Psychologs Parenting
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The Weight of Expectations: How Family Pressure Can Lead to Stress

In our whole life, starting from adulthood, we have come across various external factors that shape our life experiences. Factors

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The Importance of Discipline in Children

Parenting is a tough job that every parent has to go through while raising their children. Parenting deeply affects a

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Enmeshment Trauma: Being Too Good Can Also Be a Bad Thing

A functioning family will have strong familial relationships. A good family dynamic often has shared ideals and perspectives. However, having

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How Parental Well-Being is Important for Healthy Family Relations

Parenting is indeed one of the most rewarding experiences of life, but it also comes with tons of challenges and

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How to Handle Children’s Dictatorial Demands

Parents of highly sensitive children (HSCs), children who process their experiences in the world more deeply, report that their children

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11 Effective Methods to Teach Children Good Habits

“Through others we become ourselves” Lev Vygotsky Lev Vygotsky was a psychologist known for his theories on child development. This

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Helicopter Parenting: Impact on Kids’ Independence and Self-Esteem

The term “helicopter parenting” has recently emerged as one of the popular “labels” for a particular style of child-rearing. It

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Father’s Mental Health Can Impact on Preterm Birth

We always tend to associate preterm birth with the health of the mother but recently researchers have thrown light on

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Mom Guilt and Strategies to Overcome It

Which is the best style of parenting? Do you have an answer? There is no such thing as the best

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Awareness Parenting

Why Blue is assigned to boys and Pink to girls?

Colours are such an integral part of human life that different colours have been seen to be associated with different

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