relationships Archives | Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine India's first Mental Health Magazine Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:40:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 relationships Archives | Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine 32 32 Why are Human Beings called Social Animals? Sun, 22 Oct 2023 04:30:00 +0000 Humans are social animals that cannot live in isolation or loneliness. They rely on each other to meet their requirements. They rely on one other to share their thoughts and feelings. It is not intended for humans to dwell in alone. “Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and […]

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Humans are social animals that cannot live in isolation or loneliness. They rely on each other to meet their requirements. They rely on one other to share their thoughts and feelings. It is not intended for humans to dwell in alone. “Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not by accident is either beneath our notice or more than human,” remarked the renowned Greek philosopher. He mentioned this since people live in groupings, whether they are bigger than a city or country or smaller like a family.

Social Animals

This phrase is used to emphasize how social group formation and interpersonal relationships are fundamental to human nature. People are social animals that rely on one another, create complex social structures, and interact with others. Our social nature, which has been crucial to our evolution, the development of our communities, and our ability to adapt to and thrive in a wide range of conditions, is one trait that distinguishes us from other animals. They live in compact societies and have a natural tendency and capacity to form social bonds.


Human existence is fundamentally social, and this social nature can be understood through a number of important traits:

Because we have mirror neurons in common and are social creatures, humans can instantly and subconsciously match one other’s emotions. We share feelings with one another. When we are sympathetic or in accord with one another—when we are on the same side—we anticipate and mimic each other’s actions. And when we do both sides of the communication puzzle—telling stories and listening—we can mimic each other’s brain activity. The way most people think about communications is directly at odds with this understanding of the human condition.

The previous model had feedback, noise, a sender, a message, and a receiver. It is far too simplistic and mechanical to fully convey the true nature of the situation. The communal aspect of communications is absent. It’s erroneous to believe that most people prefer the isolated existence that so much of modern life forces upon us; instead, we seek to attain this level of human communion.

Connected, sharing intense feelings and anecdotes, and being guided by a powerful, charismatic leader who keeps us secure and together is when we feel most at ease. Of course, there is a negative aspect to that. Bad things can happen when a leader lacks integrity or is unprincipled. That’s scarcely news, though. Any brief survey of any era in human history will reveal this tragic reality.

Let’s Talk About whether is it Good or not to be Social

A hive mind characterizes true social creatures. There’s no need for leaders. Thus, they learn to deal with difficult situations by cooperating and being socially engaged. When humans were hunter-gatherers, they were sociable creatures. Because they had to hunt and gather their daily needs in groups, their chances of surviving were higher.

We are not social animals, though, especially in the 21st century and after the agricultural revolution. It’s quite acceptable to be misanthropic and to dislike people in general. We have emergency assistance available today. We have home delivery services that can supply us with food and other essentials in an emergency. To pass the time, we have Netflix and other services. That being said, one may theoretically survive without any personal or in-person human interaction.

What can be the reasons Behind a Human Being a Social Animal:

  1. Complexity: As we all know every individual has a different and complex personality and the reason behind this is their friends, families, communities, societies etc.
  2. Communication: Behaving in a way and words sometimes do not match an individual. Communication is a process that ties an individual with another.
  3. Emotional Ties: People love to have emotional ties with others through social media or meeting or catching up with friends to have emotional stability and build healthy emotional bonds.
  4. Mutual Reliance: Individuals are connected with one another so they can help if someone is in need and can get help if they are in trouble.
  5. Modelling: It is a process through which an individual is involved in social learning which means he/she learns from others in the societies or friends or peers.
  6. Collaboration: This characteristic shows that individuals work in groups or help someone get their work done with their own skills and abilities.


The reason that humans are called “social animals” is that, at our core, we are a social species that needs social relationships, cooperation, and communication to exist and thrive. human complex social system, which has been vital to human evolution and survival, is one feature that distinguishes us from other animals.

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What is Blind Trust? Let’s Understand its Role in Our Lives Thu, 10 Aug 2023 09:07:02 +0000 Trust is one of the building blocks of society. It is the most ordinary thing that exists to carry out the interpersonal relationship, trade, business, medical and legal interactions. Without trust, no interaction or work is possible between human beings. Blind trust can allow us to deal with things easily, but it could break our […]

The post What is Blind Trust? Let’s Understand its Role in Our Lives appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

Trust is one of the building blocks of society. It is the most ordinary thing that exists to carry out the interpersonal relationship, trade, business, medical and legal interactions. Without trust, no interaction or work is possible between human beings. Blind trust can allow us to deal with things easily, but it could break our confidence and mental peace in life on so many levels.

It is a core aspect of human relationships which binds us together like glue. Whether in terms of personal connection, professional level, or at the level of society trust is a belief that makes anything reliable alongside honesty where build the basic connections in everyday life.
But what happens when there is trust in the name of blind faith?

Defining Blind Trust

Blind trust means when someone completely has faith or completely trusts someone or something without a doubt or question. It is like walking into a bridge without knowing whether it is strong enough to hold us. In personal relationships, blind trust could mean believing a person’s words or intentions without hesitation. Even if there is a chance that someone could be not truthful we chose to ignore it. In terms of society, trust means ideas, rules, beliefs, and systems that we accept without questioning their authenticity.

Why Blind Trust is appealing?

We all must have gone through an incident at some point in our life where we start questioning the reality of this world and the people around us. It must have occurred because something or someone’s actions made us rethink the question of trust or blind trust we used to have has now changed.

Trusting others blindly can be easy because it makes our life simpler without thinking. It could make do things without worrying about what is going to happen in life. It makes us feel safe and secure that someone has our back, or they care with whom we could share every sing detail of our lives. And, it is similar to walking with our eyes closed and trying to reach somewhere on our own.

Exploring the Cost of Blind Trust:

The path of putting blind trust is not free of obstacles and its effects can be huge on a person’s emotional and mental well-being.

1. Emotional Vulnerability:

Trusting others blindly can make emotionally vulnerable to them. It means sharing all our feelings with others out of trust could leave us feeling misused or betrayed in the name of truth. Blind faith could lead to developing negative emotions in people such as anger, guilt regret, and disappointment. All these negative emotions could impact our well-being like a wound.

2. Ignoring visible cues:

Trusting someone blindly can makes us ignore things that are not right. To the extent, if trusting the other person we chose to ignore to look at the clear warning signs visible to our eye. In the case of a relationship, managing a business and ignoring small things can make us make the wrong decisions, and in we could end up blaming ourselves for our actions.

3. Reduced control of one’s life:

Depending entirely on somebody else for our well-being might not be a good option. It can reduce our self-esteem and self-respect and make us dependent on other emotional acceptance. It is important that we are the master of our lives and emotions and cannot let others or depend on others to make choices for us.

4. Lack of Growth:

Blind trust could cause us to emotionally withdraw ourselves from work, relationships, and everyday activities. We feel so down in life that it stops us from growing in life and being productive.

Balancing between Trust and Growth

To maintain personal and professional relationships, trust is important for human growth and harmony. Therefore, to maintain our well overall well-being we need to balance trust our growth, and empowerment. Having a strong sense of self-awareness is necessary for thinking rationally about things.

1) Be a Critical Thinker:

    One should develop our mind in such a way so we could evaluate the situation, people, and ideas critically. Even though there exists a tiny amount of doubt one should always ask questions and ask for proof or evidence.

    2) Set, Clear Boundaries:

      There is no relationship, be it personal or professional that could build without trust, Trust is the key to a healthy relationship. In relationships, it is necessary to form boundaries that ensure that trust is there from both sides. Creating boundaries would allow us to be consistent with our actions and allow us to reflect on our thinking and behavior and how it could affect others around us. Effective communication is important in every relationship so that trust can be built.

      3) Have trust in yourself:

      In building trust in someone, it is important to trust yourself and your instinct. Your values and beliefs are important for making the right decision in life which ensures that you are in charge in your life.

      4) Open Communication:

      Communication allows us to share our feelings, and our ideas with other people. In building trust, communication matters a lot, it helps us to clear our doubts on concerns about something. It ensures that everything is clear without a doubt.

      Trust is a significant essence of life in maintaining relationships with others and society. Whether forming relationships, friendships, or business trust is the building block of a society. However, Trust is crucial in interaction and it is important to avoid trusting others blindly. It is good to be confident and generous about your feelings balancing between reality and minding our emotions is necessary. Thinking wisely before trusting others helps us make good and right decisions according to the situations and helps build meaningful relations with others. Life is a complex sphere and it’s important to adopt measures and mentality that combine the power or trust and growth as an individual.

      The post What is Blind Trust? Let’s Understand its Role in Our Lives appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

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      Importance of Male Best Friend in Life Mon, 27 Nov 2023 13:20:04 +0000 Friendships are the most cherished part of human life. Having friends is important and essential it makes one feel loved, and heard and enjoy every bit of life. It is said that someone who has genuine, caretaking, and loved friends are the ones who are the happiest and most positive beings. Friends are of two […]

      The post Importance of Male Best Friend in Life appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

      Friendships are the most cherished part of human life. Having friends is important and essential it makes one feel loved, and heard and enjoy every bit of life. It is said that someone who has genuine, caretaking, and loved friends are the ones who are the happiest and most positive beings. Friends are of two types of male and female friendships both are equally important and provide a platform for expressing thoughts and emotions. But having a male best friend and their importance in one’s life is something special.

      Trust, Support, And Guidance

      They are the ones who are trustworthy, will keep your secrets safe for years, and will provide care and comfort when needed. These beings who would be double happy in your success will support you in everything you do and are the best guiding persons. Having a male best friend is important and essential both as they are the ones who will give practical solutions to anything they will say what is right and what is wrong in instance without thinking because they want the best for their friend’s life. This article explores the importance of male best friends in life and how male best friends are different from female best friends.

      Male best friend and Their Significance

      Male best friends bring a multitude of benefits in one’s life. Some of the reasons why male friendships are valuable are:

      Different Perspective and Safe space for honesty and openness:

      As perspectives hold an important part in a person’s life similar to having a male best friend’s perspective is important as they see the world more in a practical way and thus provide valuable insights to live a better life. Male friendship allows one to see things in the male sense as female friendship provides things on the female side. Male best friends are those individuals who provide space and listens to others’ perspective without being judgemental. Males don’t often question the habits of one person and make them feel open towards their ideas and provide a free space to be open and they are the ones who listen to your ideas and thoughts more deeply and in full concentration.

      Also Read: 7 Signs That Friendship Might be Crossing Boundaries

      Companionship without expectations and Emotional support:

      As the friendship grows stronger and deeper there is a sense that they might offer a romantic expectation that may disrupt a happy bond. But some friendships offer a line between the friendships. That may not develop into romantic relationships. Males are those individuals who are the best secret keepers. They are highly trustworthy and see the world from a practical viewpoint. And it is important for the males who are not able to share their feelings so easily, they keep their thoughts inside themselves and often feel isolated and lonely.

      Celebrating joy and achievements and Lifelong friendship:

      The male friendships are the ones that are not on a jealous side. They show genuine joy when they find their friends succeeding in life. They provide support during challenging times, which provides the strength and resilience to overcome challenges and, the happiest ones in the success of their friends. Male best friends are often lifelong friendships that stay for a lifetime. These lifelong friendships provide many memories that are cherished for a lifetime and many moments that are happy and full of laughter.

      Also Read: The Psychology Behind Long-Lasting Friendships

      How are male friends different from female friends?

      Male friendships and female friendships can be both enriching and fulfilling, but they have different dynamics and expressions:

      Communication Style, emotional Expression, and Social Expectation:

      Male friends are more direct-oriented and action-oriented in their communication, instead of crying over a situation they force you to solve problems and always give practical advice for every situation. On the other hand, female best friends are more like an emotion-sharing partners and process every bit of your every bit of information and drive out understanding and empathy from it. Male friends express their emotions through shared activities, physical gestures, and humor, and often control their emotions, but on the other hand, female friends feel emotionally comfortable by expressing their emotions verbally and by giving validations. They provide good emotional support in comparison to male best friends.

      Male friends, create a safe space and often have the expectation of masculinity and suppress their thoughts and feelings, but on the other hand female friends are expected to show supportive behavior verbally and emotionally.

      Also Read: 10 Signs of Having a True Friendship

      Fostering male friendship

      It is good to have a friend with everyone irrespective of their gender. But the question arises of how one can foster friendship with a boy. It requires bidirectional (two-way) efforts to build a stronger relationship. But here are some tips that make it easy to cultivate a meaningful male friendship:

      Be an active listener, reliable, and trustworthy:

      It is very important in a friendship that you listen to every bit of information provided by your friend. It shows that you are genuinely interested in your friend’s life, thoughts, and feelings. Actively listening to them makes them feel like you are valuing their perspective and are there for them in every adverse situation. Try to become a trustworthy friend on which they can count. Help them out with their hard days or times. If you promise something to them, try to keep your promise. Remember that trust is the basis or the foundation of s strong bond.

      Engage in shared activities and Be respectful of the differences:

      Find the activities that you both enjoy watching sports, pursuing hobbies, and playing games. This would help you to get to know each other well and shared experience will help you to make some long-lasting memories with them and strengthens the bond of friendship. Recognize and admire the unique qualities your friends have and the perspective your male best friend brings into your life. Respect everything in them and try not to change them, accept them how they are.

      Male friendships offer a unique and valuable complement to female friendships. By cultivating and cherishing these bonds, we enrich our lives with a diversity of perspectives, unwavering support, and enriching experiences. So, nurture your male friendships, and appreciate the special connection you share with your male best friend.

      The post Importance of Male Best Friend in Life appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

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      The Psychology behind Possessiveness Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:40:31 +0000 Being possessive about your things or relationships to some extent is good, but when it turns into jealousy or insecurity, then it can become the reason for ruining some healthy relationships in your life. The feeling of possessiveness is natural in human behavior and can be described as the desire to possess or control something […]

      The post The Psychology behind Possessiveness appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

      Being possessive about your things or relationships to some extent is good, but when it turns into jealousy or insecurity, then it can become the reason for ruining some healthy relationships in your life. The feeling of possessiveness is natural in human behavior and can be described as the desire to possess or control something or someone. This behavior is quite evident in our day-to-day life like in relationships; it could be the family ones or romantic ones. Jealousy, insecurity, clinginess, or controlling behaviors are some of the traits that have been shown when some are possessive. Many factors are behind this possessiveness like fear, or the need to control. Individuals are frequently anxious about losing the object of their affection or control and can show possessiveness towards it.

      While it is common to have possessiveness in relationships, occasionally the person can manage their associate, which may be poisonous to their relationship. Apart from the poor outcomes of possessiveness, it can additionally have fantastic results on relationships. Showing possessiveness may be a way of displaying love and attachment in the direction of another individual. Moreover, this trait can expand emotions of lack of confidence, and low self-esteem in a person, which harms the relationship and even breakups.

      Also Read: The Psychology Behind Arguments

      Attachment Theory and Possessiveness

      In our life, attachment patterns have a vast function. Our number one caregivers in the course of youth are chargeable for forming our attachment patterns. All this will become obvious in our adulthood. Anxious attachment is a sort of insecure attachment style. The characteristics of this style include a robust desire for independence and a sensitivity to being too near others. People who have a stressful attachment search for validation from their companions. Moreover, after they do not get the eye they need, then the feelings of jealousy and possessiveness come into the photograph. These behaviors can damage the whole relationship and may cause conflicts among the partners.

      Furthermore, the avoidant attachment is also some other steady attachment that individuals have. The hallmark of this fashion is a strong preference for autonomy and a worry of being too intimate with others. People with this attachment might also find it hard to hold intimacy with their partner and get insecure or jealous while their associate talks to others. Hence, they will control their partner to engage with.

      Also Read: Importance of Self-Respect in Relationships

      The root purpose of each of these attachments lies in our early childhood with the primary caregivers. The care and interest received from primary caregivers determines the formation of these attachment styles. Insecure attachment styles may additionally result from inconsistencies, reliability, or neglectful caregiving, as the kid may not have felt always loved and cared for. As a result, they feel the concern of abandonment and are unable to consider others.

      Low Self-Esteem And Possessiveness

      Our society has created a notion for all of us about having a romantic relationship, as having a relationship makes your life filled with success and love. A partner provides the feeling of validation and self-esteem. However, this is not always the reality. To maintain long-lasting relationships, individuals should not only be dependent on seeking external validation. Having a supportive partner assists you in building your self-worth and self-confidence.

      When you are dedicated to a person, then people try to offer a sense of preference and love to their partners. Having a partner can help to boost self-esteem, which may assist in removing personal insecurities and negative thoughts. The root motive of self-esteem is not addressed by way of this fleeting outside validation. However, it’s crucial to realize that actual and lasting self-esteem is something that we can’t be searching for externally and it comes from inside.

      That’s when therapy comes into the picture. Therapy can assist individuals build a strong sense of self-esteem, which enables them to enhance a strong feeling of self. Moreover, it ensures people recognize their thoughts and emotions in a nonjudgmental location. Therapy also makes people learn about their negative thoughts and ideals.

      Also Read: Red Flags in a Relationship: Ignore them at your risk

      Signs Of Healthy Vs. Unhealthy Possessiveness

      1) Healthy Possessiveness:

      Many of us think that showing possessiveness in relationships is dangerous or toxic however that is no longer the case usually. However, showing possessiveness sometimes can be a sign of affection and attachment closer to their partner. This kind of possessiveness is called healthy possessiveness. Healthy possessiveness in dating involves occasional feelings of jealousy and a desire to spend great time with a partner. Showing jealousy on occasion could be a sign that the person cares for their partners and cares about their relationships. It is crucial to know that healthful possessiveness does not include dominating or controlling their respective partners.

      Moreover, spending nice time with people you love allows you to maintain a good mental well-being. Couples may be effortlessly distracted with the aid of their busy schedules and overlook spending quality time with each other. Expressing a desire to strengthen the connection consists of feeling possessive and looking to spend time together. Quality time allows us to construct an emotional bond on a deeper stage and it additionally creates sweet memories with each other.

      2) Unhealthy Possessiveness

      On the opposite hand, unhealthy possessiveness is harmful and toxic to the relationships we share in our lives. This possessiveness can be harmful to relationships. Possessive people have a fear of losing their companion, and they will go to extreme lengths to make sure that everything is in their control. Unhealthy possessiveness can isolate the character from their companion or family. People can restrict their interaction with their loved ones. All this could cause feelings of loneliness and isolation.

      Also Read: Father of Psychoanalysis: A Deep Dive into the Life of Sigmund Freud

      Jealousy is another conduct someone with bad possessiveness shows. Constantly questioning, making fake accusations, and stalking their partners are numerous common behaviors shown using human beings. Moreover, controlling their companion to engage with others, and making all decisions for their partner are some of the behaviors people with unhealthy possessiveness show.


      The post The Psychology behind Possessiveness appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

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      The Importance of Dignity in Life Tue, 07 Nov 2023 14:20:00 +0000 Each one of us has listened to or got to know about the word ‘Dignity’ once in our life. This word weighs heavily and is of great importance. As the concept of humanity is a broad and multifaceted, idea that encompasses the qualities, nature, and characteristics of human beings. We all are aware of this […]

      The post The Importance of Dignity in Life appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

      Each one of us has listened to or got to know about the word ‘Dignity’ once in our life. This word weighs heavily and is of great importance. As the concept of humanity is a broad and multifaceted, idea that encompasses the qualities, nature, and characteristics of human beings. We all are aware of this term as it is used much in our workplace, home, and different areas of living. Every individual possesses some worth and respect and each one of them has the expectation of getting respected and recognized by society.

      Everything related to humans is considered important and the concept of dignity revolves around the human species. We have renowned human beings who are highly dignified in their respective fields and are well-known in the entire world. It is because the values they get as values and dignity are positively correlated the more positive values the more highly dignified is the individual.

      Dignity and Rights in India

      India is a country where the rights of every being is considered important and making sure to uphold these rights and providing them with the necessary benefits upholds one dignity. It is also termed as self-respect of an individual. Keeping the privacy of a person in the healthcare system will uphold their dignity as the practitioners and doctors are respecting their privacy. Similarly, the psychologist respects the dignity of their clients. The connection between law and dignity strikes many as socially and morally urgent. It is thus unsurprising that some serious historical connection already exists. As both equally is essential for a dignified life.
      The concept of dignity is often described as an elusive concept. Many philosophers have taken it upon themselves to articulate the exact meaning of dignity, and they have proposed several definitions and terms for it. Two notions of dignity seem to emerge, Dignity as respect for humanity and dignity as a respect for autonomy.

      Also Read: The Psychology Behind Self-Respect

      Dignity as respect for humanity:

      Immanuel Kant was the philosopher, who put dignity and respect for people as the central moral theory. Kant describes human dignity as a supreme value that all human possesses in the virtue of humanity. Dignity as respect for humanity includes treating everyone with kindness, compassion, and fairness regarding race, ethnicity, sexual orientation socio-economic, or any other factor. It is just recognising one’s inherent worth and value. For example, A doctor treats homeless kids with the same care he treats his wealthy patients. Another example of this can be a community member standing against harassment or disrespect.

      Dignity as a respect for autonomy:

      It is the strong notion between humanity and autonomy, that gave rise to the second important aspect of dignity and respect for autonomy. Dignity as the respect for autonomy means that an individual has the right to make their own choices and can control their life. It is about being able to live up one’s life with the value one owns even if someone disagrees or not. An example of dignity as a respect for autonomy can be the right to informed consent of medical care which means patients have all the rights to know what medical options and care they are having and what are the alternatives for this.

      In this case, doctors and nurses are required to treat their patients with utmost respect. In a relationship, both partners individually have the right to make their own decisions about their relationship, whether to have a child or to get married.

      Also Read: Can Disney Play a Major Role in Child Development?

      Important Aspects of Dignity

      1. Respect:

      Respect is an important aspect of dignity. Treating everyone with respect is considered an important ethical value. It means acknowledging their humanity, individuality, and unique qualities. It involves listening to their perspectives, listening to others’ opinions, and respecting their rights. As if a person is speaking, listening properly to their views will uphold his or her dignity. Even respect for older people or person with high respect will uphold their dignity and make them feel superior.

      2. Equality:

      Dignity is closely linked with the respect of equality. All individuals should be treated equally and they should be given choices. As a society sees equality as important minority groups might still have the feeling of discrimination. But equality is the key aspect to making a person feel dignified in society. The right to Equality is an essential right in the constitution of India and thus it weighs heavily on a person and society. Treating everyone equally and making them feel good about their genders can make one life a dignified life.

      3. Autonomy:

      As discussed earlier autonomy is the belief that everyone should make their own decisions about their own lives and respect their choices, even if the choices differ from others. It can be in the form of religious groups, one can have different beliefs about different religions, and that their opinions should be respected. It can also be in the form of choosing different identities. People’s choices matter in society and thus this makes one a dignified individual of society.

      Also Read: How Emotions Play an Important Role in Decision-Making

      4. Privacy:

      Privacy is another important aspect of dignity. If a person trusts you and tells you something it is important to keep their privacy. And keeping someone’s privacy makes an individual dignified as they tell with trust. For example, leaders in different prominent fields always keep their lives private. They keep their life to themselves only. The invasion in their privacy is considered a component that positively and negatively influences their dignity.

      5. Basic Needs:

      Basic needs are important for an individual to live and sustain on Mother Earth and having all these basic needs determine one’s dignity having proper food, and shelter makes one a dignified individual, and limitations to these basic needs can undermine one’s dignity. It can also be seen as the baseline of dignity as people do see the basic needs of individuals. It can also be basic human rights.

      Thus, dignity is an important aspect of human life. Having it makes one honorable and respectable in society. Making one feel dignified is the main aspect of living a good life. It’s a concept that underlies the idea that all individuals should be treated with decency, fairness, and without discrimination.

      Here are some interesting books to read about Dignity:

      The post The Importance of Dignity in Life appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

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      Self-Care vs. Selfishness: Understanding the Fine Line Mon, 21 Aug 2023 10:21:21 +0000 In this 21st-century modern world, everything is fast-paced. From jobs, healthcare, and lifestyle education everything are demanding. So taking care of yourself has become more important than ever. There is a fine line between self-care and overindulgence as both self-care and selfishness is required to focus on our well-being. The intention of being selfish and […]

      The post Self-Care vs. Selfishness: Understanding the Fine Line appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

      In this 21st-century modern world, everything is fast-paced. From jobs, healthcare, and lifestyle education everything are demanding. So taking care of yourself has become more important than ever. There is a fine line between self-care and overindulgence as both self-care and selfishness is required to focus on our well-being. The intention of being selfish and caring about your needs is different. One must know how our actions and behavior impact other people’s feelings.


      It is an activity we do to maintain our own well-being. It is important to care ourselves and about physical and mental well-being while we care for our loved ones and others. Self-care allows us to clear our minds, make our bodies active and our souls nourished so we can be better human beings for ourselves and others around us.

      Nurturing and caring for our mental, physical, and emotional well-being is the key aspect of self-care. It ensures that we are taking care of our body, mind, and soul while engaging in our everyday activities and lifestyle.

      Understanding Selfishness

      Selfishness, on the other hand, is completely different from self-care. It is an attitude and behavior which is done to fulfill our own needs without even considering others. When someone is selfish they only care about their personal needs and desire and think that their needs are above others and not important as theirs. The tendency to think about oneself only. It’s a behavior that is focused on oneself only and completely not caring about others’ needs and wishes. A selfish person tends to work for their benefit and personal gain.

      Self-care is very important for our overall well-being. It helps us manage our physical, emotional, and mental peace and well-being in life where every other person is struggling with their mental battle. It is very necessary to engage in self-care activities to deal with tough situations in life so that we can regulate our emotions well. However, if a person is only focused on working on their person’s desires and benefits, then it means they think about themselves only and do not care how it affects others, that’s called an act of selfishness.

      Differentiating Self-Care from Selfishness
      1. Intention matters:

      There is a difference between self-care and selfishness which lies behind the intention. The intent behind our behavior matters a lot determining whether we care about our needs or others as well. Self-care is focused on caring for personal goodness to maintain our well being that we can care about our loved ones also. Selfishness is the act we do for our gain only without caring about others’ health and welfare.

      2. The balance between self-care and selfishness:

      Through self-care, we ensure that our well-being is necessary alongside fulfilling other people’s needs as well. It promotes caring for oneself and receiving care and support in return. Selfishness however is based on overindulgence in itself that causes us to care about ourselves only. There should exist a balance between those two.

      3. Power of Empathy:

        Empathy is the ability to share the emotions of other people without experiencing them. It is the power of empathy that allows us to be better human beings for ourselves and others and that promotes compassion, love, and support for each other. Selfishness is the lack of empathy that makes us blind to the need and care for others resulting in developing negative emotions.

        4. Effects on Relationships:

        With better self-care, we can maintain our emotional and mental well-being. Self-care helps us to clear our consciousness and promotes clarity in thinking and decision-making. Taking care of oneself allows us to care for those we love and strengthen our relationships with them. However, being self-centered makes us care ou ourselves and neglect caring for others. It also blinds us to the feelings of our loved ones because we are so focused on our own needs and happiness.

        Balancing our needs and the needs of others

        Balance in life is necessary to determine our needs and desires right or wrong. It provides us with a clear picture of what we want and what others want.

        1. Set clear Boundaries:

        Learn to create boundaries between self-care and selfishness. Care for your well-being while for others also. Learn to say when it is needed.

        2. Active Listening is important:

        Observing and listening to others makes us able to understand other feelings and needs. Patience allows us to be compassionate with others.

        3. Open communication builds understanding:

          Communication is the key to any relationship. It is sometimes difficult to understand others without having a proper conversation. Opena and healthy communication practices about clearing your doubts and intentions. Communication allows us to understand each other’s problems and needs.

          4. Prioritize Your Well-Being and care for others:

            It is extremely important to engage in self-care to maintain our well-being and mental health. Considering the well-being of others allows us to receive the support we want from others.

            5. Show Gratitude to others:

            A human being is social animals, we cannot exist without society and social connections. Being grateful to each other enriches your value in people’s lives and also makes you content with yourself.

            Bottomline is that self-care is something that every person needs to do. Especially in this fast-paced lifestyle habits and working culture everyone is prone to problems of stress, anxiety, depression, tiredness, and mental confusion, hence self-care is important to understand our needs and desires and where we stand in our life. Self-care promotes compassion, and empathy between people, and helps us prioritize our well-being while caring for others’ needs as well. However excessive everything is wrong and harmful so when it comes to self one should draw a line between self-care and acts of selfishness.

            The post Self-Care vs. Selfishness: Understanding the Fine Line appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

            What Is the Psychology of Pretty Privilege? Fri, 29 Sep 2023 08:02:42 +0000 Pretty privilege is a social concept that shows the advantages that certain individuals receive in the context of life because they are perceived as conventionally attractive. It is usually associated with factors like race or socioeconomic status, with the main focus on the benefits that derive from physical appearance. In pretty privilege, there exists a […]

            The post What Is the Psychology of Pretty Privilege? appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

            Pretty privilege is a social concept that shows the advantages that certain individuals receive in the context of life because they are perceived as conventionally attractive. It is usually associated with factors like race or socioeconomic status, with the main focus on the benefits that derive from physical appearance. In pretty privilege, there exists a preferential treatment of gaining opportunities and positive assumptions where the people who are seen as attractive receive completely based on the factor of looks. This takes place in various areas of life such as education, career, relationships and social interactions.

            The effects range among a wide number of areas specifically in the social context and formation of social bonds as individuals that benefit from pretty privilege, find it easier to initiate and maintain romantic relationships. They also receive more positive attention from peers and colleagues. However, this is a dual-edged sword as it can lead to insecurities and doubts as the attainment of achievements are solely based on merit or appearance.

            In a workplace setting, attractive individuals are perceived as competent, even if their skills are not align with the perception based on looks. This also results in getting job offers, promotions and salary rises.

            Pretty privilege also extends to educational settings. Educators unknowingly give preferential treatment to attractive students on the assumption of being more capable or attentive.

            As pretty privilege is a phenomenon rooted in the cognitive and social realms, it gives insights of the way human perceptions and interactions are shaped by physical appearance.

            Along with that, it also has psychological aspects that portray a complex interplay between the factors involved:
            1) Evolutionary Aspects

            From an evolutionary standpoint, humans seek out qualities that are associated with good health and reproductive fitness. Thus, individuals that exhibit traits indicative of genetic health are often deemed attractive. This primal drive in modern-day takes the form of pretty privilege.

            2) The Halo Effect

            The halo effect is a cognitive bias where the tendency causes people to associate one positive attribute here, the physical attractiveness with a range of other positive qualities without substantial evidence.

            3) Confirmation Bias

            Confirmation bias leads people to interpret information in a way that confirms their existing beliefs. When pretty privilege is present, observers may unconsciously interpret the behavior of an attractive individual more positively, actively seeking evidence that supports the perception of their attractiveness. This can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy where the individual actually starts to embody the assumed positive qualities.

            4) Stereotyping

            Biases influence perceptions and judgments at a subconscious level. This can lead to unfair assumptions about competence, personality, and potential.

            5) Social Comparison Theory

            The social comparison theory suggests that individuals evaluate themselves by comparing their attributes to those of others. Experiencing envy or low self-esteem as comparing themselves to individuals with pretty privilege, potentially leading to negative

            Along with the above, there is an intricate relationship between pretty privilege and mental health:
            1) The Fragile Nature of External Validation

            Relying on pretty privilege for self-worth can lead to an unstable sense of identity. When the validation tied to appearance diminishes, individuals might experience feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and even depression. Societal pressure to maintain a certain level of physical attractiveness can exacerbate this vulnerability

            2) Comparison and Envy

            Individuals who benefit from pretty privilege might inadvertently contribute to the mental health struggles of those who don’t conform to conventional beauty standards. Constant comparison fosters envy and low self-esteem resulting in negative impact on mental well-being.

            3) Self Doubt

            Self-doubt can lead to increased tension, anxiety, and a dread of being revealed as less talented than thought.

            4) Isolation

            Pretty privilege results in isolation from experiences. It becomes challenging to form genuine connections and leads to feelings of loneliness.

            5) The Pressure to Maintain Appearance

            The expectation to maintain a certain level of attractiveness that leads to body dissatisfaction, disordered eating habits and other mental health issues like stress and self-criticism.

            To tackle the effects of pretty privilege there exists a need to cultivate healthy mechanisms:
            1) Cultivating Mental Resilience

            Recognizing the potential downsides is the prime focus. Building self-esteem based on inner qualities, accomplishments and personal growth for healthy mental well-being.

            2) Authenticity and Inclusivity

            Developing a culture that values authenticity and promotes a diverse range of physical attributes reduces the pressure to conform to narrow beauty standards. Embracing individuality in a diverse context creates a more inclusive environment.

            3) Seeking Professional Help

            Individuals facing the psychological impacts of privilege need to consider seeking support from mental health professionals. Therapy addresses issues related to self-esteem, body image, and the questions tied to appearance.

            4) Focusing on Inner Qualities

            Encouraging a shift in focus from physical appearance to inner qualities helps to negate the exclusivity of pretty privilege. Emphasizing traits like intelligence, kindness, empathy, and skills can create a more balanced perspective on what truly matters.

            5) Critical Media Viewing

            A critical viewing of beauty represented in the mainstream media is never the right replication of reality.
            Thus, separating the portrayal in media and reality becomes essential.

            In conclusion, the psychology of pretty privilege underscores the intricate ways in which human perception, biases, and social dynamics intertwine. By delving into the cognitive mechanisms that drive these phenomena, we can work toward a more equitable society that values individuals for their true qualities, rather than their appearance.

            Read More Articles:

            The post What Is the Psychology of Pretty Privilege? appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

            Importance of Consensual Sex in Relationships Thu, 31 Aug 2023 09:17:04 +0000 The idea of consent is one of the important aspects that hold complex human connections together. Healthy relationships are based on mutual respect, and emotional closeness which is created on the basis of consent. A person can experience a range of emotions when they are in a relationship, this can include joy, nervousness, excitement, and […]

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            The idea of consent is one of the important aspects that hold complex human connections together. Healthy relationships are based on mutual respect, and emotional closeness which is created on the basis of consent. A person can experience a range of emotions when they are in a relationship, this can include joy, nervousness, excitement, and love. Sometimes it can also be unclear, particularly when it comes to sex and intimacy.The concept of “consensual sex” is frequently relied upon when there is some doubt as to whether both individuals participating in sexual intercourse want it to happen or not. Consensual sex is seen as a foundation of intimate relationships since it not only promotes sexual chemistry, but also emotional bonds, trust, and overall relationship satisfaction. This article will explore consent and its importance in physical or sexual relationships.

            Understanding the concept of Sexual Consent

            Within the context of sex, consent goes beyond the straightforward expression of ‘agreement’. Sexual consent is a willingness to have a sexual encounter. It embodies a shared knowledge and a readiness to participate in a sexual activity between partners. This readiness is a crucial indicator of respect for the independence and boundaries of each partner. Without true consent, a relationship’s very foundation may fall apart due to mistrust and discomfort.

            What is Consensual Sex

            A commitment to engage in sexual activity is referred to as consensual sex. Consensual sex basically involves shared desire and active engagement from both individuals. Consensual sex includes all types of sexual activity, not simply penetrative vaginal and anal sex, and can occur at any stage of the relationship. Having sex may be useful and pleasant when it is based on mutual understanding and agreement.

            Expression of Consent
            • A feeling of joy and excitement about sex with your partner.
            • No one is unconscious or drowsy during the decision.
            • No one is forced, pressured, or manipulated into any type of sexual contact.
            • Both individuals agree upon options for safe sex, such as the use of condoms and other forms of contraception.
            Ways to Navigate Consent
            • Physically or mentally disabled persons, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, cannot provide their consent.
            • When there is no danger, pressure, or element of fear present, consent is freely provided.
            • Obtain a woman’s consent by endangering her or a person close to her.
            • Consent is not implied by a lack of “no.” Maybe also denotes “no.”
            • The word “yes” does not necessarily imply “yes” for all forms of sexual behaviour. Consent is something you regularly reevaluate throughout your time together—it’s not something you grant just once. The other person always has the right to change their mind and say no.
            • Legal definitions will vary, but sexual assault is commonly defined as any sexual behaviour or contact that takes place without the victim’s consent. This includes forced behaviours like giving or receiving oral sex, rape, or touching without consent.
            • Any sexual contact with a female under the age of 18 is legally regarded as legal rape, even if she gave her consent.

            Always Remember: Giving consent at a time doesn’t mean it gives permission for every time and with all types of sexual contact. Only the specific sexual act you’re performing at that precise moment is covered by permission. Just because someone agrees to a kiss doesn’t mean they agree to have their body touch.

            Importance of Consensual Sex

            We can keep our relationships healthy and ensure that both partners feel safe, at ease, and appreciated by asking for and giving sexual consent.

            1. Improved Emotional Intimacy:

              Physical closeness and emotional intimacy are closely related. Consensual sex creates an emotional connection in addition to satisfying body requirements. Genuine consent fosters a sense of shared intimacy between couples, strengthening their emotional bond.

              2. Developing and Strengthening Trust:

              Trust is an essential part of developing and strengthening consensual sex. A strong sense of trust grows between couples when they put each other’s consent and well-being first. Ultimately encourages a healthy relationship.

              3. Recognizing One’s Limits:

              Any relationship’s success depends on both partners respecting each other’s personal boundaries. Consensual sexual activity is the ultimate way to show respect for one another. This attitude of respect for one another fosters a sense of importance and adoration.

              4. Independence and Authority:

              The recognition of individual choice and authority is one of consensual sex’s most empowering features. Both partners actively choose options in consensual sex depending on their needs and level of comfort. This will help in improving their overall self-esteem and confidence.

              5. Communication and Understanding:

              Effective communication is essential for consensual sex. To create a sense of security and understanding between partners, open and honest discussions about desires, limitations and comfort zones are important. A healthy relationship will be supported by open communication between both partners.

              Consensual sex shows up in complex relationships as an effective facilitator for development, comprehension, and connection. It acts as a clear indicator for respect freedom, and closeness to one another. Partners who actively emphasize consensual sex, establish a foundation of trust and understanding that affects their overall well-being in a relationship. The time-to-time conversation about consent ensures that both people continue to feel respected, heard, and appreciated. Consensual sex is ultimately a meaningful expression of love and respect that couples have for one another.

              The post Importance of Consensual Sex in Relationships appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

              Unmasking Fake Relationships: Recognizing the Signs Thu, 19 Oct 2023 16:30:00 +0000 The relationship is a bond of emotional connection and affection which gives a sense of satisfaction and belonging to the individuals who are connected in some or the other way. How important is a relationship? Many psychology studies have revealed that relationships can have a positive or negative impact on one’s physical and mental health. […]

              The post Unmasking Fake Relationships: Recognizing the Signs appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

              The relationship is a bond of emotional connection and affection which gives a sense of satisfaction and belonging to the individuals who are connected in some or the other way.

              How important is a relationship?

              Many psychology studies have revealed that relationships can have a positive or negative impact on one’s physical and mental health. Strong social relationships boost the likelihood of survival by 50% regardless of age, sex, or health status according to a meta-analysis of 148 studies on mortality risk by Julianne Holt-Lunstad, PhD, of Brigham Young University, and colleagues
              (PLOS Medicine, Vol. 7, No. 7, 2010). Social connection (or disconnection) impacts health via biological processes like immune function or stress hormone regulation. Relationship quality has an impact on psychosocial aspects of health, including motivation, mood, and coping mechanisms.

              How do you create a strong relationship?

              If a carer is unable to meet an infant’s needs for food, warmth, comfort, and protection during the child’s earliest experiences, there is a high likelihood that an unstable relationship will develop. Some people can end a relationship after being together for many years and immediately feel unburdened. For others, the breakup of a relationship that has survived a brief period of only a
              few dates can cause emotional trauma that lasts for years.

              Read: How do toxic relationships affect our mental health?

              A strong relationship is built on effective communication. It’s also crucial to be willing to give the other person your time and attention. Two people must be committed to one another. They need to be adaptable enough to accommodate each other’s differences, even as those change over time. In a strong relationship, partners express and receive affection, feel grateful for one another, and have open discussions about each other’s behaviour and emotions.

              Signs of Fake Relationship

              When someone develops a relationship for their own personal gain, without taking into account the needs and concerns of the other person, they are said to be in a fake relationship. This is often done by abusing, humiliating, or exerting power over the other person.

              Love bombing

              Love bombing is a toxic manipulative behaviour characterized by excessive texting or calling, grand gestures, constant contact, nonstop attention, and giving elaborate gifts early in a relationship. One can become blind from love bombing and lose their ability to see things clearly.

              Narcissists who are trying to control their partner and make themselves the centre of their universe, whether consciously or unconsciously, may employ this technique. So they might make themselves the centre of attention and end up cutting off their partner from their loved ones. People typically find it difficult to leave a love-bombing relationship because it is like being in an addiction.

              Future Faking

              Future faking is when a person makes false promises to an individual about the future they would share together. A clinical psychologist from New York City named Dr. Sabrina Romanoff explains that a future faker has no intention of fulfilling those promises but wants the other person to believe them without questioning them.

              They successfully exploit their intimate knowledge of their partner’s needs and desires by making the other person vulnerable with their deceitful promises. They act in this way in order to give the impression that they are more committed to the relationship than they actually are. Always keep in mind that future faking is nothing more than manipulation to gain something in the present when they aren’t really
              thinking about the future.


              Gaslighting is a sneaky method of psychological control that causes the target to doubt their own judgement, memory, or reality. When they raise a concern, the subject is either changed or the gaslighter is able to pin the blame on them for something completely irrelevant. It’s very common to invalidate them by calling them overly sensitive, persuading them that they’re
              unstable, and telling them that everyone around them thinks they’re crazy.

              These tactics result in losing a sense of self, such that if they rethink their own judgement and perceptions of what actually happened, it almost feels as though they have lost their identity and status as an individual. This happens gradually over time by sowing seeds of doubt and uncertainty within

              Consistently lying, making unjustified excuses, unpredictable behaviour changes, getting physical for fun or experimentation, emotional distance, taking no effort to resolve conflicts, and isolating the partner from friends and family are some indications of a fake relationship. Fake relationships can be emotionally draining and harmful to one’s well-being.


              Recognizing the signs early helps make informed decisions about the relationship’s future. Fake relationships can be found in friendships, romantic relationships, and other relationships as well. Being aware of these kinds of relationships is the best preventative measure for the well-being of own physical and mental health. If still seems difficult to handle, professional assistance should be taken.

              The post Unmasking Fake Relationships: Recognizing the Signs appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

              The Psychology Behind Insecurity Fri, 15 Dec 2023 15:00:00 +0000 Do you remember the ultimate time you attended a celebration and noticed a person who seemed lovelier than you did? Suddenly, you begin doubting your very own look and feeling insecure. We have all been there – insecure about our looks, our personality, our social reputation, or even our relationships. Insecurity includes a lack of […]

              The post The Psychology Behind Insecurity appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

              Do you remember the ultimate time you attended a celebration and noticed a person who seemed lovelier than you did? Suddenly, you begin doubting your very own look and feeling insecure. We have all been there – insecure about our looks, our personality, our social reputation, or even our relationships. Insecurity includes a lack of self-assurance that may have large personal, emotional, and social effects. It can make us feel uncertain and wonder about our very own well-being. This can regularly cause low stages of self-assurance and a loss of self-assurance with the intention to show in our actions.

              In this text, we are capable of delving into the psychology at the back of lack of confidence and recognizing its roots.

              The Roots of Insecurity

              There is not any single cause for insecurity. It can arise from various reasons along with childhood reports, societal pressures, and personal insecurities.

              Childhood Experiences:

              Often, our early relationships and stories from our feelings of self may contribute to feelings of insecurity. Additionally, Society has a tremendous effect on our perceptions of ourselves. It leads to the person being confused, which further makes it tough for them to form relationships with others, and cannot manage their emotions effectively. If there is a lack of security of attachment the child may find it difficult to trust others, safe feeling in their environment. Another factor could be the over-critical parents. This criticism can demoralize the children and the child may feel that whatever they are doing is not good, and they cannot make their parents proud. As a result, they will feel worthless. Lastly, this criticism can create a fear of failure in people and they will avoid any risks in their life.

              Also Read: The Psychology Behind the Fear of Abandonment

              Social And Cultural Factors:

              Our environment also plays a significant role in the causes of insecurity. If individuals live in a competitive environment, then they may feel inadequate. Cultures where people think that materialistic things and possession of something can help to uplift your status in society, and when people are not able to meet these expectations then they may feel insecure and self worthlessness. Gender roles and discrimination are other causes of social and cultural factors. Because in our society, there are some unsaid roles and sets of expectations for genders. Boys and girls have to behave in a certain way. However, when they don’t meet these expectations or not being able to meet their gender role standard, then the feeling of insecurity comes into the picture.

              Apart from these gender roles, discrimination also causes insecurity. When a person is discriminated against they may feel that they are not good enough or not worthy of value and start feeling inferior to others. Competition and social comparison are very common causes of developing insecurity. As when there is constant competition people may feel that they’re not enough and start feeling a lack of motivation. Comparing your success with others will eventually make you feel less successful than others. then the feeling of doubt will arise leading to a sense of insecurity in the person’s behaviors.

              Also Read: A Deep Dive into the Psychology of Baby Blankets

              Personality Trait

              Personality traits can also cause insecurity in an individual. Being a perfectionist in every task can be harmful to them because whenever they can’t do a task with the set of expectations they’ve put on this can make this individual feel worthless. This way they won’t be able to see their own good side and always compare themselves with others. Not only are they being perfectionist, but also sensitive to criticisms can also cause insecurity. Another personality trait is that they are very sensitive to criticism. This sensitivity of criticism can cause insecurity and people can see themselves in a very negative manner. Whenever these people get criticisms about their work, they take it personally and feel like people are attacking them. All this leads them to become insecure, low self-esteem.

              Impact Of Insecurity:

              Insecurity can have a long-lasting effect on the individual’s physical and mental health. As it can make people feel anxiety, fear and stress. Whenever individuals feel insecure, they think too much about the future like what will happen in the future. It includes physical symptoms as well like sweating, not being able to concentrate, and racing heartbeat. Sometimes this insecurity can go to such an extent that people always see the possible threats and damages around them. Lastly, all this will lead to psychological conditions in individuals like stress, anxiety, and depression.

              Also Read: The Psychology Behind FOMO

              Difficulty With Relationships:

              Insecurity could be the root cause of the ending of many relationships. Whenever this insecurity happens, the person cannot trust their partner fully. They believe that they are not good enough for themselves or any lesser than others. Moreover, people start feeling jealous, and possessiveness and it leads to arguments, fights, and a lack of communication between the two parties. The person becomes too dependent on their partner and creates an unhealthy relationship between them.

              Dependence On Others Validation

              Insecurity develops when a person is not confident in their skin and this leads them to ask for others validation. They cannot trust their own actions and hence constant validation from others. They always ask others, whether they’re making the right decision or not, or what others will think about them. This will make them not take any opportunity because of the risks it may have and the fear of failing or rejection is always with them. Their life will not be theirs anymore. This ultimately leads to insecurity among them. Lack of confidence and difficulty in making decisions and interacting with others are some of the symptoms a person can experience when this confidence is low.

              Finally, insecurity is a common human experience but once it begins to affect your personal, and social relationships, it can have a negative impact on an individual’s physical and psychological well-being. The fear of failure can make you miss out on many opportunities that could change your future. This issue can be resolved by practicing self-care and trying to engage in activities that enhance your confidence and build positive growth.

              The post The Psychology Behind Insecurity appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.
