Relationship Archives | Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine India's first Mental Health Magazine Thu, 09 May 2024 10:28:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Relationship Archives | Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine 32 32 Is watching Porn Bad? Fri, 09 Jun 2023 13:00:57 +0000 There are over a billion people in the world and yet one thing that is common to most, especially nowadays, seems to be the consumption of pornographic materials. Although pornographic materials have existed since the beginning of time, access to them in the last few years has become extremely easy. Earlier it was not easy for one […]

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There are over a billion people in the world and yet one thing that is common to most, especially nowadays, seems to be the consumption of pornographic materials.

Although pornographic materials have existed since the beginning of time, access to them in the last few years has become extremely easy. Earlier it was not easy for one to consume much pornographic materials however that is not the case anymore. The world we live in is extremely fast and it has its ups and downs as well. One such example is the increased availability and easy access to pornographic materials.

Is it okay to watch porn?

what is pornography is no longer the question. Instead, it has become how to stop the consumption of pornography. The intake of pornography is increasing over time. The increased availability and easy access has its ups and downs. It provides people with a space to deal with their sexual drive and may also help in reducing or managing certain levels of stress however that is only when it is consumed in moderation.

The problem with humans, especially nowadays is their lack of ability to do anything in moderation. Consumption of porn is done excessively among individuals in today’s time. Although engaging in the consumption of pornography is not wholly bad, it is also not wholly good. It is okay for you to watch a little porn and it is okay if you find yourself coming back for more. However, watching something frequently and watching something obsessively are different. It is okay for you to watch and consume pornographic material as long as you do it in moderation and it does not affect other aspects of your daily life.

Should I refrain from watching Porn?

The issue is not the consumption of porn. The issue is that of excessive consumption of porn. Especially among the youth. Earlier, not only was pornographic material hard to come by but they were also mostly consumed by individuals of certain age. That is not the case anymore. Nowadays children as young as 10 and sometimes even lower tend to engage in pornographic consumption.

Despite efforts to implement age verification systems and parental controls, many pornographic websites do not have robust mechanisms in place to prevent underage individuals from accessing explicit content.

This lack of effective restrictions leaves young people vulnerable to stumbling upon or intentionally seeking out explicit material that may not be suitable for their age and developmental stage. There are various ways in which one can consume pornographic materials. One can read it in a storybook, one can read a manga or comic that is just about that, one can watch movies that have certain soft pornographic scenes or one can even watch hardcore porn through various websites.

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Pornography comes in many forms.

There are various books, Mangas, comics and pornographic websites. There is no dearth of these. Although there are certain porn sites and certain sites of Mangas and comic books which are banned in various regions to reduce the consumption of pornographic material, there is no dearth of these as there are various other fake websites that one can go to. Not only is there easy access to these materials, but there is also a huge variety that exists. Nowadays pornographic materials are of multiple genres. Many people tend to have certain kinds of fetishes and there seem to be books, comics and even videos that are specific to these different kinds of genres. When viewed in moderation, this variety may seem like a positive, however, they are mostly negative as it brings to light various kinds of sexual activities that at times may be very extreme.

Studies have shown that pornography can influence attitudes toward consent and boundaries. Some pornographic content portrays non-consensual or coercive sexual acts, blurring the lines between fantasy and reality. Exposure to such material can normalize or trivialize sexual violence, leading to a distorted understanding of consent and the importance of respecting personal boundaries.

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Pornography’s Effects on Children?

There is a huge amount of youth who tend to engage in consumption of pornographic materials. Almost everyone in the world tends to engage in pornographic consumption at some point in their life or the other. The rate is highest among the youth. This could be because of their biological functioning. The youth includes not only the children but also the adolescents and teenagers who are undergoing not only bodily changes but are also going through emotional changes and are coming to terms with and understanding more about not only the world but also about themselves. They are curious and although curiosity to an extent is good one must not forget the popular proverb-curiosity killed the cat.

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Pornography often presents a narrow and idealized version of the human body, emphasizing certain physical features and body types. Continuous exposure to these images can contribute to body image issues and insecurities among young individuals. Unattainable standards of beauty and body perfection portrayed in pornography can lead to low self-esteem, body dysmorphia, and unhealthy body image perceptions.

Unrealistic Expectations and Addiction

Another primary concern regarding pornography, especially among the youth is its portrayal of sex and relationships. Pornography often depicts unrealistic scenarios, exaggerated physical attributes, and performances that are far from authentic. Such representations may lead to false expectations and even relationship unhappiness because they affect people’s conceptions of what is “normal” or desirable in sexual experiences. The skewed expectations and scripts that people learn from such explicit information might make it difficult for them to have fulfilling connections with others. Issues such as communication, consent, emotional connection, and intimacy may be compromised, leading to difficulties in forming and maintaining long-term partnerships.

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Watching porn can easily become very addicting. Individuals can acquire an addiction to using pornographic materials, just as they do with alcohol and cigarettes. This addiction may lead them to extreme masturbation urges in public spaces or during art add hours which may impair their everyday lives, multiple people may wrongly get influenced by certain materials and their curiosity and excitement to try them out in real life may take over all reason. 

Frequent exposure to explicit sexual content can desensitize individuals to the emotional and intimate aspects of human sexuality. The explicit nature of pornography often focuses on physical acts rather than emotional connection and intimacy. Therefore young people who consume pornography regularly may struggle with forming healthy emotional bonds, maintaining fulfilling relationships, and experiencing genuine intimacy. This too can lead to impairment in daily functioning and may greatly lower their quality of life. 

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Situationship Vs Relationship: Let’s find the difference Wed, 14 Jun 2023 09:12:45 +0000 Love is a significant and major part of every individual’s life, may it be by your parents, siblings, partners. In addition, we all have felt love in some or the other way in our lives. Numerous novels, films, and pieces of art brilliantly depict love. Some poets consider love to be the partners’ smile, their happy eyes, sweet talk. Moreover, which is related to […]

The post Situationship Vs Relationship: Let’s find the difference appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

Love is a significant and major part of every individual’s life, may it be by your parents, siblings, partners. In addition, we all have felt love in some or the other way in our lives. Numerous novels, films, and pieces of art brilliantly depict love. Some poets consider love to be the partners’ smile, their happy eyes, sweet talk. Moreover, which is related to the dew drops in the morning, or the chirping of birds, etc. In these pieces of art, novels, and media for both genders, love is not the only way to express oneself. When we are in love, we enjoy being with the other person. Categorise or name the stages of our relationship.

There are some terms that define a bond and its depth or the closeness of the two individuals. These terms in turn are crush, situationship, and relationship.

What is a relationship?

A relationship is simply a connection between two individuals which can be positive and negative. Typically, the phrase “being in a relationship” refers to romantic partnerships. And “To be in a relationship” does not necessarily mean physical intimacy, emotional attachment, or any type of commitment (MSEd, 2022a).

What is a situationship?

When you are bonded to a person which is essentially a relationship, but the relationship lacks commitment is a situationship. This definition was given by Sabrina Romanoff who is a PsyD. A clinical psychologist and a professor at the Yeshiva University. Her situations allow an individual to arrange themselves to explore and experience the positive side or the advantages of a relationship as well as being single at the same time (Gupta, 2023b).

Differences between situationship and relationship:

These are the differences between a situationship and a relationship:

  • Undefined relationship: When two people are in a situational relationship, it’s common for there to be a lack of definition or discussion over the nature of the connection. Such as the phrase “What are we exactly?” It would seem premature to start such a dialogue. Also unset outline boundaries and expectations towards the partner.

  • Inconsistency in the relationship: In a situationship it is difficult to understand what you can expect from your partner. Like when will they reply to your text? Will they put the same amount of effort as you in this relationship?
  • No futuristic approach towards the relationship: A situationship does not have a long-term plan with each other. There is a lack of conversation on the topic of the future of the relationship.
  • Superficial connection: The connection in the situationship is very superficial. Only spending time together and maybe being intimate does not ensure to have a deep emotional connection. Even the conversations may be very superficial. For instance, you or your partners do not ask any personal questions, i.e., not being interested in knowing more about you.
  • Convenience-based relationship: In a situationship both the partners might not be each other’s priority, hanging out with each other. The time spending factor is convenient according to you whether you want to or not. It modifies as per the situation.
  • No exclusivity in the relationship: A situationship does not have exclusivity. You and your partner did not talk about exclusivity towards each other. Or maybe both the individuals are connecting with other people in the same way as you.
  • No specific follow-up: In a situationship there is no initiative or follow-up between the two regarding conversations or even for spending time together. Your relationship is easily affected by distances in person you are in a relationship mode. But while being apart you get into a casual mode (Gupta, 2023b).
Some ways to turn your situationship into a relationship:

Turning a situationship into a relationship is possible. Here are some ways you can turn a situationship into a relationship, and the ways are:

  • Meet often: From the above differences we know that situationship consists of inconsistency then make efforts to make consistent to be in a relationship.

Meet each other, spend more time together at home or go on fun dates with each other in person. This will strengthen the bond between the two. Avoid spending time on texts or DM’s than seeing each other in person. As it becomes a red flag indicating a situationship and not a relationship.

  • Manifest couple dates in real: The dates you might be going on in the situationship may be in a still getting-to-know stage try making those awkward and casual meetings into more of intimate and meaningful like going on date and having something to eat together, having an enjoyable conversation.
  • Keep the exclusivity: Talk to each other and confirm if they are seeing someone else. Even if they are seeing someone, then still do not lose hope, sit, and talk. If both are ready for the transition then start keeping things exclusive.
  • Speak up: It is one of the most difficult thing to do to turn a situationship into a relationship and the most important too. Have the DTR (defining the relationship) talk and start having open and honest conversations.
  • Involve in each other’s life: Make them a crucial part of your life and make them understand how it is to be in a relationship with you. Take them on dates, have meetings with your family and friends and theirs too, show them where you work, what you do, go on trips together, etc.
  • Practice patience: Understand that relationships take time to grow, build and evolve, so have patience in the process of turning your situationship into a relationship.
  • Stick to your thinking: It is important to know what you want from this relationship and thinking of the future and ways to ensure the happily ever after of your relationship. But it is also necessary to get out of the situation if the partner is not willing to fulfill your needs and cooperate with the vision of the future (Cossins, 2022).

Every person’s life is impacted by love, which can be expressed in a number of ways, including a crush, a situation, and a relationship. A connection between two people is referred to as a relationship, which can be good or bad. A situationship is a connection to someone but a lack of commitment in a relationship. Situationships and relationships differ in a number of ways, including inconsistency, inconsistent connections, superficial connections, convenience-based relationships, lack of exclusivity, and lack of specific follow-up. One can meet frequently, simulate couple dates in real life, maintain exclusivity, speak up, get involved in each other’s lives, practice patience, and stick to their convictions in order to transform a situationship into a relationship. By doing this, one can solidify their relationship and make sure they live happily ever after.

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Psychology Behind Habit Stacking Thu, 09 May 2024 10:28:13 +0000 Trying to modify old behaviours or introduce new ones—and have them stick—is famously tough. Of course, some people appear to acquire behaviours quickly or with great discipline, but for the rest of us being just mere mortals, finding an efficient approach for creating, breaking, and maintaining habits might feel like an impossible task. But this […]

The post Psychology Behind Habit Stacking appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

Trying to modify old behaviours or introduce new ones—and have them stick—is famously tough. Of course, some people appear to acquire behaviours quickly or with great discipline, but for the rest of us being just mere mortals, finding an efficient approach for creating, breaking, and maintaining habits might feel like an impossible task. But this is not our fault. Habit formation is difficult, and we are wired for what we are familiar with, already excellent at, or familiar with.

But this does not imply that we are bound to fail—by any means. Out of all the useful psychological ideas and tactics available, there is one amazingly simple and efficient strategy that you may not have heard of: habit stacking. It entails “stacking” the new behaviour on top of an existing habit to assist you in remembering to do it and/or accomplish it with less mental strain. Here’s why this strategy works so effectively, as well as how to break and build new habits using it.

The Psychology Behind Habit Stacking

Habit stacking takes use of the strong synaptic connections we already have, which have been thoroughly explored. Many scholars have written extensively about linking behaviours to create long-term change, referring to the current habit or trigger situation as an “anchor” or “anchor moment” that helps cue and hold the new one. Here’s why habit stacking is so successful.

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Depends on existing Brain Capacity

Our brain’s neural connections are strongest for acts we now perform and weak (or non-existent) for those we do not. Habit stacking is an effective strategy for building new habits because it builds off of the existing neural networks in our brains. When incorporating a new habit into your daily routine, consider integrating it either before or after an existing habit that’s already part of your schedule.

How to Begin Habit-Stacking to Become a Better Version of  Yourself

It’s easy to understand why habit stacking works, but how can you properly implement it in your life? Is it truly as simple as combining one habit with another? Here are some suggestions for making these modifications to your routine more successful.

Identify all possible Goals and Cues

Whether you aim to include more wellness habits into your weekly routine or simply get more organized in general, the first step in habit stacking is to choose the precise activities you want to take to improve your daily routine. Clarifying your objectives lays the groundwork for effective habit stacking and helps you focus on practical measures to achieve your intended outcomes.

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If you’re not sure what habits you’d like to develop, make a list of the many parts of your life. These categories may include physical health, emotional well-being, professional advancement, relationship improvement, and participation in volunteer activities.

To get a sense of all your cue options, Habits expert James Clear suggests making two lists: one of the things you do every day (drink coffee, eat dinner, listen to a news podcast) and another of events or things that happen to you every day (the sun rises, the phone rings, you become hungry). Now you may select the ideal building block on which to develop another habit.


Behaviour stacking uses the simple concept  that is When I do [current habit], I will do [new habit].” Here are a few examples: When I’ll have my coffee in the morning, I will read a book along with it.

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Be quite specific and set a realistic cue.

You will have difficulty if either your new aim or existing cue (or both) are too ambiguous. If you tell yourself you’re going to take a 10-minute stroll outside every day during your lunch break, it’s a good idea to set a certain time—right after you finish your client session. Don’t forget to establish contingency plans, such as what you’ll do if the weather is poor or you’re feeling pressurized to work through lunch.

To set yourself up for success, choose your present habit carefully, taking into account your life’s reality. For example, you wish to read ten pages every night after brushing your teeth. That sounds wonderful. However, if you end up falling asleep immediately after reading at night, or your children have inconsistent bedtimes that may affect your bedtime routine, then choosing nightly teeth brushing as the only cue may not be sufficient. You should go back over your list of existing habit possibilities to come up with a superior anchor.

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Start small—the smaller, the better.

Research shows that consistency throughout a habit is more efficient in helping us make changes in our lives. That means that doing a task for five minutes every day is more productive and likely to result in sustainable change than doing it once a week for 30 minutes.

With this in mind, it is simpler to maintain consistency when the objective or activity is reachable. The new behaviour should also be simple and lucid i.e. while preparing my tea, I will delete five emails. The more realistic you are, the more likely you are to complete it, feel accomplished, repeat it, and so on until you’re a pro—and perhaps even ready to add another habit or make the task somewhat more difficult.

For example, if your objective is to drink more water throughout the day, you may opt to start drinking a glass of water every morning. Don’t just assume you’ll start doing it; it’s unlikely to last long. (You might use an alarm or a reminder, but why add another task?).

Instead, couple that new behaviour with an existing little (or even tiny!) daily habit or routine that is definite, defined, and consistent. Choose: “After brushing my teeth in the morning, I’m going to drink a glass of water.” You stack them together, forming a small but increasing chain. Brush your teeth and drink some water every morning. The more frequently you do it, the more automatic it will be.

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Give Yourself a Timeline

It’s not completely required, but it’s a good idea to give oneself a certain time frame to develop the new habit. It might be random (one week, one month, till your birthday) or a specific deadline for an event (a race you’re training for, a work assignment due).

When goals are too open-ended, and lacking in direction then you can feel less motivated to work on them. Setting a timeline promises your commitment to work on this new habit. Setting a time restriction can also make it less intimidating because it is a short-term commitment with a clear end goal. Setting a timeframe also provides an ideal opportunity to halt and reflect on your progress.

Did you meditate for three minutes after doing your daily workout ? Celebrate that! Ask yourself why, change your aim, or explore linking to a different old behavior.

Reward yourself every time for sticking to a new habit.

One of the most effective methods to continue with a new habit is to reward yourself after accomplishing it. Even more beneficial is to select incentives that reinforce the behaviour itself. For example, if you set a goal of going for a 15-minute walk every morning after brushing your teeth and succeeding for a week, why not reward yourself with new gym clothes?

Hence, these can be a few of the ways you can master habit stacking and build sustainable habits.

Habit stacking is a strong approach for helping people make long-term changes in their lives. Individuals can make important, long-lasting changes by anchoring new behaviors to old ones. Whether you want to improve your personal growth, increase your work efficiency, or just live a healthier lifestyle, habit stacking can be a useful tool. By taking the easy steps indicated above, you may begin adding habit stacking into your daily routine and reap the advantages for yourself.

References +
  • Wardle, J. (2023, November 16). Your Kind Mind guide to habit-stacking for better employee productivity. Kind Mind.
  • Blain, T., MA. (2022, October 20). Benefits of habit stacking for ADHD. Verywell Mind.

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I Love You But I Can’t Commit! Thu, 21 Sep 2023 11:32:42 +0000 We are all familiar with commitment issues when it comes to romantic relationships. It is possible that you fear to commit or know/have been with someone who does.In the current generation, especially with the abundance of choices and options available, the fear of commitment has surfaced disproportionately when compared to previous generations. In those earlier […]

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We are all familiar with commitment issues when it comes to romantic relationships. It is possible that you fear to commit or know/have been with someone who does.In the current generation, especially with the abundance of choices and options available, the fear of commitment has surfaced disproportionately when compared to previous generations. In those earlier times, options were limited.

What is commitment?

Commitment is a broad term but it boils down to devoting yourself to anything that is long term. It can be in various aspects of life such as work, a life decision, a cause, a new city or a relationship. But, most of the time, we hear the term ‘fear of commitment’ when we talk about romantic relationships. So, what exactly is fear of commitment?

Fear of Commitment

According to WebMD, the fear is about getting so close to someone or becoming so serious that you start thinking about a future together. This could involve moving in together or getting married. It is a big decision, and while some might make it effortlessly, people who experience issues with commitment might find themselves struggling to make this choice. They might be having the time of their lives with this person but still find themselves stalling the decision to make it long-term. They find it difficult to go through the different stages of a relationship because they fear commitment.

Such people often avoid using the word ‘love’, afraid of calling it for what it is or might be. They often use words like ‘probably’ or ‘maybe’ or any other word that speaks of uncertainty. They put it across quite subtly, more often than not, making it difficult for you to understand what’s going on in their mind. This brings me to the question at hand – what are the signs someone is afraid of commitment?

Signs someone is afraid of commitment
  • They avoid serious relationships
  • They avoid talking about making future plans with their partners
  • They have doubts about continuing the relationship if they make statements such as “I am not sure if I am ready for this” or “I am not ready for what happens next”
  • Poor communication is trapping the relationship.
  • They find it difficult to express themselves despite being in the relationship for a long time
Why does this happen?

You might be wondering where this fear stems from. We know what happens but why does it happen? According to prominent research, a few reasons behind fear of commitment can be:

  • A bad relationship experience in the past where things ended without any warning or notice. It’s only understandable that they would go to lengths to not get hurt the same way again.
  • Attachment insecurities also play a huge role in developing this. We form our attachment style during our childhood years. The relationship we share with our caregiver is the base of all the other relationships we form later in life. As a child, feeling safe is crucial. However, when emotional and physical security is lacking, individuals tend to develop an avoidant or insecure attachment style.
  • Childhood trauma can also be a contributing factor. An open wound, that the trauma is, can manifest in many forms and is often reflected in relationships. Even when you want to heal, a relationship can act as a trigger causing the trauma to keep getting deeper and unresolved.
  • Low self-worth can make it challenging for a person to believe that someone can love them and wants to stay with them. They tend to push their partners or such people away because it’s almost impossible for their worldview to accept that someone would want to embrace their flaws and love them for who they are.

Knowing the reason behind a person’s behavioral attitudes paves the way towards more understanding and empathy and once it’s acknowledged and accepted, there are ways to change such patterns. As Carl Jung puts it, “We cannot change anything unless we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.”

What you can do about it

Once we acknowledge the reasons behind the pattern, the question becomes, what should we do now? How do we get through this? Well, the answer isn’t simple but a few things that can help in the process include:

  • To have a constructive conversation about it. Talking about it with yourself, your partner, a friend or a support member can help sort things out. Talking to a mental health professional can also help in dealing with the commitment phobia.
  • Practicing commitment in other areas of your life can also help. Observe how you feel and talk about it.
  • Couples therapy might also help improve the dynamics of the relationship and help achieve a middle ground that works for both partners.

Dating someone who has a fear of commitment is difficult. However, a few steps that you can take as a partner to deal with the situation include:

  • Acknowledging their efforts and sacrifices is what we psychologists call positive reinforcement. This will make it more probable that they won’t pull away, Respecting their boundaries and giving them time will help both you and your partner.
  • Fear of commitment is very real and has consequences for both parties involved. However, this is not to say that everyone who avoids long-term relationships or marriage has this fear. Some might just have a different set of values and opinions when it comes to marriage, kids, monogamy, and more. This is also not to say that, if a person has commitment issues, then the relationship is done for and that there is no love present. As a partner, it’s important to realize that it’s not your responsibility to fix the problem or the person. You can help them in their healing process but you can’t walk the path for them.
  • It’s always a good idea to assess if the relationship is fulfilling your needs and progressing in the way you want it to. If you are ready to take the next step but your partner isn’t, then you might want to consider staying in the relationship. As I said, a long-term relationship is not doomed because your partner is suffering from a fear of commitment. It might just take effort and time but deciding to work on themselves to fix the problem and the relationship is on them. It’s a choice they have to make.

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The Psychology Behind Need for Affiliation Sun, 21 Jan 2024 12:30:00 +0000 I remember when my school was changed it was not an easy task for me to deal with all the new people around trying to fit in and most importantly making new friends. It was too much for a 7-year-old. Ever thought about why we need to make friends or why we want to get […]

The post The Psychology Behind Need for Affiliation appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

I remember when my school was changed it was not an easy task for me to deal with all the new people around trying to fit in and most importantly making new friends. It was too much for a 7-year-old. Ever thought about why we need to make friends or why we want to get affiliated with another group of people? Well, the answer lies in our basic need for affiliation (N- Affil)or affiliation motive or need for belonging, a term that concerns establishing, maintaining and restoring a positive relationship with other people (Atkinson

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People with a high need for affiliation are sociable, friendly, and interested in social interactions and they prefer being in other people’s company rather than on their own. In Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, N-Affil acquires third place as basic needs or being needs when ascending to the highest peak of motives in the hierarchy. The term, first introduced by Henry Murray, was popularized by David McClelland. According to McClelland, N-Affil, along with the need for achievement and need for power, constitutes an individual’s primary motivational disposition.

Need for Affiliation

Affiliation is engagement in positive social interactions with other individuals; affiliation is a behavioural consequence of social motivation and can manifest itself in socially approachable behaviour. The affiliation motive operates as a motivating force for an individual, driving them to seek social and emotional support. As social animals, individuals naturally establish a social contract with others, emphasizing the importance of social connections. It is defined as the use of open, friendly, and accepting, social behaviour that allows people to form groups and feel comfortable within them. Social gregariousness or the herd Instinct is an innate motive and one cannot survive all alone, as we humans need people around us to accept us and validate our behaviour.

By affiliation, we mean the tendency to seek out the company of others even if we do not feel particularly close to them. According to the homeostatic model by O’Connor and Rosenblood. In 1996, affiliation can be seen as a drive in that people look for an optical range of social contact. Satisfaction of our basic affiliation needs requires positive social interactions.

One of the underlying variables influencing the affiliation motive is interpersonal attraction, encompassing individual cognition, attitudes, affect, and motivation. Behaviors do not occur in isolation; instead, they involve two or more people initiating actions. This interaction can result in positive social exchanges while minimizing negative social interactions. The fundamental social drive doesn’t necessarily need conscious awareness to guide interpersonal behaviour and attention. Darwin established the concept of “survival of the fittest,” highlighting that both humans and animals can thrive and endure only if they form affiliations with minimal conflict. Through cooperation and affiliation, individuals can reciprocate, demonstrating their fitness or dominance in the process. Affiliation confers self-esteem which helps to sustain the social identity.

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Three Prime Psychological Antecedents of the Need for Affiliation

  1. Reciprocity: It is a state of mutual dependence on action or influence; it is a mutual exchange of privileges. It is a kind of social norm where if someone does something for you then you feel obligated to return the favor that is reciprocated.
  2. Similarity: It is a trait or a characteristic that people have that makes them similar but not the same. Shared traits and commonalities in personality, attitudes, values, interests, and mutual attraction strengthen affiliation needs.
  3. Proximity: It refers to a state of being near to somebody. Proximity is seen among those, who either live close to each other or have psychological or emotional proximity. Higher proximity among individuals who share a common ideology tends to affiliate with each other with the least conflict and top most interest.

The need for affiliation is at its extreme when we are endangered and survival is a must. The recent Netflix movie ‘Society of the Snow’ is a classic example of affiliation motive. Its showcase is how the survivors after the horrific plane crash came together and were Each Other’s support system against all the odds restoring resilience and Faith. Cooperation motivation and common or shared goals with the least clash or disagreement were the key ingredients in keeping their zeal alive and finding a way out.

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Pros of having a higher affiliation motive

Individuals with a pronounced inclination toward the affiliation motive put in extra effort to harmonize with their significant others. They actively extend help and fully commit to participating in social work, fulfilling their social duties. They exhibit more empathy and the friend circle of these individuals is also very fast and are very gullible, with jolly and happy souls.

Cons of being on extreme

In the Quest of trying hard to fit in, to satiate the basic need of affiliation, one may seek varied tactics. However, over-propensity towards it may counterattack in the guise of being considered as an ingratiate filtered or faking good. With affiliation being one of the basic and innate needs, it does have certain disadvantages, as people who exhibit more than normal inclination towards it may tend to get more confirming and may even go along with unwise choices made by the people around them. Under some circumstances, people with a high need for affiliation may also have trouble getting their work done. The clinical manifestations of disruption in need for affiliation may result in social withdrawal, social indifference, anhedonia and over-attachment.

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N- Affil is an innate motive and for its full film we engage with others. Being social animals we need social bonds for survival, maximizing cooperation and minimizing conflict for smooth functioning. Extremes may result in certain unwanted and terrible circumstances. To not disturb harmony and to maintain homeostasis, we need to act in a balanced manner. A careful introspection of our own needs, and narrowing doing our needs could be one of the possible solutions to not muddle up the natural euphony of motives.

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References +
  •> what is reciprocity
  •>social identity theory
  • Allifilation goals and health behavior. Jerry Cullum et. al
  • Atkinson, J. W., Heyns, R. W., & Veroff, J. (1954). The effect of experimental arousal of the
  • affiliation motive on thematic apperception. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,49(3), 405–410.
  • Lakin & Chartrand, 2003
  • Woike & Bender, 2009

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The Need for Reassurance in Relationship Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:04:38 +0000 Every love affair has its ups and downs and calls for work, commitment, and a desire to change with your partner. Love is one of the strongest emotions anybody can experience. Despite the fact that there are many various kinds of love, many people seek it out in a romantic relationship with a compatible partner. […]

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Every love affair has its ups and downs and calls for work, commitment, and a desire to change with your partner. Love is one of the strongest emotions anybody can experience. Despite the fact that there are many various kinds of love, many people seek it out in a romantic relationship with a compatible partner. Love connections, which are among the most important aspects of life, provide these people with a profound sense of completion and purpose. Despite the appearance that the need for human interaction is innate, cultivating good, loving relationships is a learned ability.

What is reassurance in a relationship?

Reassurance in love relationships is giving the other person security, comfort, and support. In order to sustain a good relationship, it is crucial to establish a sense of security and trust between the partners. It entails assuaging any worries or uncertainties your partner may be experiencing by displaying care, empathy, and dedication. Reassurance shouldn’t need to be actively sought in a good relationship, even if it’s crucial in times of need. By comforting your spouse in a natural way, you contribute to the development of a supportive and emotionally secure atmosphere for your relationship.

Reassurance is the practice of utilising verbal communication to strengthen weak relationships. Additionally, it raises the amount of physical and material gestures you make to your loved one to assist them to feel comfortable in the relationship. Men and women naturally want to express their emotions to one another and receive reinforcement from one another, regardless of the type of relationship they are in. This is completely appropriate and essential for relationship assurance.

Why is it important?

When it comes to managing the ups and downs of our relationships, reassurance is a crucial tool. It helps to reinforce the love, trust, and commitment in the partnership by enabling both partners to express their needs. Reassurance may be given in a variety of ways, such as through words of affirmation, displays of physical affection, or just by spending time together. For instance, a simple embrace from you may do wonders to allay your partner’s worries or misgivings. A long-lasting relationship is more likely to develop between partners who feel comforted by their regular encounters with one another.

Signs that you need reassurance
  • courtesy fishing
  • Bragging
  • The importance of social media to their popularity
  • having the spotlight on you
  • The glitz of life
  • Fear of rejection
  • Excessive reliance on love
The positive impact of reassurance
  • Aids in Feeling Secure
  • Aids in Increasing Trust
  • Conflict Resolution Aid
  • Feels Loved
The negative impact of reassurance
  • A feeling of dependence
  • Self-esteem decline
  • Manipulation
  • Feeling of Unfairness
  • Feeling of Uncertainty
Excessive reassurance

Excessive reassurance seeking happens when people look to other people for approval to lessen the shame and poor self-worth sensations that are typical of depression. Its seeking is believed to encourage a negative response from conversational partners, perhaps resulting in rejection and escalating depressive symptoms. Increased depression symptomatology is linked to greater reassurance seeking. Reassurance seeking, which is more prevalent in women than men, seems to have a negative relationship with self-esteem and may amplify the negative impacts of other maladaptive traits like neuroticism.

It is still unclear how exactly excessive reassurance-seeking, relationship quality, and psychopathology are connected. But according to Coyne’s interpersonal theory’s theoretical expansions, excessive reassurance-seeking largely affects those who already have internalised worries about relationship stability and leads to relational rejection and depressive symptoms.  Due to the possibility that depression may increase how much someone seeks reassurance in a relationship, these people run the risk of getting caught in a cycle of asking for reassurance, encouraging insecurity in their relationships, amplifying their depressive symptoms, and then needing more reassurance.

How to deal with it?
  • Speak with your partner
  • Get Professional Assistance
  • Establish Limits
  • Boost Communications
  • Establish A Support System
  • Avoid Reacting
  • Spend time with one another.
  • Plan ahead

In the modern world, relationships may mean various things to different individuals. Some individuals feel burdened by the concern that they may miss out on its intricacies, yet for others, it defines who they are as a person. As a result, people in a relationship require reassurance to clarify their commitment levels and prevent misunderstandings. While seeking comfort calls for open communication and trust between couples, providing assurance takes a thorough understanding of each other’s needs. Appropriate types of love shown in a relationship—from hugs and affirmations to acceptance and flexibility—help reaffirm to your spouse that they are important to you.

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Gamophobia (Fear of Commitment & Marriage) Thu, 04 May 2023 13:00:48 +0000 What is Gamophobia Gamophobia, or the irrational dread or loathing of marriage or commitment, affects many people. While gamophobia may appear to be a minor issue, it can significantly impact a person’s quality of life and relationships. This post will look at the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for gamophobia. Causes of Gamophobia Gamophobia can […]

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What is Gamophobia

Gamophobia, or the irrational dread or loathing of marriage or commitment, affects many people. While gamophobia may appear to be a minor issue, it can significantly impact a person’s quality of life and relationships. This post will look at the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for gamophobia.

Causes of Gamophobia

Gamophobia can originate from a number of circumstances, and it frequently does so as a result of a combination of factors. Some of the most common causes of gamophobia are as follows:

Traumatic Experiences: Gamophobia may be the result of a painful experience or a terrible relationship in the past for certain people. They may have watched their parents’ terrible marriage or gone through a difficult divorce. These experiences might have a lasting impact on people and lead to a dread of committing.

Underlying Psychological Issues: Gamophobia may also be accompanied by underlying psychological illnesses including anxiety, melancholy, or a fear of abandonment.Individuals may find it challenging to build and maintain good relationships as a result of these challenges.

Societal Pressure: Societal pressures and cultural expectations about marriage and commitment can also contribute to gamophobia. Some people may feel compelled to marry or be in a committed relationship in order to fit in with their social group or meet the expectations of their family and friends.

Symptoms of Gamophobia

Gamophobia can appear in a variety of ways, with symptoms varying from person to person. Here are some of the most common gamophobia symptoms:

Fear of Commitment: Fear of commitment is the most visible sign of gamophobia. Individuals suffering from gamophobia may avoid all romantic relationships and remain single for the rest of their lives. They can feel threatened or worried about starting a relationship or committing to a long-term partnership.

Anxiety and Stress: Gamophobic people may experience intense anxiety and stress when faced with the idea of marriage or commitment. They may be concerned about the future and believe they are unprepared for such a huge life change.

Relationship Difficulties: Gamophobia can make it difficult for people to build and maintain healthy relationships. They may have difficulty trusting others and may reject possible mates.

Physical Symptoms: Gamophobia can cause physical symptoms such as sweating, shivering, and nausea in some people. These symptoms can be induced by marriage or commitment-related thoughts or experiences.

Treatment of Gamophobia

Fortunately, gamophobia can be treated and the various ways through which it can be treated are:

Therapy: Therapy can be an effective way to address the underlying psychological difficulties that contribute to gamophobia. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a typical treatment for gamophobia. CBT aims to recognise and change negative thought patterns and behaviours that contribute to anxiety and dread.

Medication: Medication may be recommended in some circumstances to assist manage the symptoms of gamophobia. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs can help alleviate anxiety and stress.

Self-Help Strategies: Gamophobic people can utilise a variety of self-help tactics to control their symptoms. Meditation, mindfulness, exercise, and relaxation practises are examples of these. Building a strong support system of family and friends can also be beneficial for people suffering from gamophobia.

Gradual Exposure: Gradual exposure is a CBT strategy that includes gradually exposing people to circumstances that cause them worry or anxiety. This strategy can help people gradually increase their tolerance and confidence.

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Signs you are a “People-Pleaser” and How to stop Being One Wed, 24 Jan 2024 15:15:00 +0000 All of us tend to live for others for a pivotal part of our lives and we must acknowledge the fact that we are nurtured with these values. Our society injects the idea of living our lives, being everyone’s friend and buddy, helpful, and amiable to all. However, what it fails to teach us is […]

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All of us tend to live for others for a pivotal part of our lives and we must acknowledge the fact that we are nurtured with these values. Our society injects the idea of living our lives, being everyone’s friend and buddy, helpful, and amiable to all. However, what it fails to teach us is the art of differentiating between being helpful and being used by others. It further fails to give the basic lessons of how to avoid people-pleasing and when exactly a person becomes a people-pleaser.

Read More: Altruism: Motivations Behind Kindness and Helping Behavior

People-pleasing behaviours mostly involve behaving and speaking in such a way that prioritizes the material and emotional needs of others over one’s own. These characteristics may be mistakenly identified as helpfulness or being amiable, but people-pleasing behaviours tend to act in detriment to the emotional and mental well-being of the individual. A people-pleaser tends to frequently go beyond their means to help people, –often putting them in ways of disappointment and hurt. They tend to undertake these acts of service with the hope that others will accept them in the name of their services. However, they commonly end up feeling resentful and angry. Most of the time they would not even receive any bare minimum acts in reciprocation.

Read More: Machiavellianism

Through this article, we will delve deep into the various signs that may prove one’s people-pleasing habits and further suggest ways through which one could reduce or eliminate these behaviours.

1. You can’t say no:

This is one of the most classic behaviours exhibited by people pleasers whenever they are asked for help. The very idea that saying “no” while asking for help in certain situations is highly necessary within a relationship, is not something that a people pleaser is keen to follow. Most of them tend to believe that their rejecting a request made by someone, would jeopardize their relationship, even in situations where they may not be fully available to fulfil the request. This may lead them to say “yes” to every help asked for, and thus cause in them resentment and even in some situations, anger and frustration.

Read More: What is the power of saying NO in life?

2. You miss out on your “alone” time:

Since most people’s pleaser’s days end up catering to other’s material and emotional needs, they tend to be able to take out little or even no time for their well-being. They mostly neglect the importance of setting apart a substantial chunk of their day to cater for their own needs. They even try and free up their schedules to be available for others and mostly end up sacrificing their “me” time.

Read More: 9 Key Teachings of Budhha that will help you gain Inner peace

3. You are unaware of the idea of setting boundaries:

One of the distinguishing traits of a people pleaser is that they fail to set adequate boundaries with others. These people, by not being able to utter a “NO” or even by feeling the need to be extra helpful to everyone around them, mostly forget to set boundaries which could aid their mental and emotional health significantly. Some of them may hesitate to set a boundary for having been shamed in their past for the same reason. This may cause an impediment in their ability to express the humane limits that they own when it comes to catering to other’s needs.

Read More: Importance of Boundaries in Friendship

4. You have Low self-esteem:

People pleasers often find themselves with low levels of self-esteem, and confidence and may even possess histories of anxiety, depression and even other emotional troubles that contribute to low self-esteem. These people tend to exhibit people-pleasing behaviours in the hope of having a chance to fit in with the desired group or even for external validation which they believe would boost their self-esteem.

Read More: 10 Ways to Build Self-Confidence

5. You agree even on things they do not like:

People pleasers tend to agree on everything, even on those matters they mentally disagree upon. Their belief that disagreement could tamper the relationship they have with the other person or the loneliness they could feel if they are the odd one out in the opinions expressed could be some reasons they resort to agreeing on everything they do not like. But how do we stop this? There are many strategies and tips that one could follow to avoid or reduce people-pleasing tendencies.

How to Stop Being a People-Pleaser?

  • Self-care is a necessity, not a luxury. It’s not something you do because you have the time or deserve it. Taking care of your emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical requirements keeps you well; otherwise, you’ll get ill, exhausted, agitated, and irritable.
  • Be mindful of your ideals and priorities. Prioritize yourself if a request undermines or ignores your needs.
  • Look inward to determine where your people-pleasing habits stem from. Concentrate on healing the wound that could be producing these behaviours.
  • If a person does not accept or appreciate your “no,” you should set more boundaries in your relationship. They’ve undoubtedly been taking advantage of you.
  • Do not apologize for saying no. Say “no” without feeling regretful. When you apologize, you devalue yourself and demonstrate to others that their needs can wait.
  • Saying “no” without explaining can make you feel more empowered.

Eliminating a chain of such people-pleasing tendencies is not something that can be worked upon within a day or two. It may take months of training oneself to respond in certain ways that appear in contrast to their usual patterns of behaviour. It, indeed is quite a herculean task, however never impossible with grit and determination and most inevitably, love for oneself.

Read More: Self Care: What It Is And What It Isn’t

References +

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Digital Presence Blueprint: Unlocking Your Online Potential Sun, 21 Jan 2024 11:30:00 +0000 The idea of digital presence marks a long-term impression and crucial impact on the connectedness of the world. In today’s World, all individuals need to show a digital presence to perform. Our digital identities have an indelible impact on our personal and professional lives. Building a purposeful digital persona entails more than simply convening an […]

The post Digital Presence Blueprint: Unlocking Your Online Potential appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

The idea of digital presence marks a long-term impression and crucial impact on the connectedness of the world. In today’s World, all individuals need to show a digital presence to perform. Our digital identities have an indelible impact on our personal and professional lives. Building a purposeful digital persona entails more than simply convening an image, as there are several opportunities for self-expression and connection, ranging from social media platforms to professional networks. The goal is to ally with one’s ideals and goals.

Read More: A Nuance Look At Social Media and Self-Perception

Importance of digital presence

In the modern world, forming a digital presence is important for various diverse reasons. Professionally it serves as a virtual resume, becoming important for job seekers. Regularly participating in the virtual digital space not only opens doors to employment opportunities but also facilitates worldwide connections, breaking down geographical barriers. Beyond the professional setting, the digital space provides a platform for social influence.

Individuals can use their online presence to share their voice on matters that they are knowledgeable and passionate about, connecting with a wide range of audiences, which helps in shaping their narrative in the digital world. As the online world becomes increasingly associated with our lives, the importance of managing one’s digit in the present continues to grow. Digital platforms help provide a powerful means to connect with like-minded individuals, professionals and communities. Participating in online forums, discussions, and communities and following industry-related content Keeps an individual updated and informed about the latest trends news and opportunities.

Read More: How to Manage Technostress and Enhance Digital Wellness

Ways of managing the digital presence

  • Designing a meaningful, creative, digital profile involves, shaping your online identity to align with your personal and professional goals. It is a deliberate formation of content across various platforms, emphasising key aspects of your life, and achievements. Regular updates maintain the relevance and the ongoing process of cultivating a thoughtful digital profile
  • Maintaining social media etiquette, these are the set and written rules and norms that dictate appropriate behaviour when engaging on online platforms. It involves practising respectful and considerate behaviour to promote positive digital interactions. Firstly, be mindful of what you share, avoid over-sharing personal details and controversial content, respect other’s opinions, and refrain from offensive language by adhering to social media etiquette users contribute to a more positive online environment, enhancing their digital presence in increasing meaningful connections.
  • Professional platforms matter significantly in the digital age as they serve as virtual hugs where individuals showcase their skills, experiences and achievements to a global audience. Oh well, maintain a profile on such a platform. Participating in relevant discussions, sharing insights, and working within these platforms, not only boost visibility, with the professional community.
  • Understanding how to manage privacy settings is crucial in the digital space to protect personal information and control online visibility. Privacy setting empowers individuals to dictate who has access to their content, striking a balance between sharing and maintaining boundaries regularly. reviewing and adjusting the settings ensures a maintained level of privacy.
  • Online interactions and responsiveness play an important role in shaping digital presence. Engaging positively with others through family, responses to comments, messages and mentioning community and strengthens relationships in the virtual space.
  • Using social media effectively involves a balance of do’s and don’ts to ensure a positive and constructive online presence. Do share relevant and content, engage with your audience, don’t, Overshare, personal details, maintain a positive, remove any post that may be misinterpreted.
  • Analysis and monitoring of the content which involves systematic examination of various data points to gain insight into the performance of online is it. The process utilises tools like Google Analytics to track website traffic. Monitoring and analysing is an effective digital market strategy and it defines the online presence and optimises strategies to better align with the goals and audience needs.
  • SEO optimisation, which involves strategically optimising your website to improve it was ability in search engine visits. This includes conducting thorough keyboard research to align content with user queries, fine-turning on-page elements such as titles, creating high-quality and relevant content and building backlines. The goal is to enhance your website’s relevance and credit ability in the eye of search engines, ultimately leading to the hijacking, and an increase in organic traffic from users actively seeking information related to your content.

Managing a digital presence is very important in current times, so it becomes important to craft a profile that alliance with goals. It is important to learn how to use media in a way that is helpful to others and ourselves as well. Maintaining boundaries in professional and personal lives while using media is important to form online Paterson’s. Active online interaction is also important in forming connections and a good digital presence. Balance and management of availability in media and digital space are necessary.

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How Relationship between Siblings play a significant role in Child Development? Thu, 18 Jul 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Siblings can be the most infuriating people on the planet or can be the most loyal and closest person you could have by your side, there’s no in-between. They play an integral role in each other’s life ranging from being a support system for each other to being a worthy competition for each other. Siblings […]

The post How Relationship between Siblings play a significant role in Child Development? appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

Siblings can be the most infuriating people on the planet or can be the most loyal and closest person you could have by your side, there’s no in-between. They play an integral role in each other’s life ranging from being a support system for each other to being a worthy competition for each other. Siblings relationships, unlike the relationship they have with their parents, often combine feelings like rivalry, affection, and hostility.

They tend to have different personalities, attributes and behaviours which depend on various factors like their environment, birth order, age, relationship with other adult family members and upbringing. Having a sibling impacts a child’s life in shaping his/her life. A healthy relationship with the siblings helps the child with several aspects of his life which helps in fostering better relationships with others around him as well.

Related: Single Child Or Siblings: What Do You Prefer?

A study tracked almost 300 men from the late 1930s who shed some light on the importance of healthy sibling bonds. According to the Harvard Study of Adult Development, 93% of men from the sample were thriving at the age of 65 because they had positive and close relationships with their siblings. Furthermore, the study also stated that poor relationships between siblings before the age of 20 could make them susceptible to depression in later years, suggesting that the longer we have functional and close relationships with our siblings, the more it can benefit and protect the person emotionally.

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There are many aspects to keep in mind when we talk about the relationship between siblings such as the environment that they are brought in, their birth order and age, family size, family’s ideologies and their interactions with other adult family members. There are also several ways in which the parents or the caretaker of the children could promote a better and stronger sibling relationship. 

Having a sibling can help a person in numerous ways, be it to compete or to provide a support system to each other. Sibling interaction contributes to what we learn about interpersonal behaviour as well as social interaction with others. Among the elementary school kids, it was found that children with no siblings were less liked by their classmates.

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It is presumed that the reason why children with no siblings were either aggressive or more victimized by other aggressive kids was that, they lacked interpersonal learning experience. Children with siblings tend to have slight advantages over the kids who are single offspring. This could be because of several reasons such as children who grew up with brothers or sisters tend to be more empathetic to others.

They learn to share things like toys, parent’s time, attention and affection, food, clothing etc. They learn to control their emotions as well. Young children manifest a full spectrum of emotions ranging from jealousy and anger to love and affection. The development of a child is also aided by the presence of a sibling in the family as they learn something from one another.

Older siblings tend to take the role of help, which inculcates the concept of self-esteem and social responsibility within a child. The younger children, on the other hand, try to copy their brothers and sisters which leads them to try new things on their own accord. A study in 2005 by Milevsky stated that the support provided by the siblings had the ability to compensate for the lack of support from parents and friends.

We all have either witnessed or been a part of an experience where we could hear sentences like “Mom always prefers you” or “Mom Loves you more than me”. One of the most important aspects of sibling relationships is sibling rivalry which could be considered both positive and negative for a child. Competition for the sibling could help them to improve as well as be motivated to try new things which will eventually help them with their growth and development.

The rivalry can start even before the birth of the second child. Judy Dunn, in one of her research, revealed that children as young as one year old are very sensitive towards the way their parents and siblings treat them. It is a state where one or more than one siblings are completing or showing animosity. Siblings tend to spend more time with each other rather than with their parents and have to compete over several things like attention, affection, food, toys etc.

This behaviour could help them, as they learn to share and cooperate with others but if the rivalry goes unchecked by the parents or their caretakers, it could grow into something unpleasant. According to the research conducted, 33% of the siblings end up having strained relationships later in their lives because of an early sown conflict between them. For them to reconnect with their sibling is more like reliving their childhood all over again. The research by Judy Dunn, also reveals the fact that parental favouritism is one of the key factors why siblings sustain hostile relationships throughout their lives. The interaction and the experience of the child stays with them through their whole life to such an extent that adult children are not able to identify from where the resentment towards one another even started from. 

Related: A Glimpse into the Life of Alfred Adler

There are several factors which influence the relationships between the siblings. First and foremost, the birth order, a theory which was given by Alfred Adler wanted to understand how family matters, considering the order in which a child enters the family. The position of the child in the family could affect his/her life in positive and negative manners as well. In the study, it was found out that the first-borns rated their relationship with siblings as more positive and prioritized family more than the later-borns.

On the other hand, the youngest sibling described their relationships as worse when compared to the first and middle-born children. It is known that the parents would value their firstborn rather than later born because the oldest child had the most reproductive value and highest chance due to infant mortality rates. There’s evidence that the firstborns have higher IQ levels than their siblings. Reasoning behind this claim is that some of the researchers think it is due to the parental age at the time of birth but others believe that it was because of the resources and attention from parents for developmental stretch.

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Due to these and several other reasons, we can conclude that the resentment in younger or older siblings which results in rivalry between siblings in every aspect of life mainly for their parents’ acceptance, attention and respect. Apart from birth order, age, family size, and family structure, the Family’s environment and upbringing play a vital role in the development of healthy relationships between siblings.

Parents play an active role in their children’s life and their decisions heavily impact their lives and relationships. There are some ways by which parents can facilitate in having a strong and close sibling relationship. First off, the children should be taught to respect each other and not make everything a competition between each other. They should be able to have healthy competition and should also be able to celebrate each other’s accomplishments.

Related: Changes in Parents’ Life After First Child

The parents should also avoid favouritism, as it is the main reason why sibling rivalry starts in the first place. They should value and appreciate all the kids equally for their work and make sure that the children know that they are being acknowledged and appreciated for what they are. Encouraging activities that promote teamwork at a young age would be beneficial for them as well.

Furthermore, encouraging communication between the siblings could also lead to an effective and strong relationship between the two. They should have disagreements and should know how to resolve conflicts in a healthy way. They should now know how to compromise and come to common ground to have both the parties satisfied.  As the children get older, they should be encouraged to maintain cordial relationships with each other. 

Related: Why mothers need to build a strong relationship with their children?

As we all know how the entertainment industry has a strong influence on our choices, mindset, thought process and behaviour on a whole. There are some iconic movies that demonstrate strong sibling relationships like Frozen, Hansel and Gretel, Brave, Narnia, Thor and Incredibles. They are quite famous among the young crowd, which also inspires them to be more compassionate and build strong relationships. These movies depict relationships between siblings being friendly, close with a hint of rivalry among them. All in all, they all have delightful and inspirational relationships which we all admire.

Related: Negative impact on the mental health of having siblings: study

The post How Relationship between Siblings play a significant role in Child Development? appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

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