Psychologs Magazine


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Psychologs is a magazine that aims to provide insightful and informative articles on various aspects of Mental Health and Psychology. The magazine is designed to appeal to both professionals in the field of psychology as well as the general public who are interested in understanding human behavior and Psychological Issues.

Life Style

The Psychology of Discipline

You may have encountered some army official, who usually brags about their life, how punctual and disciplined they are, and

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The Psychology Behind Hard Work

Hard work can be said to be the act of consistent, devotional, and persistent effort in accomplishing tasks. Hard work

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Life Style

10 Signs of Intelligent People, According to Psychology

“Intelligence, far beyond the confines of traditional IQ assessments, embodies a multifaceted tapestry of abilities that extend beyond mere cognitive

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Self Help

10 Best Books to Read For Self-Development in 2024

Books are a man’s best friend. We all have read at least one fiction and one non-fiction book in our

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Parenting Social

Academic Pressure and Its Effect on The Mental Health of Students

Are you a pupil? What has your academic life been like so far? Do you feel burdened by academic pressure? There

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Editor's Choice Education

The Psychology of Accelerated Learning: How to Learn Faster and Retain More

The capacity to learn quickly and remember knowledge is a useful quality in the fast-paced society of these days. Learning

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10 Ways to Build Self-Confidence

Not every person has a natural sense of confidence in themselves from birth. It might be challenging at times to

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The Psychology Behind Success

What is true “success” or “happiness” is a subjective term and can vary greatly from person to person. What constitutes

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The Psychology of Self-Perception

Self-perception, as defined by the American Psychological Association, is a psychological concept that involves a person’s view of their or

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The Psychology Behind Prodigies and Child Geniuses

Prodigies: Children with exceptional talent in a particular area. According to psychology study literature, a child prodigy is a person

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