Healthy Whole-Wheat Crepes Recipe

42 Reviews / 5 Average
I've modified my grandmother's original crepe recipe to include whole-wheat flour and honey instead of sugar, and they are just as delicious! Enjoy these for breakfast, dinner, or dessert depending on what filling you choose—sweet or savory.
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whole wheat crepes for breakfast with blueberries on plate

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I must give my 86-year-old Grandmother all of the credit for this crepe recipe. This is her signature breakfast dish that she is kind enough to make for our entire family (all 25 of us) each time we get together.

Our family has gotten so big that in recent years she got smart and started working on making our crepes weeks in advance. So she now brings big frozen pre-made batches of this delectable dish to satisfy everyone’s cravings, which means she can spend less time in the kitchen and more time playing with all of her great-grandkids! Enjoy these crepes for breakfast, or freeze them to enjoy at lunch.

Why Is This a Healthy Crepe Recipe?

All I did to make this a healthier choice was to slightly modify my grandma’s recipe to include whole-wheat flour and honey instead of sugar. I am thrilled to say that those minor changes barely changed the consistency of the batter, and the end product still tastes delicious!

Enjoy Whole Wheat Crepes for Breakfast or Dessert

This is by far my oldest daughter’s most favorite breakfast, and just the four of us will devour an entire batch. So if you want to impress your guests with this dish you may want to double the recipe (and once you get really good you could try to have two pans going at once). While I grew up eating these crepes for breakfast (there is only a tablespoon of sweetener in the whole batch), I think they are just as fabulous as a dessert, too.

If you want to serve them for an after dinner treat, try rolling them up with strawberries and whipped cream inside and top them with chocolate sauce. Alternately, you could put baked apples (seasoned with butter, honey and cinnamon) inside too. We suggest making a crepe desserts spread with different ingredients for family and guests to build their own! The possibilities are endless!

How to Cook Crepes for Breakfast or Dessert

I am not going to lie and say this recipe is “easy” like most of the others I have posted. Making good crepes does take time and practice, but I assure you that it will be worth the effort if you just have a little bit of patience until you get it right.

Be prepared to mangle a few if it’s your first time making them—my daughters and husband gobble up these “happy accidents,” ha ha! Once you’ve mixed your ingredients (and let stand for 15 minutes), here is the actual process of cooking the crepes. Good luck, and enjoy!

Pouring whole wheat crepe batter into a frying pan
1. Melt and swirl the butter, then pour in just enough batter on one side to cover the pan in a thin layer
Swirling whole wheat crepe batter in a frying pan to create a thin layer
2. Swirl the batter into one thin layer
Pushing down the edges of whole wheat crepe batter in a frying pan
3. Push down the thin edges around the perimeter
Flipping whole wheat crepes in a frying pan
4. After 1 minute (and once golden brown on the bottom) carefully flip over without tearing
Rolling up whole wheat crepes after cooking
5. Fry for 1 more minute on the other side (until golden brown as well) and then roll up

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230 thoughts on “Healthy Whole-Wheat Crepes Recipe”

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Recipe Rating

  1. 5 stars
    When I saw your note about a couple changed ingredients I thought, I knew Grandma didn’t use whole wheat!
    Thank you for helping make breakfast both delicious and healthy. This recipe made my day—came out perfect!

    1. 100 Days Admin

      Hi Faith, we have not yet tried to adapt different flours in this recipe yet. We’ve heard from other readers that they have successfully made them with gluten-free flours. It might just take a bit of practice. – Nicole

      1. 5 stars
        I made these a few weeks ago when short on groceries and there was no fruit left for afternoon snacks. I had no problem with the crepes sticking or breaking. I gave some to my husband while he worked and later asked him how they were and he said they were very tasty. We had them with maple syrup. Will continue to use this recipe for healthier crepes! Thank you!

      2. 5 stars
        These were perfect! My daughter wanted to make crepes and I wanted a healthier option!. She filled hers with sweet and I went savory!