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Exercise and Mental Health

As we know, exercise is good for physical health, such as improving our metabolic rate, preventing us from suffering from.

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Addiction Reconceptualized

Addiction refers to the continual use of drugs (e.g., alcohol or opiates) or engagement in specific behaviours (e.g., gambling or.

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Awareness Education

Suicide Through the Eyes of a College Student

Suicide is not a common phenomenon, although it is highly traumatic for those left behind. The World Health Organization (WHO,.

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Positive Self Help

The Inside Out Film: Psychological Analysis

The premise of the 2015 film Inside Out is based on a girl named Riley whose father is unable to.

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Awareness Positive

What Made Self-Objectification A Common Part Of Womanhood

When an individual believes in outer appearance more than that of seeing herself as an individual, it’s self-objectification. People often.

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