t have to figure out what feed us) or we ate beforehand. Now that our pledge is over we have more flexibility so we pretty much just eat what is offered especially since it doesn’t happen every day. We might still sometimes eat a little beforehand or bring a few key food items with us when we travel (like good whole-wheat bread, granola, and tortillas), but for the most part, we just go with the flow. But I will say that after watching us complete our real food pledge, it’s no surprise to our friends and family if we suddenly decide to bring something special along to the next BBQ (like our own organic, grass-fed, nitrite-free, dye-free beef hot dogs)!

12) What kind of oils do you use for cooking and baking?

For baking, we mainly use butter and unrefined coconut oil. For stove-top cooking, we either use olive oil (cold-pressed if I can find it), organic butter (preferably from grass-fed cows), ghee (a.k.a. clarified butter because it does well at higher temps), or yes, we occasionally use lard (from pastured animals) as well. People tend to look shocked when I tell them we use lard and I admit it isn’t exactly an appetizing word, but it is a traditional food that our ancestors survived on for centuries. Here’s more info on using unrefined oils – Mini-Pledge Week 10: No Refined Oils.

13) I am completely on-board with cutting out processed food, but how can I get my reluctant spouse and picky kids to join me?

No fear…because you are not alone! Here are a few posts on this very topic:

14) Where do you and your family live?

People are sometimes pleasantly surprised to learn that we do not live in a “real food” mecca like New York or California. Yep, we are just a regular ol’ suburban family living in Matthews, N.C., which is a suburb of Charlotte. You can find out more about our family on the “About Page.”

1,011 thoughts on “Frequently Asked Questions”

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  1. i want to buy the 2 books for my daughter in law for Christmas and thought i was doing so, but it looks like i may have purchased a download for each. i do not want a download, i want the books. how can we correct this? thanks.

  2. I am new to this whole foods/clean eating deal and I have a question that will probably sound pretty dumb. The biggest concern I have is about the coconut oil that you use. My son is allergic to coconut so I need to replace it with something. What would you suggest as the best alternative?

  3. Hi! Can you tell me what kind of peanut butter you recommend buying, or is there a recipe to make at home? Thanks!

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Courtney. Just look for an organic brand with only peanuts and maybe a little salt on the ingredient list.

  4. What do you use to clean your stainless steel pans? I know AllClad recommends using BarKeepers Friend but that doesn’t seem to be a non-toxic cleaning solution. My husband’s go-to method of cleaning pans is an SOS pad (ugh!) and I want to get him to stop so he doesn’t scratch my pans, but I don’t know what to tell him to use instead. He’s a bit of a clean freak and can’t stand to let a pot sit and soak for too long and cleans it before I can get to it.

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Beverly. Vinegar and baking soda work great on stainless. Bar Keeper’s friend is not rated well at all on the EWG’s database for cleaning products.

  5. What are your thoughts on reusable ice cubes? There’s the plastic bpa free kind, steel, rock, and maybe some other kinds, but have you used them and if so what kind do you prefer? I’ve gotten plenty of inspiration from your lunch packing in the past so was curious of your thoughts.

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Jill. Par-boiled rice is one step more processed so we would generally go for the long cook kind. :)

  6. We saw your the notes in the book regarding occasional beer or wine, but do you have any thoughts or guidelines on distilled alcohol?

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Sharon. Sorry, we really do not. I do know that clear alcohols are considered to be more clean.

  7. I try to pack healthy lunches for my son and still make sure he doesn’t go hungry. He isn’t a picky eater fortunately but certain things are easier to keep in a locker until noon or later. I notice most of the lunch meal plans you have are for younger children. They look almost the size of a lunchable or one of those pre packaged frozen dinners for kids. My son is 16. He gets crackers instead of chips, 2 types of, fresh fruit, and a yogurt but no sweet dessert a 100%juice, an organic granola bar and some homage trail mix and his choice of either a ham & cheese on whole wheat or a peanut butter and fruit spread on whole wheat. He eats that every day. And when I ask if he wants anything else he says ‘no’ but I know that has to be terribly boring. I guess what I want to know is do you have a jr + sized lunch menu?

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      :) No, we do not. Just scale the serving size up or down depending on your kids.

  8. I notice that you try to avoid anything that isn’t organically grown and produced-I try to do this as much as I can afford as well. Most people are led to believe that organic means pesticide and toxin free, but this is simply not the case. What your thoughts are on how non-synthetic pesticides are still used to grow organic food. So is it really better to buy organic when the natural chemicals are still toxic? Just wondering what your thoughts are on this.

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Kayla. While we would love to avoid any and all use of pesticides, we realize that unless we are growing everything ourselves we are surrendering some control and putting a lot of faith in organic growers. We know it is not a perfect system but are confident it is a better choice than filling our bodies with all the synthetic fertilizers and the plants that are bread to withstand the application of evermore pesticides. Each person must come to their own conclusion, however.

  9. We raise our own cows and pigs and render our own lard. So glad it is included as a real food! I was told all my life how unhealthy lard is and that I should use shortening instead. Crazy lol! My lard has one ingredient. What is in that can of shortening

  10. Hi! I recently heard that organic eggs are not that much different than regular eggs. Is this true? Is it worth it to spend the extra money for organic eggs? What eggs do you recommend? Thank you!

  11. I love the blog and have started my journey on cutting out processed foods from my diet. As I’m reading the posts I can’t help but feel like I’m missing pieces as I jump from post to post. Is there a way to read all of the posts in a chronological order, starting with #1?


  12. This may have been addressed somewhere on the site (and I did see the recent post about allowing your girls a bit more leeway about unhealthy foods outside of the home) but I have a question about setting boundaries for my young kids with taking snacks from others. Our neighbor kids are outside all summer (and usually playing in our yard). A sweet neighbor friend likes to pitch in by providing snacks which are usually “huggies” (high fructose corn syrup and dyes! yum!) and a sugary packaged snack. My kids are 6, 4, 2 and aren’t yet at a point where they would be able to say, “no thank you” but I’m not sure how to approach the topic without offending. We aren’t doing an official challenge but trying to eat minimally processed foods as much as possible. I try to have water outside and available for all of the kids and often bring out fruit/veggies, air popped popcorn as snacks but they often prefer what she is offering and the older neighbor kids will ask her for snacks. Any tips?

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi there. Lisa uses nut and eggs in many of her recipes. You would need to make the proper substitutions that will work best for you.

  13. I am gluten intolerant. What “real food” options can be substituted for the wheat in your existing meal plans?

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Cristi. While the recipes have not been converted to gluten free, myself and other readers use other gluten free whole grain flours in various combinations in recipes. I often use Bob’s Red Mill GF whole grain blend.

  14. Love the website! I am a single woman in my late 20s and live alone in NYC. I love your meal plans but understand that they are for a family of four (right?) Is there any more guidance as far as portion sizes? For example, the whole wheat banana pancakes, how many should it make and what is the portion size per person?


  15. I have the new book and love it but was also wondering if you can recommend any other real food cookbooks. Another quick question. Can I freeze freshly grated cheese? .

  16. Do you know of any brands of ice pops or popsicles that do not contain food dyes? Are there any store bought brands of ice pops or popsicles that you could recommend? I am trying to make recommendations to my kids’ summer camp (they are reluctant to give up ice pops entirely, so I am hoping to provide them with the best (least sugar, no dyes) option). Thanks!

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Sara. Not sure on this one because we typically just make our own. I know that is not realistic for camp on a daily basis, anyway. Readers?

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Hallie. Lisa often uses Hershey’s Dark. Trader Joes has an organic one and I love Nativas Naturals raw cocao.

  17. Sorry, I have two questions. Should I only be using whole milk when following the real food guidelines. Also, what about whey protein powders?

  18. I have switched to plain yogurt and plain Greek yogurt, but am really struggling. I made the granola and added that to my yogurt plus honey, but I needed to add so much honey to make it palatable, I probably blew any health benefits of the plain yogurt out of the water!!!

  19. what to do if you are gluten free? i cannot find good bread, crackers, waffles etc that follow the “rules”. any thoughts?

  20. Hi there! Ok, I need healthy beverage options. We do not drink soda but the kids typically prefer juice/tea when at home. It is hard to get all of us to drink water, however, I am working on this. The kids have to drink water when at home unless having a meal. My question is what is a good(if any) natural, no sugar juice or tea brand that would be not so bad. What do your kids drink??

    1. Why not brew your own tea? You can control how much sugar, if any, you put in it. 1/2 cup of sugar in a gallon of tea works out to about 9 grams of sugar per 12 oz (tall glass) serving. Tea, coffee, fruits, veggies, oatmeal, yogurt, soup all count toward your daily water goal too. You don’t have to drink plain water either, try adding some frozen raspberries to a pitcher of water and place it in the fridge.

      1. I like to put a few drops of lemon essential oil in my water, it makes it taste so good and has wonderful health benefits (like kicking sugar cravings!)

    2. I really used to struggle with this. I put 1 herbal tea bag in a full pitcher of water and toss it in the fridge. It gives it just enough flavor. I’ll usually even refill the pitcher once with the same bag. And I never sweeten it. Depending on what type of tea you use, the flavor can be very similar to juice. Doing this made me kick my serious Dr. Pepper habit to the curb.

    3. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      …or just add a squeeze of lemon to lime to water. It makes a huge difference. We do a lot of sparkling water with just a tiny splash of an organic 100% juice like pomegranate or cranberry.

  21. Does your simple chocolate sauce recipe harden if cooled? Thinking of dipping pretzels in it for Valentine treats…Thanks!

    1. If you melt together coconut oil and chocolate, you get a sauce that hardens as it cools and is great for dipped foods :). We use it as “magic shell” for ice cream and to make chocolate covered strawberries :)

  22. Courtney Geisendorff

    Hi! I wondering what your thoughts are on haircare, makeup, lotions etc…. I have been reading about all the dangerous ingredients that I’m allowing my children and I to put on our bodies. Do you have any suggestions for healthier options? Thanks!

  23. I was wondering if you could help. I have celiac disease so I can not eat whole wheat flour. What would you recommend in its place.
    Thank you!

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Samantha. Most grocery stores have Ezekial bread available in the frozen section. This sprouted wheat bread is a really good option. ~Amy

  24. Hello! I have loved reading 100 Days of Real Food. I have recommended it to many family and friends! I do have a question on Almond milk. Would this be considered a real food or would this be a highly processed food that I should be avoiding? Thanks!

  25. I have a few questions. First off I am completely intrigued and happily planning our transition to real foods, however my youngest son has mild autism, mostly sensory related and from this he is basically a vegetarian that will NOT eat vegetables, only dairy, yogurt, cheeses, fruits, almost any carbs but no nut butters. This makes any real diet changes very difficult. I can’t even sneak in protein substitutes. I do however purchase the most organic and natural products I can for him and our family. My question is for school lunches…..I send him with and individual organic milk products, water or fruit drinks, which we are eliminating, but its his treat so I was wondering what other products you may send for beverages? Second, as far as orange juices, which product do you recommend? Third, your thoughts on organic pure cane sugar? Any thoughts are helpful!! Thanks

    1. Billie your son sounds just like mine a 4 years ago. After doing some research I found out that the cravings for carbs and dairy are related to the autism. There is a chemical reaction in them that causes the foods to act like and opiate and are addicting in much the same way. The book I read (wish I could remember the title) said that there was a 50/50 chance it would help. We eliminated dairy cold turkey since it seemed easier and later the gluten but we didn’t see as big a difference and added it back in.
      After the first 3-4 awful days of withdraw and not wanting to eat much (we let him eat anything else he wanted besides dairy and sweets), things turned around in two ways. First my sons behaviors became less frequently and not as strong. One morning he just woke up a different person and his siblings wondered if he was an alien. And Second he was eating almost the same whole foods as the rest of the family. Now we can tell when he has been having to much dairy because his behaviors change. My oldest son actually makes jokes about finding mozzarella in his room instead of drugs the change is so great. I did use the book “Deceptively Delicious” by Jessica Seinfeld to hid more veggies and proteins in foods that I knew he would eat. Who knew that kids will eat spinach in brownies. My son is now in High School and in the main stream classroom he is doing well in most ways. I would recommend trying this on your son because a 50/50 shot is worth the effort if you can help him in any way. I know it was for me.

    2. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Billie. Lisa really only sends water in the girl’s lunches. The same is true for my kids, though sparkling water with a splash of juice is very common in our home (not in lunch boxes). If you do not want to fresh squeeze your OJ, then be sure to find an organic version. As far as organic cane sugar goes, Lisa really only uses honey and maple syrup as sweeteners. You will find refined sugar in just a couple of her recipes but as rule, avoids it in general.

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Samantha. Food For Life Ezekial is a good brand. Dave’s Killer Bread and Alvarado Street Bakery are a couple others.

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Kimberly. “Real Pickles” is a good brand if you happen to live in the Northeast US. Best advise is to look for an organic brand without additives.

  26. I have a question regarding food labels. In looking at my favourite cereal the ingredients are listed: Toasted Wheat Flakes (Wholegrain Wheat, sugar, barley Malt syrup), Wholegrain Oat Flakes, Wholegrain Barley Flakes, Chopped dates, Raisins, Chopped Brazil Nuts, Cashew Nut pieces, almonds, Sunflower seeds, Roasted Hazelnuts, Pumpkin seeds.
    No GMO’s, no artificial colours, no artificial flavours. With the sugar and barley malt syrup being listed in brackets – I am hoping this means that there isn’t very much but is there anyway of knowing? I realize that there are a great deal more than 5 ingredients but with the exception of the 2 mentioned – they all look pretty good. Thoughts?

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Sarah. The ingredients in the parenthesis show the ingredients in the wheat flakes. You will have to look at the nutrition label to see how much sugar added. Other than the question of sugar, I would not worry about the number of ingredients if they are all whole foods.

  27. Hi Lisa,

    I’m located just a bit north of you in NC and I’ve been checking out your blog and various recipes for over a year now. I really like and support the ideas behind your philosophy shared website – however, I NEED your help!!! I have recently worked EXTREMELY hard over the last 6 months to lose over 40 pounds. I have done this simply by counting calories (paying no attention to carbs, fats, or sugars) and exercising 2-3 times a week (walking/jogging/light weight training). I would love to slowly make the shift to real food – but I am so extremely anxious and nervous to do this. For example, I was checking out your “Granola Cereal” recipe – and based on your ingredients and assuming it serves about 12 – that is 378 calories per serving… not including some whole milk or berries. I usually stay UNDER 300 calories total for breakfast and 1200 calories total for the day (unless I exercise – then I add those calories to my daily total).

    Can you help me match both this “Real Food” approach with my low calorie eating to continue my weight loss efforts??


    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Manda. Congratulations on how far you’ve come! We really don’t give weight-loss advice specifically but I do think these posts will help: and

      As a health coach, I will say that 1200 calories a day is not a lot of calories for an active person. Too few calories can zap your energy and sabotage your metabolism. Focusing instead on the quality of the food you are eating, its nutrient density, as well as its glycemic load is a good strategy for lasting weight-loss. :)

  28. Hi! I have a question. I can everything from my garden. I almost always calls for sugar . How do I get around that ? Can I sub? It is ok since Im canning it ?

  29. hi I started this about a week ago its a little hard but I think I can do this my husband has started reading everything in the store and putting it back so what about bobs red mill unbromated unbleached white flour ,hope it good.i made bread with it really good . so I am hoping its good what do you think oh also well this way of eating help with weight loss

    1. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

      Hi Rhonda. No, that is a refined flour. Look for Bob’s Red Mill 100% Whole Wheat or 100% white whole wheat. Many people switching to real food do find that they loose weight but it is not really our focus. ;)

  30. Amy Taylor (comment moderator)

    Hi Nancy. I totally get where you are coming from because I’ve been there. You do not have to strive for perfection right off the bat. Take small steps introducing your kids to things you are pretty sure will go over well….and then get a little more daring. One way to go about it is to do the mini pledges and let them build on eachother: and Keep in mind that you are in charge but it does help to include them in some decision making. Maybe you could go through the cookbook together and pick out the recipes that look most promising. Just don’t give up. It is important and even baby steps move you forward. :)