psychology Archives | Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine India's first Mental Health Magazine Fri, 19 Jan 2024 14:22:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 psychology Archives | Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine 32 32 10 Best Books to read for Personality Development in 2024 Fri, 19 Jan 2024 09:50:51 +0000 Self-help books can be considered guides that would tend to assist individuals in improving the various aspects of their lives. The aspects addressed through these books range from personality development, tips to succeed in life etc they even offer practical advice and motivational insights to individuals that would help them the right way. These books […]

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Self-help books can be considered guides that would tend to assist individuals in improving the various aspects of their lives. The aspects addressed through these books range from personality development, tips to succeed in life etc they even offer practical advice and motivational insights to individuals that would help them the right way. These books inspire people in their journey of discovering themselves.

1. Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

This is a self-help book specifically for personality development, authored by Napoleon Hill in 1938, which makes it one of the oldest books written on the topic. The book’s title may suggest a focus on material aspects, but in reality, it delves into life planning and strategies for maintaining a positive outlook. It goes beyond the notion of material gains, challenging readers to comprehend that life’s richness extends far beyond financial success and independence. The book’s central concept is that anyone may attain success and money by adhering to a specific set of principles. Hill refers to these ideas as the “13 Steps to Riches,” which include cultivating a positive mental attitude, making clear and defined goals, creating a strategy to attain those goals, taking action, and having a strong belief in oneself and one’s skills. The book is considered by its critics and lovers as a timeless guide to personality development and even a personality development classic.

Read More: The Psychology of Money and Happiness

2. Mindsight- Daniel J Siegel

Mindsight was written by Daniel J Siegel in 2010 and illustrates to its readers the links between our brains and bodies, as well as how past events influence current behaviour. The book introduces a positive psychology concept pioneered by the author himself, named “Mindsight” which is a series of psychological measures we can take to understand and shape our inner selves in the most beneficial way for our health. It teaches people about the relationship between their thoughts and bodies, as well as how to control their emotions. He suggests that mindsight is something much more than meditation but prioritizes harmony and balance within the individual. It urges one to discover their level of harmony. When one finds their stable core, they will be able to remain authentic even during the most chaotic external circumstances.

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3. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People- Stephen Covey

This is a self-help and business-help book that was authored and published by Stephen Covey as early as 1989. Through this book, he proposes 7 major habits that are and must be inculcated in an individual’s life to enhance their everyday work and personal life performance and to render better efficiency. Covey propagates the idea that we have to enhance and cultivate our character rather than our personality to become highly effective individuals. The 7 habits that he introduced are:

A. Embrace proactivity
B. Begin with the end in mind
C. Try and prioritize first things first
D. Think to win
E. Try and seek understanding about the matter rather than trying to make people understand you
F. Synergize
G. Sharpen the saw.

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4. Awaken the Giant Within – Tony Robbins

“Awaken the Giant Within” is a self-help book written by Tony Robbins, an expert in the field of psychology and personality development in 1992. The book propagates the idea that When you truly want to make a difference, the first thing you must do is raise your expectations and believe you can reach them. Before we can reach the new standards, we must change our beliefs and gain confidence in our ability to do so. In life, many people know what they should do, but few do it. In essence, if we wish to direct our lives, we must take responsibility for our continuous acts. What we do regularly, rather than once in a while, moulds our lives.

Read More: The Psychology Behind Self-help Books

5. What Colour is your Parachute- Richard N Bolles

What Colour is Your Parachute? is a job search and career success guide and thus is a bit of an anomaly on our list of the finest personal development books. However, understanding how to discover and get the ideal employment is critical to overall satisfaction and success. And the lessons are transferable. Bolles teaches practical ways for success, such as self-inventory to discover your passions and negotiating the correct wage.

6. Atomic Habits- James Clear

Atomic Habits is one of the most recent and well-known guides in the genre of personality development. James Clear’s Atomic Habits is a comprehensive, practical approach to changing your behaviours and improving by 1% each day. Atomic Habits uses a framework known as the Four Laws of Behaviour Change to teach readers a simple set of guidelines for developing good habits and breaking negative ones. The 3 major goals introduced by the book are:

a. Focus on one’s system instead of the goals
b. Do not avoid small changes as they make huge differences
c. Create and nurture identity-based behavioural changes.

The book also talks about 4 steps to nurture and build a new habit and even another set of 4 steps to break an undesirable habit that one follows in their life.

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7. The Art of Exceptional Living – Jim Rohn

This is one of the classic books written on personality development as recently as 2022. The book covers inevitable chapters such as the five essential abilities, how to set goals, how to design one’s future, steps to develop one’s personality philosophy etc. Jim Rohn’s extraordinary personal and business answers culminate in The Art of Extraordinary Living, a strong but simple and direct book. His over thirty years of researching human behaviour and conducting well-received self-development seminars throughout the world have culminated in this guidance on how to turn thoughts into positive action and make every dream a reality. Inspirational thoughts and tactics put readers on a fast track to harnessing the power of personal desire and intrinsic motivation to achieve the pinnacle of achievement.

8. How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie

Carnegie’s book, like the previous title, “Think and Grow Rich,” is a 1930s classic that still contains a plethora of truth bombs in its nearly 90-year-old pages. Carnegie’s book How to Win Friends and Influence People delves into the personal habits that lead to success. Included are twelve strategies to persuade people to your point of view, six ways to make them like you, and nine ways to change people’s minds without causing resentment. Regardless matter what you aim to do with your life, other people will always be there. Carnegie provides the tools you need to effectively recruit others to your cause, rather than having them become hurdles. A must-read classic about interacting with others.

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9. The Now Habit – Neil Foire

Neil Fiore’s The Now Habit addresses the issue of procrastination. Neil focuses on the emotional reasons why individuals postpone. The most significant of these is the anxiety associated with finishing a task. Neil shares tips on how to overcome procrastination. The majority of the strategies are fantastic, and you will find them beneficial. The book also highlights the major reasons why we procrastinate. One of the reasons we postpone is to maintain our self-worth. Procrastination allows us to temporarily assuage our deepest underlying worries. These fears include the fear of failing, the fear of being imperfect, and the fear of unattainable goals. The dread of judgement arises from over-identifying with our current work. Because of this dread, people engage in a fruitless striving for perfection.

10. Fooled By Randomness- Nasim Nicholas Taleb

A large majority of people believe that success is solely due to luck. The other half believes it is a combination of hard work and luck. If you’re seeking for the top personality development books out there, “Fooled by Randomness” will undoubtedly cut. Whatever it is, there is some sort of power operating in the background of everyone’s lives. But this book takes a different perspective, stating that you can do everything perfectly and still fail. Perhaps someone can do everything wrong and still triumph in the end. Taleb focuses on the force of randomness; and how it might affect a person’s life results. It prioritizes the journey over the destination and teaches people to plan their journey successfully to ensure reaching the desired end.

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In conclusion, self-help books indeed play an important role in guiding people to their desired ends for all those who consume these books. Embracing the wisdom in such self-help books can aid individuals in bringing about a positive change in their lives, and inspire them in the direction of a deeper understanding of one’s potential.

References +
  2. Mindsight PDF Summary – Daniel J. Sieger | 12min Blog
  3. Book Summary: Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins (
  4. 12 Best Personal Development Books to Level Up Your Life | SUCCESS
  5. A Quick Summary of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (2024) (
  6. 10 Best Personality Development Books You Must Read (

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The Psychology of Self-Perception Tue, 21 Nov 2023 16:30:00 +0000 Self-perception, as defined by the American Psychological Association, is a psychological concept that involves a person’s view of their or of any of the mental or physical attributes that constitute the self. How do you view yourself? What do you think about yourself, your values, your beliefs, and your image? Whatever you may feel about […]

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Self-perception, as defined by the American Psychological Association, is a psychological concept that involves a person’s view of their or of any of the mental or physical attributes that constitute the self. How do you view yourself? What do you think about yourself, your values, your beliefs, and your image? Whatever you may feel about yourself, it is your self-perception at work. Self-perception is the best mirror one can own to have a deep understanding of oneself. We derive a great sense of self from our self-perception.

Sometimes individuals have a hard time understanding and comprehending their feelings, emotions, and the very idea of their identity. All these can be a result of a serious lack of self-perception. A person may develop either or both positive and negative perceptions about oneself. Their respective perception would certainly influence their cognition, emotions, thoughts, actions, and behaviours. Many behavioural issues and distorted cognitions that people develop can be rooted in the very way they perceive themselves.

The components of self-perception

Self-perception has 3 major components:

a. Self-image – Self-image is how an individual perceives themselves in real life. It can also be termed a real image.

b. Self-esteem Self-esteem is a layman’s term in today’s world. It can be defined as the value that we attach to ourselves. Our self-esteem looks into whether we perceive ourselves in a positive light.

c. Ideal self – The ideal self is the self you always wish to be. Your ideal self consists of all the values, beliefs, talents and everything you find desirable for yourself.

Positive Self-Perception

People with positive self-perception tend to not dwell on their past. They mostly focus on their present and are mostly optimistic about the course of their future endeavours. To put it in simple English, they accept their present and just move on. They are not critical of themselves and accept the critical comments that could come up for their work or performance positively and seek to comprehend and utilize the lessons that can be taken up from the comments. They also automatically reframe their self-talk language and alter their self-conversations in a way that help them to understand their mistakes better rather than taking them into their heart. They even celebrate their small wins and most importantly never compare their unique journey with anybody else.

Negative Self-Perception

People with negative self-perception may exhibit behaviours that are exactly the opposite of the former. They mostly tend to dwell in their past and may tend to judge themselves negatively for all the embarrassing moments they may have had decades back. This may even keep them from building better relationships with people. They may tend to remain socially withdrawn or even awkward in situations similar to what embarrassed them years ago.

They are the best critiques of their work but this is never addressed in a positive connotation. They tend to criticize themselves even in the face of their achievements and may feel that they are inadequate in everything they try to accomplish. This seriously undermines their self-confidence and affects their performance. They may even take the critical comments, and instead of working on its constructive aspect, may tend to take them to heart and believe that nothing can be changed. They frame their self-talk mostly in such a way that adversely affects their confidence and self-esteem. They constantly compare themselves with others and often fail to see their positive qualities and emphasize their negatives.

Eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are some of the adverse consequences of maintaining a negative or even a distorted perception of oneself. Having a distorted perception about one’s body may take a toll on one’s eating habits, their intake of food and thus, indirectly may affect one’s mental and emotional health. The discrepancy between one’s ideal self and real self in their body image paves the way for one to develop these eating disorders.

How to improve one self-perception?
  1. Concentrate on Your Strengths: Many of us are preoccupied with what is wrong with ourselves, what we aren’t good at, or what we’ve failed at. However, if we want to build a positive mindset, we should focus on our talents. This shift in emphasis can help us feel better about ourselves.
  2. Exercise Gratitude: Gratitude entails more than simply saying “thank you.” It’s about looking for reasons to be thankful every day. We can practise and enhance this skill by keeping a gratitude notebook or making gratitude lists. Our brains will become better at recognising things to be thankful for over time.
  3. Exercise Self-Compassion: Our inner voice frequently informs us what we are doing wrong, but it can also forget to remind us of what we are doing properly. That is why practising self-compassion can help us improve our outlook. Self-compassion can be practised by taking a few moments to treat yourself sweetly, attentively, and tenderly.
  4. Take Care of Yourself: Developing a more optimistic outlook may include establishing the belief that we are worth caring for. We’re permitted to take pauses, feel well, and practise self-care. By taking better care of ourselves, we may develop more favourable attitudes towards ourselves, allowing us to have more happy experiences.
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The Psychology Behind Prodigies and Child Geniuses Thu, 26 Oct 2023 15:00:00 +0000 Prodigies: Children with exceptional talent in a particular area. According to psychology study literature, a child prodigy is a person under ten who achieves substantial output in a field at the level of an adult expert. The phrase is sometimes used more widely to describe young people who possess extraordinary talent in a certain area. […]

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Prodigies: Children with exceptional talent in a particular area.

According to psychology study literature, a child prodigy is a person under ten who achieves substantial output in a field at the level of an adult expert. The phrase is sometimes used more widely to describe young people who possess extraordinary talent in a certain area.

The Psychology Behind Prodigies and Child Geniuses

These kids have a strong interest in the field in which they excel, and they can devote so much of their attention to it that they become disoriented from the outside world.” Winner contends that rather than being the source of natural skill, this single-mindedness is a result of a convergence of genetic influences.

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Prodigious accomplishment, however, also appears to be related to fundamental cognitive capacities that are known to be influenced by genetic variables, according to new studies. The sample’s IQ ranged widely, from 100, which is the norm for the general population, to 147, which is far higher than the typical threshold for being classified as intellectually gifted. However, almost all of the prodigies performed remarkably well on the working memory tests, with an average score of 140 (above the 99th percentile).

Do you know the IQ of Child Genius and Prodigy?

The IQs of these prodigies ranged widely, from 108 to 147, the researchers found. The study found that being a prodigy does not always require having a high IQ. While many kids with high IQs are not prodigies, many kids with low IQs are. the young genius’s IQ: is 130–144: A moderately talented range. 145–159: Extremely talented. 160 to 179: Highly talented. 180 and above: Extremely talented.

The Development of Child Prodigy and Genius

According to some researchers, a child’s intrinsic talent and their energetic and emotional investment both contribute to the development of extraordinary talent. Some contend that the environment, frequently in overt ways, has a major role. Childhood prodigies are not usually carried over into maturity. According to several studies, gifted kids fall behind because they don’t put in enough effort. According to Jim Taylor, a professor at the University of San Francisco, this is because talented kids succeed early in life with little to no effort and might not learn to take responsibility for their accomplishments. These kids might not learn to associate effort with results as a result. Some kids could also think they can achieve success without putting in effort.

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Memory Capacity of Prodigies

Several math whizzes have had PET scans that indicate they use long-term working memory (LTWM) to think. This field-specific memory can retain pertinent knowledge for long stretches of time, typically hours. For instance, it has been observed that seasoned servers can mentally recall up to twenty customers’ orders while serving them, yet their performance in number-sequence recognition is comparable to that of an average individual. The PET scans also provide information regarding the precise brain regions linked to number manipulation.

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One subject never did well in arithmetic as a child, but he learned himself calculator speed tricks and algorithms, which allowed him to perform exceedingly difficult mental math. The PET scan was used to study his brain in comparison to six other controls, indicating distinct brain regions that he was able to operate in order to solve the challenging challenges. He and other alleged prodigies employ parts of the brain related to visual and spatial memory, as well as visual mental images. Additionally, the subject’s usage of other brain regions was evident, including one that is typically associated with infantile “finger counting” and is likely where he related numbers to the visual cortex.

Let’s have a look at the list of child Prodigies:

  • Mathematics and Science.
  • The Arts – Music, Literature, Virtual Arts
  • Games – Chess, Go
  • Other- Some kids go on to become well-known and dubbed prodigies, but it’s debatable if they’ve generated anything of value that would qualify them as adult expert professionals.
Child Prodigy Born or Made

You are unique because of the interaction of your genes and environment. Without a doubt, some people have unusual gifts from birth. But few prodigies have ever received training to become one. Researchers think that the prodigy’s social background and the parents’ unwavering support play a part in his or her development, according to NeuroNation. Among the other members, parents are often the first to notice their talents. After that, it is honed and polished to nurture. A youngster can develop into a child prodigy with the correct guidance and encouragement.

Greater IQ: A child is considered bright or brilliant if their IQ is greater than 130. Prodigies are now the go-to person in modern times if you want to become famous and wealthy.

Social Instability

Being a prodigy is both a blessing and a curse. It is comparable to carrying the weight of the entire world – a claim made by numerous masters – on your shoulders. You are held in high regard by others, and there is no way for you to lose that status. You practice your talent continuously in order to get better and better at it. Neglected and disregarded is mental health.

After a few years, child prodigies frequently find themselves alone and without companions, because they struggle to adapt to their surroundings. While other kids their age enjoy TV and trips, they spend their childhood honing these talents. Consequently, they fail to exhibit the sociable trait. the persistent desire to fit in and be “normal” like the other youngsters.


The cognitive-developmental theory states that the child prodigy phenomenon results from a kid’s extraordinarily fast mental development during critical times, which causes the child’s cognitive resources to grow quickly and be built into a particular cognitive experience framework. Child prodigies therefore have a distinctive intellectual perspective on the universe.

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The Psychology Behind Compliments Sat, 25 Nov 2023 04:30:00 +0000 “I really like your outfit”, “I love your new haircut”, “I love how well you spoke during your presentation”. Such simple and short sentences can make our day. Psychologists say that appreciation is foundational in any relationship, be it with your partner, your parents, your friends, or even your coworkers. Compliments are the tool through […]

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“I really like your outfit”, “I love your new haircut”, “I love how well you spoke during your presentation”. Such simple and short sentences can make our day. Psychologists say that appreciation is foundational in any relationship, be it with your partner, your parents, your friends, or even your coworkers. Compliments are the tool through which we communicate that appreciation.

Upon being asked, as many as 90 per cent of people believe that they should compliment each other more often. Yet, people shy away from expressing their appreciation and gratitude to others. Let’s look at the reasons why compliments are good, why people tend to not give others compliments, and how to give better compliments.

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What Is Good About Compliments?
A. Mood Boosters:

Compliments are known to have mood-lifting effects on you, and they improve your well-being. Compliments make people feel good – both receivers and compliment givers. Neuroscientists have shown that verbal affirmations light up the same areas of the brain as a monetary reward does. Compliments are especially effective in workplace environments. Praise and gratitude by seniors can keep up morale, make the employees feel valued, and mitigate the effect of stress on them.

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B. Good Ice Breakers:

Compliments are very effective as a conversation starter. If you have been meaning to spark a conversation with a stranger, paying them a compliment is a great way to get it started, as it establishes a positive connection between the two. Even if it’s a friend you have not spoken to in very long, a compliment can help you get over the awkward bump and resume conversation.

C. They Promote Learning:

Research has shown that praise and compliments can promote quicker learning of new behaviours and motor skills. They also help us like one another. If you compliment someone on a behaviour, they tend to repeat it more often. This can be attributed to the classic psychological phenomenon of learning through positive reinforcement.

We have seen all the benefits of compliments. Intuitively, it seems as if the world would be a much better place if everyone complimented each other a bit more. Then why do we not compliment people more often? Let’s look at some of the reasons researchers have found for the avoidance of paying others compliments.

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Why Do People Not Compliment Each Other More Often?
1. Underestimation of Positivity:

In an experiment, researchers recorded how people anticipated their compliments would make the receiver feel, and how the receiver actually felt about receiving a compliment. Their findings indicated that often, people tend to grossly underestimate the positive effect their compliments have on other people. With both strangers and friends, researchers found that compliment-givers tend to believe the other person wouldn’t enjoy the compliments or it wouldn’t have much of a positive effect on them. But the receivers consistently reported that their day has been brightened after the compliment and they felt better than givers expected.

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2. Overestimation of Negativity:

People also tend to avoid paying compliments to others because they feel that they’ll make them feel uncomfortable or awkward. However, the experiment results showed that the compliment givers had drastically overestimated how bothered, uncomfortable, or annoyed the receivers would feel. The receivers received the compliment in a positive manner in most cases.

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3. Anxiety about communication:

Although most people believe in the positive value of compliments, when it comes to complimenting others, people tend to avoid it. The barrier is self-doubt. You might feel pessimistic and anxious about how you deliver the compliment, and you might worry about if your delivery was awkward, but that’s largely irrelevant. Usually, the message that you convey matters more and leaves the receiver in a better mood.

4. Fear of devaluation:

There is also a common belief among people that repeatedly complimenting others will diminish the value of the compliment, and it would become less and less appreciated each time it is given. However, studies have found this to be untrue. Much like how you need food and nutrition every day to replenish your body, you also need compliments to replenish your mind. Affirmations are a recurring need, and contrary to popular belief, receivers feel the positivity of compliments each time similarly.

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Now that we are aware of why we avoid complimenting others, and how those reasons are based on unfounded biases, we must do our best to increase the supply of compliments and praise in the world. Let’s look at some of the ways in which we can improve our compliments and make them feel more genuine to maximise their positive effects.

How Can We Give Better Compliments?
  1. Look at compliments from the receiver’s point of view: A strategy to overcome the bias that your compliments might make the other feel uncomfortable, or you might end up being awkward, is to put yourself in the receiver’s shoes and imagine how the compliment would make them feel. This can allow you to focus on conveying warmth instead of being worried about the manner in which you deliver the compliment.
  2. Be Sincere: Although it is nice to call somebody’s shoes pretty even if you don’t actually find them nice, sometimes, people can recognise when a compliment is insincere. Try to compliment people on what you actually feel about them, that way your tone and body language complements what you are saying.
  3. Pay attention and be Specific: People tend to feel better when you pay attention to specific things about them and compliment them on them. It makes people feel appreciated about things they have put an effort into. So, instead of telling someone how nice they look, instead, tell them what part of their appearance appeals to you.

Read More: How to Make New Friends?

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Differences Between Positive & Negative Attitudes Fri, 04 Aug 2023 11:04:26 +0000 What is the distinction between a positive and bad attitude? We use these words to describe other people all the time. We can refer to someone as having a positive or negative attitude. We’re actually using these terms to describe a collection of behaviour that someone else is displaying. Other people will use these terms […]

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What is the distinction between a positive and bad attitude? We use these words to describe other people all the time. We can refer to someone as having a positive or negative attitude. We’re actually using these terms to describe a collection of behaviour that someone else is displaying. Other people will use these terms to describe our actions in the same way that we use them to describe other individuals. If we want people to describe us as having a positive attitude, we must exhibit the appropriate behaviours. Our actions will discriminate between positive and bad attitudes. However, it is difficult to classify someone’s attitude as good or negative. People have a favourable attitude towards some things and a negative attitude towards others. This depends on a person’s goals, motivation factors, ability, self-belief, financial status, and opportunity.

Positive Vs. Negative People:

The distinction between positive and negative people is summed up in their attitudes. The difference we perceive is in their demeanour as much as their acts. The distinction is between a negative reaction and a positive action. When someone decides to respond adversely to a circumstance, they tend to look back on the problem and become so concentrated on the problem that they can’t move forwards. When someone chooses to respond positively to a situation, they tend to shift into action or solution mode. They acknowledge that they cannot change the past, and hence the problem, but they can affect what happens ahead.

Here are some examples of distinguishing features between positive and negative people:

1) Negative: I will always fail, no matter how hard I try.
Positive: what is the risk of failing? Failure is an essential component of learning something in life.

2) Negative: despite my best efforts, I fall short of my goals.
Positive: I will always give my all to reach my objectives.

3) Negative: She’s always lecturing everyone.
Positive: She has an inspiring personality and is always eager to assist others.

4) Negative: I have already given it my all. At this point, there is nothing further I can do.
Positive: I gave it my all, but there is always space for improvement. What can I do better?

What’s The Difference In Their Mindset?
1) Reaction To Failure:

Positive people see failure as a chance to learn and grow. They recognise that failure is an occurrence that does not define who they are. Failure emotionally disables negative people because they allow it to define who they are. They don’t realise it’s all part of the learning and growing process.

2) Challenges:

Positive people enjoy being challenged. They recognise that there can be no growth without difficulty. Positive people welcome challenges and look for methods to overcome them. Negative folks choose the easy way out. They avoid impediments like the plague since they raise the likelihood of failure. Hard times, according to negative people, do not make you, but rather break you.

3) Perfectionism:

Positive folks put up their best effort regardless of the circumstances. They recognise that there are many things over which they have no control, but effort is not one of them. The positive person always gives their best effort, even if it isn’t much. Negative individuals want things to be simple for them. If they have to work hard, they will assume they aren’t good at it and will give up. They are more likely to give them all if they are aware that others are watching them.

4) Know-It-All:

Positive folks enjoy learning. They recognise that information evolves and that what worked ten years ago may no longer be useful today. Negative people assume they know everything, and they are less likely to embrace fresh knowledge that challenges their beliefs. They are more concerned with who is right than with what is right.

Health And Well Being:

According to a growing amount of studies, maintaining an optimistic mindset can help your physical health. Scientists supported by the nih are striving to better understand the connections between your mindset and your body. They’re finding some evidence that mastering particular abilities can promote emotional wellbeing.

People holding positive attitude experience several health benefits such as:
  1. Increased life expectancy
  2. Lower depression rates
  3. Reduced misery and discomfort and greater resistance to illnesses
  4. Improved psychological and physical health
  5. Better cardiovascular health and a lower chance of death from heart disease and stroke
  6. Cancer death risk is reduced.
  7. Lower chance of death from respiratory diseases
  8. Reduced risk of infection-related death
  9. Improved coping abilities through adversity and stress
People holding negative attitude experience negative health symptoms such as:
  1. Chronic stress
  2. Body’s hormone imbalance
  3. Depletion of the brain chemicals essential for happiness, and affects the immune system.
  4. Stress shortens our telomeres, the “end caps” of our DNA strands, causing us to age faster.)
  5. Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  6. Cardiovascular illness
  7. Digestive difficulties
  8. Infection.
Interpersonal Relationships:

People with positive attitudes have good interpersonal relationships at family and work in comparison to people with negative attitudes. People with positive attitudes have feelings of unity and cooperation, they approach each task with a can-do mindset. They hold the capability to solve each problem by communicating. Communication is extremely essential for long-lasting relationships. However, people with negative attitudes want to change the outcome without changing themselves. They have poor communication skills and do not believe in unity and cooperation which results in conflicts.

Coping Mechanisms
Positive Attitude:
  1. Positive Reframing: They Tend To Reframe Negative Situations Into Positive Ones.
  2. Optimism: They Remain Resilient In The Face Of Adversity.
  3. Seeking Support: They Seek Social Support Of Friends And Family Whenever They Are In Trouble.
  4. Gratitude: They Give Less Excuses About Things In Life. They Always Have A Heart Full Of Gratitude.
Negative Attitude:
  1. Avoidance: They Tend To Put All Things Under The Carpet And Do Not Confront Challenges.
  2. Denial: They Occasionally Deny The Severity Of The Problems.
  3. Blame: They Engage In Blame Shifting, Pointing Fingers At Others. They Never See Themselves As A Victim To A Problem.
  4. Escapism: These People Engage In Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Such As Binge Drinking, Substance Abuse, and Binge Drinking.
Importance Of Positive Attitude:
  • Broaden Our Worldview (Thereby Motivating Greater Creativity, Wonder, And Options)
  • Build Throughout Time To Achieve Long-Term Emotional Resilience And Flourishing.
Forgiveness And Positive Attitude:

Forgiveness entails totally acknowledging that a negative incident occurred and letting go of our negative sentiments about the situation.  According to research, forgiveness improves our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. And it is something that can be learnt, as proved by the stanford forgiveness project, which trained 260 individuals in forgiveness over the course of six weeks.

  • 70% reported a lessening in their hurt feelings.
  • 13% reported less anger.
  • 27% reported less bodily problems (such as discomfort, stomach distress, dizziness, and so on).

Forgiveness has also been related to improved immune function and a longer lifespan. Other research has found that forgiveness has more than a metaphorical effect on the heart: it can actually lower our blood pressure and improve our cardiovascular health.

How To Cultivate A Positive Attitude:
  1. Make Yourself Happy: The Mind Is A Tremendous Tool. If You Allow Yourself To Maintain A Happy Outlook, Your Attitude Will Follow.
  2. Pay Attention To Your Inner Monologue: When Confronted With A Bad Notion, Transform It Into A Positive Thought.
  3. Interact With Positive People And In Positive Settings: Do Things With Individuals Who Positively Encourage You. Visit Locations With Particular Meanings And Wonderful Recollections Or Associations.
  4. Take Pleasure In The Little Things In Life: Laughter Is One Of The Most Effective Mood Boosters. Give Yourself Permission To Laugh.
  5. Allow Yourself To Be Cherished: Everyone Is Deserving Of Love. Everyone Is Adored.

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The Psychology of Body Language Fri, 01 Dec 2023 09:20:00 +0000 What Does Body Language Say About A Person Language is a tool for communication. When You intend to convey something to another person, you just say it. However, during interactions, verbal language is not the only mode of communication that humans utilise. Body language, or non-verbal communication, is a big part of human interaction. Non-verbal […]

The post The Psychology of Body Language appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

What Does Body Language Say About A Person

Language is a tool for communication. When You intend to convey something to another person, you just say it. However, during interactions, verbal language is not the only mode of communication that humans utilise. Body language, or non-verbal communication, is a big part of human interaction. Non-verbal communication is when people convey their thoughts and emotions without the use of words and spoken or written language. Instead, facial expressions, body movements and gestures, posture, tone, volume, and pitch of your voice, and touch are used.

Communication through body language begins during infancy. However, most of this communication occurs below the level of consciousness. For example, you may be anxious during an exam and tapping your foot without even realising you are doing that. Non-verbal communication expert Patti Wood says that humans are capable of exchanging up to 10,000 cues in less than a minute. It can impact how a person is perceived, and how their motivations and mood are interpreted.

Read More: The Psychology Behind Body Language

It is possible, with a little practice and awareness. To increase control over your body language and to also better read the cues that others are communicating. Let’s look at some forms of body language and what they can convey.

What does a person’s face say?

1. Mouth

The first place to look while trying to decode a person’s body language is their face. Microexpressions and facial movements can communicate a lot of things. Smiling is an indication of welcome. However, it is possible to distinguish between sincere and insincere smiles. When a person smiles genuinely, the corners of their mouth turn up and eyes narrow and wrinkle. Whereas, insincere smiles generally do not involve the yes. This usually happens if a person is forced to smile when they are uncomfortable. Smiles can also convey displeasure, contempt, or dislike. This is usually done by smirking or smiling partially.

2. Eyes

Eyes are also great indicators of a person’s emotional state. Rapid blinking is a sign of increased stress. A popular notion is that your pupils dilate when you experience romantic attraction. While this is somewhat true, it is not the only thing that can cause pupil dilation. It might also occur when someone is angry or afraid. Contrarily, your pupils contract when you do not like something. The direction of a person’s gaze depends on what they are interested in.

Therefore, if your date keeps looking at the TV screen behind you while you’re talking, you know what they are interested in. A key indicator of irritation, frustration, worry, or distress is eye blocking. People unconsciously cover their eyes when experiencing these emotions. They may cover them with their hands, or perform a long blink, or squint.

Read More: The Psychology of Simplicity

3. Other facial gestures

Arched eyebrows can indicate invitation and approachability. Also, a person with a tilted head is perceived as attentive and caring. It exposes their neck and showcases vulnerability. Oftentimes, when you tilt your head while looking at a baby, the baby relaxes.

What do a person’s bodily movements indicate?

1. Arms and Hands:

People cross their arms when they are feeling vulnerable or anxious. It might also be due to disinterest. However, combined with leaning back or smiling, the meaning of crossed arms changes and it instead suggests confidence and control of the situation. Arm positions can also be used to derive comfort for a person. So, if someone is holding something against their chest, resting their arms on a table, or using one arm to hold the other behind the back, it might be because they are uncomfortable and unconsciously attempting to protect themselves.

On the other hand, open arms convey just that, openness. When it comes to hands, the space between your fingers grows when feeling confident, but lessens when feeling insecure. Clenched fists indicate that a person is angry or frustrated, but trying to suppress those emotions. Rubbing one’s hands conveys stress.

Read More: CBT Techniques for Anxiety

2. Legs and Feet:

Legs and feet are good indicators of interest in a conversation. If a person, when in conversation with you, has their feet pointed towards you, they are probably interested in the conversation and want to continue talking to you, but feet pointing away from you might mean that they want to leave. Tapping feet or shifting from foot to foot can convey restlessness or nervousness. Crossed legs, when standing, show that one is comfortable in the company of the other. Standing with your leg crossed during a conversation can mean “take your time”. However, crossed legs while sitting, or when combined with crossed arms, can show an unwillingness to listen to the other person.

What can touch convey?

Communication through touch is known as haptics. Touching or stroking one’s neck is a pacifying behaviour. When we are stressed out, we may rub the back and the sides of our neck, or even the area under the chin. This latter area has nerve endings, and stroking it can lower our heart rate and have a calming effect on us. If another person is increasingly touching you in minor ways, it can mean they are attracted to you. This is demonstrated in arm touches, placing hands lightly on another’s shoulders, or knocking elbows.

Read More: Importance of Physical touch and 9 easy ways to cope with its absence

What are proxemics?

Proxemics refers to the type of nonverbal communication that is concerned with physical space and distance. Researchers have categorised the distance maintained between people into four zones, depending upon their familiarity with others. The four zones of personal space are: intimate, personal, social, and professional/public. The amount of space we decide to set between ourselves and others boils down to how comfortable we feel in their company. So, depending upon how they position themselves concerning you, you can determine how a person feels in your company.

What role does posture play?

Posture is one of the more difficult forms of nonverbal communication to control. However, other people’s postures can provide some insight into their feelings and personality in general. Some indicative postures are – leaning back onto a wall communicates boredom or disinterest, leaning towards someone in conversation suggests interest, standing up straight with your hands on your hips can indicate excitement and confidence, and standing straight with hands on your sides is a common position, which suggests a willingness to listen to another person.

Social psychologist Amy Cuddy’s research has revealed that not only does the mind affect the body, but the body also affects the mind. She suggests that power posing – the act of standing in a posture of confidence, even when you don’t feel confident – can boost feelings of confidence and make you feel powerful and in control of a situation. It does so by lowering hormones such as cortisol (stress hormone) in the body. She recommends power posing for a few minutes before entering a stressful social interaction, especially a job interview, which can significantly improve your chances of success. It can also help overcome feelings of imposter syndrome in a classroom or a workplace setting. She doesn’t believe in ‘Fake it till you make it’, but instead ‘Fake it till you become it’!

Summing Up

We have seen how important body language and nonverbal communication are in daily interactions. The above are only a few of the myriad cures that humans use to communicate with each other without the use of language. It can also be expanded digitally, for example, emoji use greatly impacts how we perceive the other person’s tone while texting. Increasing our knowledge of nonverbal communication cues and applying certain changes in our lives can make us better communicators!

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Psychology Behind Motivation Thu, 12 Oct 2023 11:30:00 +0000 Motivation is what drives and aligns people towards a common goal. That is, motivation involves goal-directed behaviour. It is the driving force behind human behaviour. We are not all born motivated. Without motivation, you will not be able to achieve or complete anything. It aids in goal clarification. Also Read: Importance of Motivation during Childhood […]

The post Psychology Behind Motivation appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

Motivation is what drives and aligns people towards a common goal. That is, motivation involves goal-directed behaviour. It is the driving force behind human behaviour. We are not all born motivated. Without motivation, you will not be able to achieve or complete anything. It aids in goal clarification.

Also Read: Importance of Motivation during Childhood

Abraham Maslow, a well-known psychologist has stated “If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I warn you that you’ll be unhappy for the rest of your life.” Thomas Edison whose dad invented the light bulb, failed many times but in each failure, he has learnt something. Imagine he had given up in the quest of inventing the bulb, his name probably would not be remembered today. He said, “Our biggest weakness lies in giving up”.

Source of Motivation

We have two types of motivation, which are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. You will do something which you desire or have personal gratification if you have intrinsic motivation and you will perform a task for any reward or appreciation if you have extrinsic motivation. Arousal theory states that someone with high arousal is likely to perform adventurous, risky behaviour.

Also Read: The Psychology of Discipline

Drive reduction theory states that our behaviours are spurred by the necessity to meet particular needs. Hence, we find rest, drink, food etc. Instinct theory states that instinct, which is a fixed inborn pattern of behaviour, is what motivates us to complete goals. According to Abraham Maslow, people are motivated to acquire self-actualisation if other primary needs are satisfied. The other primary needs include physiological, safety, love/belongingness and self-esteem.

Ways to Increase Your Motivation

Motivation is not something that happens to you, you should go out of your way and make it happen. All need to get started on an action or task is just a little push, and then your motivation goes off the ceiling. Increase your motivation by reducing your to-do list and focusing on a smaller number of things first. Some of the ways to boost your motivation are as follows;

  • By simplifying the task you can increase your motivation. Eliminate activities that don’t motivate you. When your mind is clustered and confused, it would be challenging to stay with all the tasks. So keep doing less by carving away unnecessary tasks.
  • Combining your small tasks is one of the easiest ways to simplify your tasks. Combine easier tasks together and think about how can you perform them.
  • Our success should be measured by how far we are away from it. We can boost our motivation if we are able to change our mindset Pay attention to your accomplishment.
  • Always think about the progress you have achieved from a starting point rather than focusing on your ideal.
  • Set measurable goals. You may start comparing yourself with others if you are not happy with the progress you are making which would reduce your motivation. So don’t compare yourself with others. Have a self-respect and self-esteem.
  • Surrounding with people of a similar mindset, and focusing on gratitude will level your motivation. So focus on deepening your relationships.
  • Develop a positive new habit. Start your day with breathing exercises or any kind of simple yoga and be consistent. Practising this every day would bring about a big result.
  • Increase your gratitude. For that you can think about important people in your life, then write down 6 things you appreciate about that person and tell them about it if you meet that person. Also, after the end of each day, write down what you are grateful for today. Look inwardly at what you have achieved to this day and take time to appreciate yourself.
Why do You Procrastinate?

Understanding the reason for procrastinating is the first step you need to know. When you are not well-organized it will definitely lead to procrastination. By creating effective schedules, using prioritization, and a to-do list would be grateful to avoid procrastination. Breaking the habit of procrastinating is not all of a sudden but being consistent with practising it makes the difference

 Adopting Anti-procrastination Strategies

  • Forgive yourself if you have procrastinated in the past. You can complete the task by putting it down on paper so that you stay committed and accomplish it.
  • Practice giving yourself a treat after completing a task. Treat could be a coffee, movie, cake or something you like. So, before you start a task, promise to reward yourself.
  • Self -help group would be helpful to push you to perform the task. There are online tools available now.
  • Switch your notifications of apps on mobile while doing work would be grateful for completing the task without delay. The difficult or unpleasant task would be the one to handle first. Then it would be easier to concentrate on other simple tasks.
  • Another way is to instead of using the phrase “I choose to”, rephrase it with “I have to” and “I need to”, it will mean that you are not considering any other choice than to do it.
  • Another powerful way to make an unpleasant task enjoyable is to identify the consequences of not completing the task. You can prioritize the urgent task at first to work on it.
  •  Identifying the long-term benefit of completing the task, is also one of the effective ways of tackling procrastination habit.

Now, you have learnt the importance of motivation in your life, ways to increase motivation, and to tackle procrastination, helping you to achieve success, go ahead and live the life you have desired by setting approachable goals and accomplishing them fully.

As Pablo Picasso once said, “Action is the foundational element of success”. So stay motivated!

The post Psychology Behind Motivation appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

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Schools of Thought in Psychology Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:17:39 +0000 Every academic discipline, including sociology, theology, literature, and history, has competing theories or schools of thought that present various points of view. When psychology originally became a study apart from biology and philosophy, there was debate about how to classify and explain the human mind and behaviour. The primary theories in the area of psychological […]

The post Schools of Thought in Psychology appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

Every academic discipline, including sociology, theology, literature, and history, has competing theories or schools of thought that present various points of view. When psychology originally became a study apart from biology and philosophy, there was debate about how to classify and explain the human mind and behaviour. The primary theories in the area of psychological science are represented by the several schools of psychology.

Wilhelm Wundt, the creator of the first psychology lab is largely considered the father of psychology as a result of this crucial action. Additionally, he was the first to identify himself as a psychologist. Other hypotheses quickly started to develop and compete for supremacy.


This kind of view emphasises dissecting mental operations into their most fundamental parts. Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener are two influential theorists who are related to structuralism.

The word “structuralism” relates to the movement’s aim, which is to examine the composition of the mind. Wundt’s primary approach in his quest to understand the inner workings of the mind was introspection. So that the researcher might understand the contents of consciousness, events or experiences are into their tiniest possible components for analysis.

Though at the time this school of thinking advanced psychology, it was eventually criticised for the subjective character of introspection. The same stimulus is rarely interpreted the same way by different people.


The notion of functionalism stood in opposition to the prevalent structuralism of late 19th-century psychology. Psychology was first described as a field that investigates mental experience and consciousness via trained introspection by the key structuralist Edward Titchener. Functionalism was greatly impacted by William James’ writings. It used the capacities and modifications of the mind.

In a functionalist approach, for instance, the emphasis would be on comprehending the purpose that those states serve rather than trying to understand the underlying mechanisms that lead to mental states. Psychologists could better grasp how the mind enables individuals to respond to and adapt to their situations if they had a greater knowledge of the goal.


The psychiatric school known as psychoanalysis was founded by Sigmund Freud. This school of thinking gave significant weight to the unconscious mind’s ability to influence conduct. Neo-Freudians such as Erik Erikson, Alfred Adler, and Karen Horney, as well as Anna Freud, Otto Rank, and Anna Freud, were among the other significant psychoanalytic thinkers. According to Freud, the human mind is of three parts: the id, ego, and superego.

It focused on how the unconscious mind operates in order to comprehend human behaviour. Everyone possesses unconscious memories, desires, and thoughts that result in suppressed emotions, claims this school of thinking. Psychoanalysis aims to bring these unconscious elements to consciousness in order to attain catharsis.

The need to experience pleasure, which Freud saw as having a sexual component, lies at the heart of human development, according to him. Freud thought that essential activities like nursing and defecating—moments in a child’s discovery of this pleasure—were crucial to that child’s development. He dealt with adult aberrant behaviour by attending to these phases.


The behaviourist school of thinking gained popularity in the 1950s. It was established on the theories advanced by thinkers like John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov, and B. F. Skinner.

According to behaviourism, external causes rather than internal factors explain all behaviour. The fundamental focus of behaviourism is on observable behaviour.

This school of thinking holds that the two main techniques for teaching behaviour are operant and classical conditioning. A conditioned stimulus and an unrelated unconditioned stimulus are combined to induce behaviour in classical conditioning.

Behaviourists believe that behaviour rather than trying to understand how the mind works inside holds the key to psychology. Psychological experiments are just as susceptible to replication as those conducted in other scientific disciplines.

Gestalt psychology

A psychological school known as “gestalt psychology” was founded on the notion that humans perceive the world as cohesive wholes. In the late 19th century, this method of studying psychology emerged in Germany and Austria as a reaction to structuralism’s molecular approach.

Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Köhler, and Kurt Koffka are some of the intellectuals who affiliates with the Gestalt school of thought.

Gestalt psychologists advocated considering the complete experience rather than breaking down thoughts and actions into their individual pieces. The theorists subscribe to the holism theory, which holds that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Gestalt psychologists believed that rather than breaking down thoughts and behaviours into their smallest parts, you must evaluate the complete experience. Our comprehension of visual phenomena, such as optical illusions shows Gestalt thinking.


Psychoanalysis and behaviourism prompted the development of humanistic psychology. Humanist intellectuals like Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, and Clark Moustakas had a significant impact on the growth of this school of psychology.

Humanistic psychology diverged significantly from early schools of thought in that it placed a strong focus on assisting individuals in realising and fulfilling their potential. Instead, humanistic psychology concentrated on issues like:

  • Becoming a fully functioning person
  • Individual free will
  • Hierarchy of needs
  • Peak experience
  • Self – actualization
Cognitive psychology

The branch of psychology known as cognitive psychology focuses on the study of mental processes, such as how individuals think, perceive, remember, and learn. This area of psychology connects to other fields including neuroscience, philosophy, and linguistics since it is a component of the broader subject of cognitive science.

Cognitive psychology developed in the 1950s in part as a response to behaviourism. Behaviourism’s detractors pointed out that it neglected to take into consideration how interior processes influenced behaviour.

Lev Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory, which focuses on how social and cultural influences interact to influence cognitive development, and Jean Piaget’s thesis on the “phases of cognitive development,” which claimed that children went through a series of progressive stages of intellectual development, are examples of ideas that emerged from the cognitive school of thought.

This psychological viewpoint had a significant impact on cognitive-behavioural treatment (CBT). CBT is a therapeutic strategy that concentrates on how unhelpful habitual thinking habits affect behaviour and psychological issues.

Psychologists used to frequently associate themselves with one particular school of thought in the past. Nowadays, the majority of psychologists have a diverse perspective on psychology. Rather than adhering to a single viewpoint, they frequently include concepts and theories from other schools.

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Top 10 Psychology Books for Beginners Fri, 15 Dec 2023 10:59:18 +0000 If you’re just starting in the discipline of psychology, it might be particularly challenging to identify which books are the greatest. You need to halt to discover the ones that work best for you. Pause for a second and consider certain things. If you are interested in discovering hidden characteristics in other people, including yourself, […]

The post Top 10 Psychology Books for Beginners appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

If you’re just starting in the discipline of psychology, it might be particularly challenging to identify which books are the greatest. You need to halt to discover the ones that work best for you. Pause for a second and consider certain things. If you are interested in discovering hidden characteristics in other people, including yourself, this is the first question you should ask: First things first: which area of study am I most interested in? Which habit would I like to improve upon? Numerous branches of psychology exist. It did not take long for me to realize that there is more to human behaviour than meets the eye when I initially began reading about it.

Read More: A Beginner’s Guide to Psychology

1. Nigel C. Benson’s “The Psychology Book”

It means you’re brand new to the area of psychology. Start with this book. It’s a mix of over 100 psychological ideas. There are many topics covered. We can learn about how psychology came to be by looking at its history. In the areas of developmental psychology, behaviourism, and psychotherapy, these are the most well-known people, ideas, and plans. This psychology library is easy to find. Psychology is a very interesting field. Also, it’s great for kids who are leading their way to teenage for the first time. The well-thought-out pages and pictures will help you understand it better.

Read More: Positive Psychotherapy: A Unique Approach to Mental Health

2. Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People”

Many like this self-help book. Dale Carnegie suggests a few simple ways to establish friends. The most overlooked strategy to gain popularity and support? Focus on them. Listen attentively. A simple element makes this so successful. Told and ployed will always work. The book’s concepts are obvious. Avoid pressuring individuals to do what you want. We aim to satisfy everyone by recognizing their individual needs.

Read More: How to Make New Friends?

3. “The Emotional Brain” by Joe E. LeDoux three.

The brain is extremely complicated. Behavior is influenced by emotions. The text discusses the Significance of the “emotional brain”. Acknowledge and identify your feelings. This methodology enhances self-awareness and facilitates the regulation of adverse emotions such as wrath, irritation, and animosity. This book offers an intricate elucidation of the brain and its operation. In the end, your identity is defined by your emotions. Your true intentions will show in your natural actions. As a result, things that were before difficult may appear less so. Understanding the complexities and interconnections of the human mind can be greatly enhanced by pursuing this book.

4. Jonathan Haidt’s “The Happiness Hypothesis”

While we are always on the lookout for ways to improve our financial situation and advance in our professions, we also love spending time with friends and family. A compelling narrative that helps us avoid pain and attain happiness can be created by combining old faith, philosophy, and psychology. People whose entire existence is consumed by the dogged quest of achievement and rivalry. Individuals with substantial wealth who are looking to increase their financial abundance. The main goal of this book is to teach people about life’s basics and convince them that certain things shouldn’t take centre stage, such as always chasing after money, competing for social position, or using deceitful tactics.

Read More: The Psychology of Happiness

5. “Stumbling on Happiness” by Daniel Todd Gilbert three

Most of the time, our assumptions are incorrect. Our memories aren’t very good. We frequently recall our feelings of wrongdoing as time passes. Finding out what will bring us lasting happiness is something humans are notoriously lousy at, and this book aims to explain why. Daniel Todd Gilbert will ask you a lot of questions that will help you figure out what happiness means to you. If you keep lying to yourself about what kinds of things or people will make you happy. People who are bad at guessing what will make their lives better should read this.

6. “The Confidence Game” by Maria Konnikova

This book is amazing because it looks at how con artists can trick millions of people. We still fall for “obvious” frauds while knowing they’re fake. Why do we believe “too good to be true” stories and what do they teach us? Ignorant psychology beginners should read this. This book will save you money and teach you how others achieve what they desire.

Read More: 10 Ways to Build Self-Confidence

7. “Flow” by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

This book describes what makes you joyful in depth. How to focus, work better, and enter the wonderful state of flow, where you are completely focused on the task at hand. This helps focus-challenged persons. The book explains how to do your job and to improve in your field. It will also help you decide what to do more and less.

8. “The Path to Purpose” by William Damon

This book is typically recommended to parents, but it can help anybody struggling to find meaning. William Damon investigates why many young people can’t find jobs. Young people lack inspiration and aren’t always sure of their aspirations, for all those who wonder where they fit in this enormous cosmos. This book can clarify your goals even if you have a general concept.

Read More: 4 Tips to Set High-Achieving Goals

9. “Reasons Kids Fail” by John Holt

Using science to understand how kids learn—or don’t. John Holt teaches us how to teach kids without trickery. Instead of forcing students to learn with sophisticated tactics, He gives useful information about how students easily pick up new things. This lets us tailor our method, which helps teachers and kids talk to each other better. Helping children develop better critical thinking and problem-solving skills will better prepare them for life.

Read More: The Basics of Child Psychology

10. Chris Chabris’s “The Invisible Gorilla”

The Hidden Gorilla Experiment, which demonstrates that our eyes become cloudy when we are not focused, is extensively discussed in other famous publications. This is why everyone interested in psychology would benefit greatly from reading The Invisible Gorilla. The title makes it easy to see how and why our eyes can deceive us. What kinds of facts are still hidden from the mind? And what are the flaws we don’t notice in the way our brains deal with the world?

Summing up

Psychology is a vital academic subject. Few recognize how crucial information workers in glasses are for mind education. Take time to discover how we work, regardless of age. What mistakes do we make most often and how to improve? This will help you develop self-discipline and lasting habits. But support your efforts to understand your current circumstances and the things making your life difficult. These don’t employ complicated language or concepts. New psychologists should start with something simple. A simple but frightening concept. Do not anticipate everything. Focus on the basics.

The post Top 10 Psychology Books for Beginners appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

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Consistency: A Real key to Success Tue, 05 Sep 2023 14:40:00 +0000 Success is a word that describes our ultimate goal. In today’s world, everyone wants to become successful. Most of us even have the initial motivation to start something, but accomplishing that task becomes tedious and hence we lose hope of achieving it in the middle of the journey. To achieve success, we made a number […]

The post Consistency: A Real key to Success appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

Success is a word that describes our ultimate goal. In today’s world, everyone wants to become successful. Most of us even have the initial motivation to start something, but accomplishing that task becomes tedious and hence we lose hope of achieving it in the middle of the journey. To achieve success, we made a number of plans, and various strategies, followed up the schedule, and did nerve-wracking hard work. One may do everything to achieve success remain committed to the goal and also take action appropriately. We do receive setbacks but learning from our mistakes is essential to achieve success, other than this, consistency plays a major role in it.


Consistency is the main driver that leads an individual towards the ultimate success. Consistency means staying focused and dedicating oneself to the goal. It is the ability to remain committed to a task or habit without deviating from it. But being consistent is difficult. There are many reasons why consistency is so important for success.

  • Builds Momentum: Consistency increases our chance of making progress over time builds up momentum and ultimately helps us to stay motivated.
  • Develop Discipline: Sticking towards a goal develops regularity in our life and hence develops discipline.
  • Develops Confidence: A sense of accomplishment and confidence is felt when we make progress towards our goal which ultimately helps us to achieve our goal.
  • Builds trust: If you are consistent towards your goal other people will rely on you for help which builds trust.
    If you want to become successful, you should be consistent in your actions. Dedicate sufficient time and effort and be patient and persistent.
Tips for being consistent
  • Set realistic goals: Initially, set some realistic goals, that are easier to accomplish, it will motivate you to perform further.
  • Break down your goals into levels: It will look easier to achieve if you break down your goals into levels.
  • Create a schedule and try to stick to it: Creating a schedule will help you to provide a structure to your work.
  • Find a motivating support system: A support system is needed throughout the journey it will help you to remain motivated.
  • Reward yourself for your little accomplishments: Rewarding yourself for little accomplishments will leave you excited for the next task.
  • Don’t be afraid if you make any mistake: Mistakes are a lesson, don’t take them seriously but learn from them.
  • Be patient and persistent: Success takes time and effort. Don’t give up in the middle. Try to be patient and persistent.
What else matters other than Consistency?

In spite of the importance of consistency in order to succeed, there are a number of other key factors which also have an impact.

1. Hard work and Dedication

Putting in sufficient effort with ultimate dedication is indeed important for succeeding any goal. No one can achieve success without hard work and without dedication towards it.

2. Motivation and Passion

Having a strong motivation and genuine passion for your goals can fuel your consistency. When you’re passionate about what you’re doing, it’s easier to stay committed. Passion is the initial step towards goal that motivates you to accomplish it. If one can develop a passion for anything, it would be easier to achieve it.

3. Resilience

It is likely to face failure whenever we perform anything, one should have the ability to bounce back from the setbacks and failures. It is one of the most important to become successful. One should learn from their setbacks and enhance their productivity.

4. Time management

Time plays a crucial role and managing it is one of the tedious works during the journey. Managing time will help you prioritize tasks and helps you to stick to your task in an undeviating way.

5. Self- Discipline

Following the schedule, sticking to the plan, and staying committed to the goal requires self-discipline. It helps you consistently follow through on your plans.

6. Positive Mindset

A positive mindset is hence necessary to bind motivation, passion, hard work, and dedication together and ultimately boost your resilience to attract positive outcomes and opportunities.

Hence, we can say that consistency is the critical element for success, but success involves a number of factors and attributes. While consistency is a foundational component, other factors such as hard work, dedication, motivation, passion, resilience, time management, self-discipline, a positive mindset all play significant roles in your journey toward success.

The post Consistency: A Real key to Success appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

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