8 Real Food Snacks in My Suitcase This Summer

We started our summer off with a BIG family trip to the other side of the world. I love to travel and am excited to share more on that (including a recipe inspired by our time in Asia) in an upcoming post, but today I thought it’d be fun to share which travel snacks I brought along with me in my suitcase! I started prepping for this trip months in advance and one important item was to have a variety of snacks that are both filling and don’t take up a lot of room (and are REAL FOOD, of course!). While I love popcorn and fresh fruit, bulky and perishable items like those obviously didn’t make the cut.

8 Real Food Snacks in my Suitcase this Summer on 100 Days of Real Food

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I was also looking for variety here. I’ve definitely been on trips before where my stomach is not feeling all that great and the thought of eating yet another of the exact same bar would have put me over the edge. I mean really…how many of the same brand/flavor bar can you really eat in a row before getting tired of them?

So, not sponsored, just what I really brought along for all of us…here is my carefully curated list!

What Real Food Snacks are in my Suitcase this Summer on 100 Days of Real Food

8 Real Food Snacks in my Suitcase this Summer

    These have been a longtime favorite of ours and I got a pack of the minis (online) to throw in my travel bag this year. Most of these went in my snack bag and my 11-year-old’s bag.
  2. Health Warrior Bars
    These are newer on the scene, but as I mentioned my daughter (the 13-year-old, especially) has been loving them, and they quickly became her bar of choice. And she even has braces! My husband is a big fan too, so I really stocked up on these for their bags and put a couple in mine as well.
  3. Justin’s Vanilla Nut Butter
    Disclaimer: These are not all the way real…they have some added sugar! But I have to blame thank Carrie Vitt for introducing us to these because they are SOO good. I only buy them for trips, and it’s hard not to eat them all on the first day because they seriously taste like a cookie. I never thought about eating nut butter by itself (without an apple or banana to go with it) until I got this tip from Carrie. :)
  4. RX Nut Butters
    After being turned on to nut butter as a snack (by itself – see #3 above) we were excited to try these new ones from RX. My kids love these so much, I had to hide them before we left so those little rascals wouldn’t eat them all before our trip!
  5. Eden Pumpkin Seeds
    I mentioned these in a recent store bought snack post and they were most definitely on my mind because of our trip!
  6. Homemade Trail Mix
    Okay, so I threw a little 85% dark chocolate in there—also not technically real food—but pretty low in sugar content when you consider the options. I also mixed in a variety of roasted and salted nuts. A great combo for an after dinner snack!
  7. Paleo Valley Meat Sticks
    I am so glad Paleo Valley sent me some of their meat sticks to try because I honestly didn’t think I liked meat sticks until I had their Summer Sausage flavor. So good, and the right size too if you don’t want to overcommit in this department.
  8. Nick’s Sticks
    I mainly bought these for my husband and kids because (as I mentioned in #7) I am not a huge regular meat stick person myself, but I do recognize how convenient these are. Hard to beat as far as the small, portable, and filling criteria goes! PS- Try these out for yourself and get 25% off of your order with code RF2018!
  • Bonus: Handzies Wipes!
    I love these for travel and when you just need a wipe. Trust me if you use a dirty public restroom with no sink in Tokyo or your kids decide to let pigeons land on them in Venice you’ll definitely want one of these over a couple squirts of spray. Plus it’s super convenient to put a few in each person’s snack bag so they don’t have to bug me for hand sanitizer every time they want a snack!

Do you have any real food travel snacks you’d add to this please? Please share them in the comments!

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29 thoughts on “8 Real Food Snacks in My Suitcase This Summer”

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  1. I feel like it’s hard enough to find good products with clean ingredients so I can’t also worry too much about who the parent company is – just my personal opinion!
    best blog i have seen till now, i liked it..

      1. At least Lara Bars have not succumb to adding natural flavors yet. I check ingredient list of all my real food staples every time I purchase because I know how big food market will eventually sneak junk in.

      2. I feel like it’s hard enough to find good products with clean ingredients so I can’t also worry too much about who the parent company is – just my personal opinion!

      3. I think knowing the company that makes our foods is very important especially since so many of the big companies use poor quality ingredients, like gmos to make profit.

    1. The Rx bars do include “Natural Flavors” so I feel like their packaging is a bit misleading. From what I’ve read “Natural Flavors” could be lots of things and is something to steer clear of if you can. Would love any input you have on that “ingredient”!

      1. There are many articles to research online about how natural flavors are made and the reasons to avoid them. One reason being that foods companies use natural flavors as a hidden way to add msgs to their products. If you are familiar with Vani Hari (aka Food Babe) she has a very good article on the dangers of natural flavors on her web site. Mrs. Leake has featured her on this web site so regular readers of this site are probably familiar with Food Babe.

  2. So cool that RX has nut butter! I looove their bars and this is such a great travel snack pack when I’m not in the mood for a bar.

  3. I love sunflower seeds, as they are a non-nut option that contain protein and fiber and are easy to pack!

  4. We did a trip to Disney this spring and I agree on the healthy snacks both for the plane and in the park. I highly reccomend Aldi for affordable snacks. They have knock off lara bars, Kind fruit and nut bars, fruit strips, trail mix (nuts and dried cranberries), and applesauce squeezes (packed in suitcase for park). From Trader Joe’s, I got savory plantain chips and a trail mix blend with raw nuts and dark chocolate as a treat. I normally make my own snacks and trail mixes, but it was worth paying for individually wrapped snacks for sheer convience. I also packed whole wheat pretzels and whole wheat crackers in ziplock bags.

  5. In a world where there are a lot of food allergies, do you have any nut free snack options?

    I too make my own trail mix, but leave out the nuts. Bars are tough because most contain peanuts or tree nuts. Same with any of the nut butters.

    Just wasn’t sure as I’ve been searching for healthier snack options for the kiddos.

      1. Normally I include: sprouted sunflower seeds, raisins (or craisins), Kix (or a cereal like that), chocolate chips (kind of a Monster type trail mix), I’ll do pretzels sometimes. Not the “wholest” of foods, but better then a lot of stuff out there.

      2. I agree – nut free trail mix is a great alternative! And the Health Warrior Bars are nut-free (although they may be produced in a factory with nuts, depending on your sensitivity level).

  6. Beef Sri is cannit be considered “real food”. They (and all processed red meat products) are also listed as a class I carcinogen by the WHO. Shameful k that the author characterized them as “healthful”.

    1. I am not sure what you mean by “Beef Sri” but the sticks mentioned are dye-free, nitrate-free, hormone-free, sugar-free, and antibiotic-free. Also, not something we eat every day.

  7. Any recommendations for snacks that don’t have any nuts? Peanut allergy in our house makes it hard to find new/fresh ideas for snacks!

    1. Raisins, and other dried fruit. (Aldi sells some fruit leather that are almost 100% fruit-no added sugar-and very yummy!) crackers, Cheerios, meat sticks, maybe some “real”-ish veggie chips- not totally real but a decent option. Rice cakes with some but butter alternative -like “don’t go nuts” cinnamon butter

      1. Yes, I second Aldi’s fruit leather. Delicious and pretty healthy considering they are a packaged snack. Thanks for the great tips!

  8. Claire Burkhart

    Flying with six kids cross country this week and this is what we’re bringing: Fruit squeezers (Organic Mash-Ups) because we have to have some fruit! I am traveling with a baby/young toddler, so hopefully these will be allowed through security. Bagged popcorn (light weight, but bulky). Lara Bars. Crackers. Homemade mini muffins. And some sugar-free gum!

  9. My go to travel snacks are nuts and trail mix.

    I would caution everyone traveling abroad to check the intended country for banned items. ie neither dairy or meat allowed into Scotland from Canada (eliminating cheese strings/sticks or meat sticks). Fruits and vegetables are often closely monitored and on an ever-changing list. I’ll bring cheese sticks to the US but meats have been banned for so long that it has never even occurred to me to bring meat sticks–something my husband would love!