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Through temporary or permanent cosmetic alterations to the body, people use tattoos as a way to express themselves. Our body experiences various emotions and situations as a part of our life. The body along with people undergoes changes and acts as a life diary (or a living testimony of all our experiences).

People claim that tattoos represent the feelings and encounters that have shaped who we are today. They express what is happening to us on the inside to the external world. Some people consider tattoos to represent their personal bonds, values, and beliefs, whereas others just view them as an aesthetic creation of their life.

Tattoos create a sense of belonging as certain groups such as tribes, mafias and other cultural groups may use tattoos as a code to represent their group. According to a mental health professional, Rosalba Varaceta, tattoos are a form of non-verbal language which is visible to the world with a story behind it. She also believes tattoos can be therapeutic in the sense that they may be able to hide but not erase an experience.


The current definition of a tattoo describes it as a body alteration procedure in which pigments, dyes, or tattoo ink are injected into the dermis layer of the skin to create either permanent or transient designs. These designs are created through various tattooing strategies, including the most common forms: hand-tapped traditional tattoos and modern tattoo machines.

The word ‘tattoo’ is a loanword from the Samoan word ‘tatau.’ It means ‘to strike’ and first appeared in English in the 18th century. A side note: Tattoo parlors mass-produce and display copyrighted tattoo designs known as flash sheets, aiming to offer inspiration and ready-made designs for their customers. A side note: Tattoo parlors mass-produce and display copyrighted tattoo designs known as flash sheets, aiming to offer inspiration and ready-made designs for their customers.

The practise of tattooing has been around for thousands of years. The oldest specimen with tattooed mummies was identified by researchers as Otzi, commonly known as the Iceman, was discovered in 2015. This 3250 BCE cadaver, which was preserved in imbedded glacier ice in the Alps, had 61 tattoos, according to researchers.

Ancient tattooing was widely used by the Austronesian people, who invented one of the first tattooing techniques before 1500 BCE. The reason behind these tattooing practices has been associated with headhunting or traditional purposes. Ancient tattooing traditions have also been found among Papuans and Melanesians dated around 1650 BCE to 2000 BCE.


There are several types of tattoos classified based on their purposes. A few of these types are given below:

Traumatic Tattoos: These are forms of tattoos that occur when substances such as asphalt or gunpowder are spread into the wounds of the individual due to some kind of accident or trauma. These tattoos are often accidental and can term as marked in the body due to unwanted or unknown exposures.

Identification Tattoos: As the name suggests these are tattoos used for the purpose of identification. For example, Nazis tattooed concentration camp inmates during the Holocaust with special symbols or forensic pathologists tattooing the body to distinguish between burned bodies, putrefied bodies and mutilated bodies.

Cosmetic Tattoos: Permanent makeup is the use of tattoos to define features such as moles, lips, eyes, and eyebrows for a long time. The designs are typically natural-colored since they are meant to imitate cosmetics. The practice of covering mastectomy scars with beautiful tattoos has been becoming a popular trend in the US and the UK.

Medical tattoos guarantee the proper positioning of the areola and the instruments in various forms of breast reconstruction and recurrent radiation applications. Additionally, people have utilised tattoos to send personal medical data (such as blood type, disease, etc.). For example, Alzheimer’s sufferers could have their names tattooed on them so that if they disappear, it will be simpler to find them. Furthermore, people cover up the skin pigmentation disorder vitiligo with tattoos that match their skin tones.

Problems surrounding Tattoos

The art of tattooing can create both positive and negative influences both on the person and the artist. People may get tattoos for many purposes. It’s may be for attention, self-expression, independence, rebellion, a personal narrative, reminders of traditions, sexual motivation, addiction, identification or even drunken impulsiveness.

It isn’t far from one’s knowledge that tattooing was once considered taboo and art that may lead you to prison. People are now normalizing it, considering self-mutilation behavior as a psychiatric problem. But still, to this day stigma surrounds this concept with the older generations, mainly being less forgiving about it. Not only age influences this aspect, but also stereotypes. ersons with tattoos are frequently associated with the stereotypes of rebels, strong drinkers, partygoers, persons who had a difficult childhood, and impulsive people. These factors may impact the person’s life often negatively.

Reasons for Tattooing Based on Theories

Various theories have been used for explaining why people may want to get tattoos. A few of these are given below:

Freud’s Ice-Berg Theory

Freud stated that the three structures of our mind motivate human behaviors, and the primary source of our behavior stems from the unconscious mind. The term ‘unconscious mind’ refers to the region of the psyche. It houses suppressed thoughts, images, as well as instincts, and urges. These ideas, pictures, urges, and instincts have never been able to penetrate the conscious level. These desires and ideas manifest themselves in the form of tattoos.

Symbolic Interactionism Theory

According to the symbolic interactionism concept, tattoos help people establish and preserve their sense of self. People use tattoos as a medium to communicate their ideas, values, and personality, as well as to showcase their involvement in a particular group or subculture.”

Self-determination Theory

According to the self-determination theory, getting a tattoo can help people satisfy their needs for relatedness, competence, and autonomy. Tattoos can give people a sense of control over their bodies. Let them express their creativity, and strengthen relationships with others.

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

According to the cognitive dissonance theory, getting a tattoo can help people deal with their conflicting thoughts or feelings. For instance, a person who has a deep emotional bond with a departed loved one might acquire a tattoo as a coping mechanism or a person who overcame a trauma may attach symbolic meaning to the trauma by getting a tattoo to remember it.

Other Explanations

Other possible reasons to get a tattoo may be due to the following reasons:

  • To bring imagination into the external world such as their fantasies and visions.
  • To provide a clear statement to the world.
  • As a form of risk-taking and thrill-seeking behaviors
  • To represent their identity and self-expression.
  • To display uniqueness and individuality
  • To promote self-esteem and self-perception.
  • To boost confidence

In conclusion, a large number of people engage in the body art of tattooing, which has a long history. It can be classified into various types as well. In addition, it exerts both positive and negative influences on the person’s life. Numerous psychological factors are possible for this tattooing practise.

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Emotional Weakness: Causes, Signs and, Coping Tips https://www.psychologs.com/emotional-weakness-causes-signs-and-coping-tips/ https://www.psychologs.com/emotional-weakness-causes-signs-and-coping-tips/?noamp=mobile#respond Thu, 19 Oct 2023 08:31:53 +0000 https://www.psychologs.com/?p=21788 There are times when people are seen shouting at others without any reasonable cause, getting tensed and worrying a lot, even when faced with a small problem, misinterpreting other’s viewpoints, or having a hard time accepting criticism. All of these can occur if an individual has low emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability […]

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There are times when people are seen shouting at others without any reasonable cause, getting tensed and worrying a lot, even when faced with a small problem, misinterpreting other’s viewpoints, or having a hard time accepting criticism. All of these can occur if an individual has low emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions as well as understand the emotions of others. and, emotional strength simply means being aware and effectively dealing with own emotions, regulating them, and helping others to do the same. Emotional weakness, on the other hand, depicts being vulnerable to situations and not able to manage emotions efficiently.

What causes Emotional weakness?

Comparison with other children, bullying, etc., during the early years of childhood- can build inferiority complex later in life. Thus, some people are conditioned to behave so in adulthood too due to fear of failure- thus not being able to make their own decisions, being unable to say no to things they don’t want, or lacking the potential to say yes when they feel so.

Lack of Self Awareness

Individual whose self-image is distorted is unaware of their own strengths. People like these always worry a lot about what others think of them and place other’s judgment above their own perspective.

Piling up Deeper Feelings

The build-up of negative feelings like worries, frustration, anger, and sadness can later become too overwhelming; leading to a stage of anxiety, aggression, or depression. This can emotionally drain individuals, making them much more vulnerable.

Also read: How Emotional Intelligence Plays an Important Role in Your Life

Signs of an emotionally weak person
  • Unable to handle criticism.
  • Ignoring their own needs and demands due to fear of losing them.
  • Being vulnerable feels pleasurable. Expecting others to sympathize.
  • Unable to take own life decisions.
  • Worrying a lot about other’s judgment.
  • Lack of self-awareness.
  • Avoiding social groups due to fear of moving out of comfort zone.
  • Resist to face challenges- even a small problem seems like a big storm.
Who is more emotionally weak- Men or women?

Many people believe that women are more sensitive than men. Is it real, though? Studies disprove the widespread belief that there are significant inter-gender differences between men and women

In terms of emotionality. It is the societal conditioning that has encouraged men to express emotions associated with power, conflict, and dominance like; aggression, rage, disrespect, contempt, and hatred. Feelings that portray a man as weak and submissive are viewed as inappropriate for men. Similarly, there are certain emotions that are considered socially undesirable for women. They are states connected with aggression, because women are perceived as gentle and in charge of maintaining harmonious relationships with others. For women to display signs of vulnerability, sadness, anxiety, and crying is more acceptable in society (Mandal, 2007).

Also read: Signs That Say You Are Emotionally Healthy!

How to cope with Emotional weakness?
  • Recognizing and accepting own emotions is the first step. Journaling and a mood diary can help.
  • Reframing own thoughts and building resilience.
  • Including yoga and meditation in daily routine can help stay grounded by relaxing and reducing oversensitivity.
  • Practicing mindfulness and living in the present.
  • Being open to other’s perspectives and accepting critical feedback positively.
  • Trying to face life challenges by inculcating problem-solving skills and working towards improving the situation.

Understanding the symptoms of emotional weakness, which is a common human experience, is the first step toward improvement. This article is written to help the readers by supplying them with some interesting and practical information.

Also read: Is Your Relationship Emotionally Rich?

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Sensitive Behavior and its Impact on Mental Health https://www.psychologs.com/sensitive-behavior-and-its-impact-on-mental-health/ https://www.psychologs.com/sensitive-behavior-and-its-impact-on-mental-health/?noamp=mobile#respond Tue, 18 Apr 2023 07:30:50 +0000 https://www.psychologs.com/?p=13322 Remember that one time when were at a party having a great time, the music, the snacks, and your favourite people? Then suddenly, someone said something that hit you the wrong way and threw you off. Maybe it was a comment about your personality or a snarky remark about your taste in music. Suddenly, your […]

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Remember that one time when were at a party having a great time, the music, the snacks, and your favourite people? Then suddenly, someone said something that hit you the wrong way and threw you off. Maybe it was a comment about your personality or a snarky remark about your taste in music. Suddenly, your mood became bitter and you were left feeling anxious and upset.

Trust us, we’ve all been there. Sensitive behaviour can take many forms and shapes- from snarky comments to more upfront insults. It may appear innocent and harmless at first but it can have an impact on our mental health. That is exactly why we’re here! Let’s discuss sensitive behaviour and its impact on mental health.

Being sensitive is a quality that many people have and there is nothing wrong about it. However, sensitivity can create difficulties in real-world scenarios when awkward social situations cause an exaggerated reaction and hurt. While therapy may be helpful in those situations, here are some typical warning signs which suggest that you may be sensitive:

  • You are highly aware of your emotions: Sensitive people frequently have keen emotional awareness and may feel their emotions more strongly than others. You can be easily moved to tears or experience intense emotional impact from other people.
  • You have intense empathy: People who are sensitive often have a high level of empathy, which means they are able to understand and experience other people’s feelings. You might discover that you are perceptive to other people’s needs and that you tend to adopt their emotions.
  • You get overwhelmed easily: People with sensitive personalities may feel overwhelmed in circumstances that others find normal and manageable. For instance, you can experience overwhelming feelings in noisy or crowded spaces or you might be easily overstimulated by sensory input like bright lights or loud noises.
  • You pay close attention to details: Sensitive people may be acutely aware of details that others might miss. You might be perceptive and pick up on minute information that others might miss.
  • You are creative: Many creative people who are also sensitive people may find creative pursuits like music or art to be especially rewarding.

While some people can have a sensitive nature, HSPs (Highly Sensitive Person) have heightened sensitivity that goes above and beyond what is seen as typical. A lack of parental affection throughout childhood, according to studies, may cause a child to grow up sensitive and carry that sensitivity into adulthood. The same is true of unpleasant early experiences. You might have a higher chance of developing into an HSP as an adult if you were exposed to trauma as a child. Having HSP characteristics is not a disorder but rather a certain way of seeing the world. Although sensitivity can be a good quality it can also lead to negative consequences if not managed properly.

Sensitive behaviour may have the following effects on mental health:
  • Increased susceptibility to stress and anxiety: Due to their extreme emotional reactions, sensitive people may be more susceptible to stress. This may have more chances of developing anxiety disorders and cause feelings of exhaustion and overload.
  • Difficulty setting boundaries: A study found that individuals with high sensitivity tended to have lower levels of assertiveness, which can make it more difficult to set and enforce boundaries. This can impact relationships and may lead to a pattern of people-pleasing.
  • Increased risk of depression: Depression is more likely to strike sensitive people because of their heightened emotional reactivity. This may be especially true if trauma or other painful life events are present in addition to sensitivity.
  • Risk of physical health issues is increased: Research suggests that if you are sensitive then you are also more likely to experience the physical symptoms of stress, such as headaches and muscular aches.

    However, sensitivity can also work as an advantage to mental health. Sensitive individuals are said to be mindful of their own as well as others’ needs. This can led to deeper personal connections and increased empathy. Also, they could be more likely to practice self-care.

Wondering how to cope with it? One can consider practising mindfulness. Mindfulness means being present and conscious of the time at hand and accepting your thoughts and feelings. For those with sensitive personalities, this can be useful. It can help to reduce the signs of anxiety. You can also work on establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries.

Sensitive people can better control their emotional outbursts and prevent fatigue by learning to establish and uphold appropriate limits. Saying “no” to requests or commitments that feel overwhelming may be necessary, as well as being upfront with others about your needs and limitations. Start participating in self-care activities like exercise, meditation, and creative expression, this can assist sensitive people in managing stress and preserving their mental health. Regular exercise has been found in studies to lessen the effects of anxiety.

It may be beneficial to seek care from a mental health professional if sensitive behaviour is interfering with daily life and functioning. Therapy can offer a secure environment to address challenging emotions and can teach coping mechanisms for handling sensitivity. We need to understand that sensitivity is a spectrum, and everyone experiences it differently.

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Rainy Days and Memories: Reflections on Wet Weather https://www.psychologs.com/rainy-days-and-memories-reflections-on-wet-weather/ https://www.psychologs.com/rainy-days-and-memories-reflections-on-wet-weather/?noamp=mobile#respond Tue, 02 May 2023 07:54:28 +0000 https://www.psychologs.com/?p=14675 Rainy days are a common occurrence in many parts of the world. They bring with them a unique set of experiences and emotions that are different from other types of weather. The Sights of Rainy Days The first thing that comes to mind when I think of wet days is the sight of raindrops falling […]

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Rainy days are a common occurrence in many parts of the world. They bring with them a unique set of experiences and emotions that are different from other types of weather.

The Sights of Rainy Days

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of wet days is the sight of raindrops falling from the sky. Many people love watching the raindrops as they hit the ground or bounce off the leaves of trees. Cloudy days also bring a change in scenery, as everything seems to take on a different hue. The colors of the sky, trees, and buildings appear more vibrant against the dark grey backdrop of the clouds.

The Sounds of Rainy Days

The sound of rain is another thing that many people love about rainy days. There’s something soothing and calming about the sound of raindrops falling on different surfaces. The sound of rain can range from a gentle pitter-patter to a heavy downpour, depending on the intensity of the rain. Multiple people across the world find the sound of rain particularly comforting, especially when they are inside, snuggled up with a good book or watching a movie.

The Feelings of Rainy Days

Rainy days evoke different emotions in people. For some, it may be a source of frustration, particularly if they have to be out and about in the rain. However, rainy days can also be source of comfort and relaxation. There’s something cozy about being inside, listening to the rain, and enjoying a warm cup of tea. Rainy days also offer an opportunity for introspection and self-reflection, as the sound of rain can help to clear one’s mind.

Feeling of Positivity on Rainy Day

Additionally, rainy days also provide a chance to appreciate the beauty of nature. The rain brings life to plants and flowers, making them look refreshed and vibrant. The smell of the rain is also refreshing, and it cleanses the air of pollutants, leaving a fresh and crisp scent. Rainy days also provide a great opportunity for bonding with loved ones. Whether it’s playing board games, baking cookies, or simply having a good conversation, rainy days provide the perfect setting for spending quality time with family and friends.

Rainy days can be a wonderful experience if we embrace them with an open mind. The sights, sounds, and feelings associated with rainy days can offer a unique and refreshing change of pace from the usual routine. We should take advantage of these moments to appreciate the beauty of nature, relax, and bond with loved ones.

Moreover, rainy days can also inspire acts of kindness and generosity. Seeing people caught in the rain without an umbrella or struggling to carry their bags can motivate us to offer help and support. We can also use drizzly days as an opportunity to donate old clothes and blankets to those in need, or volunteer at a local shelter to help people who are homeless. In some cultures, rainy days are also associated with spiritual and religious significance.

Rainy Days and Creativity

Another thing that makes rainy days special is how they can inspire creativity. wet days often provide the perfect backdrop for writing, painting, or pursuing other artistic endeavours. The mood that the rain creates can be an excellent source of inspiration, and the sound of rain can be a natural white noise that helps to improve focus and concentration.

For those who enjoy exercise, rainy days can also provide a chance to try new indoor workouts or activities. Yoga, Pilates, or even dance classes can be enjoyable ways to stay active without having to venture out into the rain.

Furthermore, dry days can also be an ideal time for taking care of oneself. A long, warm bath or a DIY spa treatment can be the perfect way to unwind and destress. Additionally, rainy days can be a great time to catch up on rest and recharge, whether it’s through taking a nap or getting an early night’s sleep.


Rainy days offer a unique set of experiences that are different from other types of weather. The sights, sounds, and feelings associated with rainy days can evoke different emotions in people. To many people around the world stomy days are a source of comfort and relaxation, and they tend to enjoy watching the raindrops, listening to the sound of rain, and taking the opportunity for introspection. There are others who have different experiences as well.

The post Rainy Days and Memories: Reflections on Wet Weather appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

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Why Do Men Hide Their Emotions? https://www.psychologs.com/why-do-men-hide-their-emotions/ https://www.psychologs.com/why-do-men-hide-their-emotions/?noamp=mobile#respond Fri, 13 Oct 2023 08:00:15 +0000 https://www.psychologs.com/?p=21560 Emotions are the fundamental actions that are shown by a human and these are meant to show, but our society has segregated expressing emotion in gender categories. It is structured in a way that men are expected to behave stronger. Women are always seen as the ones who easily show their emotions. The environment in […]

The post Why Do Men Hide Their Emotions? appeared first on Psychologs Magazine | Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self-Help Magazine.

Emotions are the fundamental actions that are shown by a human and these are meant to show, but our society has segregated expressing emotion in gender categories. It is structured in a way that men are expected to behave stronger. Women are always seen as the ones who easily show their emotions. The environment in which they are born to have this type of misconception, from day one their mindset is framed in a way they have to behave stronger and are instructed not to cry out their emotions, not to show up their personal concern instead of that they are expected to bear everything. The phenomenon of men hiding their feelings is so significant attention in recent years. This article will cover why men hide their feeling and what is the psychological aspect behind this.

If we list out reasons behind this issue behind this phenomenon, the reasons can be:
1) Social Conditioning:

From a young age, boys are taught that is not acceptable to express emotions, especially negative ones like sadness, fear, anxiety, and vulnerability. They are expected to behave manly and tough and show emotion and if they show their emotion they might seem like weak human. And this social conditioning limits the buys to express their emotion confidently.

2) Gender Stereotype:

Society has often set different expectations for men and women for expressing emotion. Women are mostly more emotionally expressive than men. And it is acceptable for them to show their emotion. Men, on the other hand, are stereotyped as stoic, strong, and less likely to show their emotion. These gender stereotypes make men feel likely to suppress their emotions in order to fit me.

3) Fear of Judgement:

Men are often afraid of being judged if they show their emotions, especially negative ones. They may worry of being seen as weak, immature, and unmanly. This fear of judgment can lead men to hide their emotions, even from their closest loved ones.

4) Coping Mechanism:

For some men hiding emotion is a coping mechanism. If they have any negative past experience of showing emotion they may likely not express their emotion often. Thus, learned to protect themselves by keeping their emotions to themselves.

5) The stress of being a problem solver:

Society expects most men to solve problems and prioritize addressing issues over discussing their feelings. This can lead to decreased emotional intelligence.

6) Lack of role models:

Many boys grow up without seeing positive examples of men expressing their emotions in a healthy way. Their fathers and other male role models taught them to reduce their emotions. A lack of role models can make it difficult for men to learn to express their emotions in a healthy way.

7) Emotional illiteracy:

Some men may have difficulty identifying and expressing their emotions due to a lack of curiosity. They may not be able to understand or express their emotions, making it easy for them to hide their feelings.

Tips for coping for men to show their emotions:
1) Be patient:

It’s crucial to keep in mind that males can learn to control their emotions for a number of purposes. Their ability to communicate their emotions and open up may require some time and patience. Thus, one should comprehend and wait for the response with patience.

2) Create a safe space:

Men like venting about their emotions, but it’s crucial to provide a secure and encouraging atmosphere for them. This is offering you support and listening to them without passing judgment. We would assure them that we are not scrutinizing them.

3) Encourage them:

Motivate them to use healthy channels for expressing their emotions. There are a lot of healthy methods to communicate your feelings, including writing, chatting, working out, and doing art. Encourage the males in your lives to express their feelings in a healthy way.
Other than this, there are some tips for the peers.

4) Don’t pressure them:

If a man is not ready to talk about his feelings, don’t pressure him. Let him know that you are there for him when he is ready.

5) Don’t take it personally:

If a man is not expressing his feelings to you, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care about you. It may simply mean that he is struggling to open up.

6) Don’t try to read their minds:

It is impossible to know what someone is feeling if they don’t tell you. If you are curious about how a man is feeling, ask him.

7) Don’t assume:

Don’t assume that they are not feeling anything. Just because a man is not expressing his emotions doesn’t mean that he is not feeling anything. Men experience the full range of emotions just like women do.

Read More Article:

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Trends in Psychology: Exploring Modern Developments and Directions https://www.psychologs.com/trends-in-psychology-exploring-modern-developments-and-directions/ https://www.psychologs.com/trends-in-psychology-exploring-modern-developments-and-directions/?noamp=mobile#respond Sat, 13 Jan 2024 15:10:00 +0000 https://www.psychologs.com/?p=28111 The vast field of psychology, which examines many facets of human thought and behavior, is always being explored and evolving. The currents of psychological research change along with the landscapes of society; they embrace contemporary advancements and forge exciting new paths. This article explores some of the major themes influencing the modern psychological fabric, shedding […]

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The vast field of psychology, which examines many facets of human thought and behavior, is always being explored and evolving. The currents of psychological research change along with the landscapes of society; they embrace contemporary advancements and forge exciting new paths. This article explores some of the major themes influencing the modern psychological fabric, shedding light on the complex relationships tying the past, present, and future together.

1. Rise of Mental Wellness and Psychology

Society has long abandoned the stigmatization and secrecy surrounding mental health. Society has seen a tsunami of knowledge as it recognizes the vital role that mental health plays in human flourishing. An increase in demand for mental health treatments, the emergence of new therapy modalities, and an emphasis on preventative measures like stress management and mindfulness are all direct results of this visibility boom.

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It is not just a trend required for personal care. Public talks on mental health have also become more common viewpoint thanks to the efforts by advocacy organizations and well-known people, which has significantly increased understanding and empathy. Programs like Mental Health Awareness Month and the destigmatization of the need for professional assistance also demonstrate the shared commitment required to prioritize mental health.

This emerging discipline of positive psychology provides another illustration of this change. Positive psychology focuses on fostering the flourishing qualities of the human experience, that are happy, resilience, gratitude, and purpose, moving beyond the pathology-centric approach. Positive psychology-based interventions also provide people the skills they need to develop their strengths, promote inner peace, and lead to more satisfying lives. (Csikszentmihalyi & Seligman, 2000)

2. Advances in neuroscience

New developments in neuroimaging technology such as fMRI and EEG offer never-before-seen insights deep into the neurological mechanisms that are behind our emotions, thoughts, and actions. The creation of more efficient as well as focused psychological therapies is also aided by this complex brain map.

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Moreover, advances in neuroscience are transforming one’s knowledge of mental illnesses. Researchers are also laying the groundwork for the creation of innovative diagnostic instruments and individualized treatment regimens by closely analyzing the brain correlates of diseases like schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease. ( 2019. Nestler and Hyman )

For example, neuro-feedback treatment requires real-time brain activity that monitor education of patients to self-regulate their mental moods. This is very efficient strategy that also strongly promised in treating diseases that includes anxiety and depression by providing a non-invasive alternative in comparison of standard drugs. (Hampson and others, 2013).

3. Psychology and Technology

Now a days virtual reality (VR) technology is being increasingly used in therapeutic environments. VR exposure therapy has shown some of encouraging outcomes during the treatment of PTSD as well as phobias by providing people with in depth experiences so as to face their fears and anxieties in a secure and well controlled setting. (Rizzo and others, 2016)

Such rise in popularity of self-help applications and online therapy is an alternate way in which the digital revolution affects psychology. These platforms also provide some accessible and adaptable solutions for mental health care, especially for those who are living in rural places or with minimal financial resources. To be as effective as possible, online mental health tools are must to address concerns about data privacy and the requirement for trained human supervision. (Mohr and associates, 2019)

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Though cautiously, artificial intelligence (AI) is also making their involvement into the psychiatric field. AI-powered chat-bots are also being investigated as potential companions for those suffering from depression and loneliness. They would also provide them with nonjudgmental assistance and connections with mental health services. But before being widely used, AI algorithms need to be carefully developed as well as assessed and thoroughly tested due to worries about potential biases and ethical issues. (Mohr and associates, 2019)

4. Diversity and Psychological community

The psychological community is recently recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusiveness. Mostly studies focuses on homogeneous groups have limits, academics and are actively integrating different viewpoints into their study. This also entails concentrating on marginalized populations, taking cultural sensitivity into account while designing research projects, and critically analyzing current theories.

There are always obstacles to overcome and deal with various important conversations to have an the path to inclusiveness. On the other hand, there is a great potential for a more representative as well as culturally competent psychology with the growing initiatives to support diversity in research and practice. (Sue and associates, 2019)

In order to meet the unique needs and cultural settings of different populations, therapeutic techniques also constantly keep changing. Advocacy campaigns are also working to ensure that everyone, regardless of their financial background, gender, color, or ethnicity, also has fair access to mental health care.

5. Advantages of Ecotherapy in Psychology

It has been observed that spending time in nature—whether it is about taking a stroll in a forest or tending to a home garden proves to be effective in reducing stress, elevating mood, and enhancing cognitive performance. It also include nature-based activities like mindfulness walks, forest bathing—a Japanese technique that involves submerging oneself in a forest’s sensory experience—and animal-assisted therapy into treatment regimens, ecotherapy expands on these inherent advantages.

We weave the complex tapestry of our lives together with both external and internal environmental strands. Understanding this relationship of environmental psychology which investigates how our natural environment affects our mental health. Ecotherapy is a developing field of therapy that uses nature-based therapies to support mental health and well-being. It is a result of the increased focus on the therapeutic potential of nature.

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Those who suffer from anxiety, sadness, or are having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) do find this method very helpful. Additionally, eco-therapy also provides a cultural sensitive and are easily accessible mental health service, more specific to the populations with limited access to conventional therapeutic services. (Conradson, 2018)

Society’s Challenges and Leading in Diversity

Many of the largest problems facing society today, such as disinformation, vaccination hesitancy, inequality, climate change, the future of employment, health, and well-being, are rooted in human behavior. Psychologists are expected to lead on these and other issues, in addition to being requested to take a seat at the table.It is the responsibility of psychologists to advance equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI):

Psychologists are increasingly being called upon to function as chief diversity officers and in other comparable capacities amid a national reckoning on race, which has resulted in a 71% increase in EDI jobs at corporations over the last five years. However, the discipline is also at a turning point where it needs to engage in deeper reflection on its own diversity, considering the individuals who choose to pursue careers in psychology, the subjects of psychological inquiry, and the recipients of psychological services.

These days, the mainstream media most frequently requests the expertise of psychologists. A greater range of responsibilities for psychologists is emerging as a result of the growing cultural recognition of mental health as a crucial component of total well-being, including those in technology, activism, sports, entertainment, and the media.

  • Conradson, D. (2018). Ecotherapy: The green revolution in mental health care. New Harbinger Publications.
  • Hampson, S., Drevets, W. D., & Davidson, R. J. (2013). Real-time fMRI neurofeedback: A promising tool for probing and shaping brain function. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17(8), 323-333.
  • Mohr, D. C., Rickwood, D., & Clarke, M. (2019). Digital mental health: A review of the evidence and future directions. British Journal of Psychiatry, 215(5), 537-546.
  • Nestler, E. J., & Hyman, S. E. (2019). Neural circuits and neurotransmitter modulation in neuropsychiatric disorders. Nature Neuroscience, 22(10), 1473-1493.
  • Rizzo, A. A., Bryant, L. A., & Baxter, I. (2016). Virtual reality exposure therapy for PTSD: A meta-analysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84(7), 561-573.
  • Seligman, M. E., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). Positive psychology: An introduction. American Psychologist, 55(1), 12.
  • Sue, D. W., Arredondo, P., & McDavis, J. N. (2019). Microaggressions in everyday life: Race, gender, and sexual orientation. John Wiley & Sons.

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Importance of Male Best Friend in Life https://www.psychologs.com/importance-of-male-best-friend-in-life/ https://www.psychologs.com/importance-of-male-best-friend-in-life/?noamp=mobile#respond Mon, 27 Nov 2023 13:20:04 +0000 https://www.psychologs.com/?p=23904 Friendships are the most cherished part of human life. Having friends is important and essential it makes one feel loved, and heard and enjoy every bit of life. It is said that someone who has genuine, caretaking, and loved friends are the ones who are the happiest and most positive beings. Friends are of two […]

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Friendships are the most cherished part of human life. Having friends is important and essential it makes one feel loved, and heard and enjoy every bit of life. It is said that someone who has genuine, caretaking, and loved friends are the ones who are the happiest and most positive beings. Friends are of two types of male and female friendships both are equally important and provide a platform for expressing thoughts and emotions. But having a male best friend and their importance in one’s life is something special.

Trust, Support, And Guidance

They are the ones who are trustworthy, will keep your secrets safe for years, and will provide care and comfort when needed. These beings who would be double happy in your success will support you in everything you do and are the best guiding persons. Having a male best friend is important and essential both as they are the ones who will give practical solutions to anything they will say what is right and what is wrong in instance without thinking because they want the best for their friend’s life. This article explores the importance of male best friends in life and how male best friends are different from female best friends.

Male best friend and Their Significance

Male best friends bring a multitude of benefits in one’s life. Some of the reasons why male friendships are valuable are:

Different Perspective and Safe space for honesty and openness:

As perspectives hold an important part in a person’s life similar to having a male best friend’s perspective is important as they see the world more in a practical way and thus provide valuable insights to live a better life. Male friendship allows one to see things in the male sense as female friendship provides things on the female side. Male best friends are those individuals who provide space and listens to others’ perspective without being judgemental. Males don’t often question the habits of one person and make them feel open towards their ideas and provide a free space to be open and they are the ones who listen to your ideas and thoughts more deeply and in full concentration.

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Companionship without expectations and Emotional support:

As the friendship grows stronger and deeper there is a sense that they might offer a romantic expectation that may disrupt a happy bond. But some friendships offer a line between the friendships. That may not develop into romantic relationships. Males are those individuals who are the best secret keepers. They are highly trustworthy and see the world from a practical viewpoint. And it is important for the males who are not able to share their feelings so easily, they keep their thoughts inside themselves and often feel isolated and lonely.

Celebrating joy and achievements and Lifelong friendship:

The male friendships are the ones that are not on a jealous side. They show genuine joy when they find their friends succeeding in life. They provide support during challenging times, which provides the strength and resilience to overcome challenges and, the happiest ones in the success of their friends. Male best friends are often lifelong friendships that stay for a lifetime. These lifelong friendships provide many memories that are cherished for a lifetime and many moments that are happy and full of laughter.

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How are male friends different from female friends?

Male friendships and female friendships can be both enriching and fulfilling, but they have different dynamics and expressions:

Communication Style, emotional Expression, and Social Expectation:

Male friends are more direct-oriented and action-oriented in their communication, instead of crying over a situation they force you to solve problems and always give practical advice for every situation. On the other hand, female best friends are more like an emotion-sharing partners and process every bit of your every bit of information and drive out understanding and empathy from it. Male friends express their emotions through shared activities, physical gestures, and humor, and often control their emotions, but on the other hand, female friends feel emotionally comfortable by expressing their emotions verbally and by giving validations. They provide good emotional support in comparison to male best friends.

Male friends, create a safe space and often have the expectation of masculinity and suppress their thoughts and feelings, but on the other hand female friends are expected to show supportive behavior verbally and emotionally.

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Fostering male friendship

It is good to have a friend with everyone irrespective of their gender. But the question arises of how one can foster friendship with a boy. It requires bidirectional (two-way) efforts to build a stronger relationship. But here are some tips that make it easy to cultivate a meaningful male friendship:

Be an active listener, reliable, and trustworthy:

It is very important in a friendship that you listen to every bit of information provided by your friend. It shows that you are genuinely interested in your friend’s life, thoughts, and feelings. Actively listening to them makes them feel like you are valuing their perspective and are there for them in every adverse situation. Try to become a trustworthy friend on which they can count. Help them out with their hard days or times. If you promise something to them, try to keep your promise. Remember that trust is the basis or the foundation of s strong bond.

Engage in shared activities and Be respectful of the differences:

Find the activities that you both enjoy watching sports, pursuing hobbies, and playing games. This would help you to get to know each other well and shared experience will help you to make some long-lasting memories with them and strengthens the bond of friendship. Recognize and admire the unique qualities your friends have and the perspective your male best friend brings into your life. Respect everything in them and try not to change them, accept them how they are.

Male friendships offer a unique and valuable complement to female friendships. By cultivating and cherishing these bonds, we enrich our lives with a diversity of perspectives, unwavering support, and enriching experiences. So, nurture your male friendships, and appreciate the special connection you share with your male best friend.

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The Psychology behind Realism https://www.psychologs.com/the-psychology-behind-realism/ https://www.psychologs.com/the-psychology-behind-realism/?noamp=mobile#respond Tue, 02 Jan 2024 11:34:54 +0000 https://www.psychologs.com/?p=26648 Realism as an artistic and literary movement emerged in the mid-19th century. It emphasizes things as it is rather than exaggerating them. In the world of literature and art, the transition of things from the romanticism of scenes and characters to realism and its effects on the real-life world has brought a big change. Realism […]

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Realism as an artistic and literary movement emerged in the mid-19th century. It emphasizes things as it is rather than exaggerating them. In the world of literature and art, the transition of things from the romanticism of scenes and characters to realism and its effects on the real-life world has brought a big change. Realism captures the essence of human nature and experiences. The artist and authors also shift them from this exaggeration of heroes and villains to the real-life problems an individual every day.

Moreover, the talk of motivation and its psychology in relation to the characters is also there.Earlier, there was discussion about heroic figures only. The art movement has seen a lot of change in it, as there has been a lot of detailing about everyday scenes like poverty, diseases deaths, etc.

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Psychological Factors Behind Realism

1) Desire For Authenticity:

Realists aimed to present everyday life and avoid the usage of idealized figures. They focused more on showing the harsh and bitter truth of life rather than the romanticization that was quite popular earlier. Moreover, it is important to note that realism is a philosophy about how we live our lives. As it was believed that people should know about the truths of life even if it makes them uncomfortable.

Many people believed that Art has the power to bring revolutionary change and it is used by the realists to make a social change. It is also able to highlight many issues like injustice, and the gender equality people face in our society. Furthermore, it aims to bring out the lives of underprivileged people through social and political reforms. Realism leaves a large impact on the art world and its influences can be seen in today’s world.

2) Influence Of Positivism:

Many realists were prompted by the upward push of scientific ideas and positivism. This rise is evident within the nineteenth century and believed that there is an outside truth. This reality is independent of our perception. Realism specializes in each objective commentary and empirical evidence on the way to apprehend our environment.

To recognize the arena that works on works on nature’s principles, the idea of clinical idea got here into the image. As we have seen an advancement in technology helps scientists to make accurate, reliable data that consists of hypothesis, testing, experimenting, and drawing a conclusion from it. Positivism is an idea that got here out of scientific concept. Positivism believes that reality must be based on the matters we are able to see, and observe as opposed to listening to our instincts.

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Moreover, scientific thought and positivism have an impact on realists. As they believed that to understand reality, objectivity can help. Beliefs and values are not reliable sources to acknowledge reality. Hence, this rise of empirical evidence and objective observation created a direct result in the growth of scientific thought and positivism in the 19th century.

3) Interest In Inner Psychology:

Realism as we said earlier attempts to capture the real essence of life that further helps to understand the world.Moreover, realist authors also focused more on the inner reality of their characters which includes their emotions, fear, intelligence, and motivation. This tradition is still used in today’s world to make people understand real-life characters and readers can relate to it. The motive realists’ cognizance of the internal truth is that they need to explore their motivation, emotions, and emotions. Additionally, in addition, they want to peer into the complex nature of human conduct, and the way their past reviews affect their inner realities.

Other crucial parts of existence, encompassing a person’s relationships, friendships, and forgiveness also make realists discover these topics in life. The use of metaphors and logos is also being used to understand internal facts. Finally, the depiction of psychological and emotional states seizes truth and adds extra relatability for the readers.

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4) Rejections Of Imagination:

Realists rejected imaginative plots, and fanciful settings and desired extra plausibility, relatability, and mundane topics. The French author Honoré de Balzac, who depicted realism in a much detailed way, could understand this. He wanted to create comprehensive and realistic portraits of the French people’s life. Moreover, he also talked about the characters, how complex and flawed, they are and what were their motivations in great depth.

He also shows the struggles of lower-class people living in the countryside. Another author Mark Twain known as the father of realism, examines the common people’s life in the American West and wrote about the harshness they faced.

Realism Impacts on Viewers

Creating Relatable Content:

Realism impacts viewers as it attempts to create relatability. To show this relatedness, they target topics that create a sense of familiarity. These topics could be family relationships, struggles you face, career choices you make, and many more. These themes will make readers things enjoyable to them. All these things people face create an impact on their mental health as well, therefore adding this theme will make people aware of it. The use of language also helps to break the barrier between the reader and the characters and create familiarity between them. Moreover, using the language that people understand also makes people feel whatever the character is feeling more accurately. Not only it will make people empathetic toward the characters but also it will also emotional connection between the viewers and the text.

Provokes Reflection On Social And Political Issues:

Another way to create an impact is by provoking reflection on social or political issues. By writing something that talks about social or political things, readers can have a better understanding of the characters and know what is going around them together. This will add more meaning to the whole context and help to convey the message the writer wants to convey. Moreover, it allows readers to put forth their views on the situation. Lastly, realism rejects the fantasy and imagination people carry in their minds, and accepts the internal emotions, feelings, and motivations of the individual.


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Psychology of Minimalism in Design https://www.psychologs.com/psychology-of-minimalism-in-design/ https://www.psychologs.com/psychology-of-minimalism-in-design/?noamp=mobile#respond Fri, 20 Oct 2023 16:30:00 +0000 https://www.psychologs.com/?p=21808 Merriam-Webster dictionary describes it as “a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterised by extreme spareness and simplicity.” Today, Minimalism is applied in a variety of fields but it still maintains its fundamental core of simplicity. How can the deliberate act of “designing less” enhance the way users perceive, engage […]

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Merriam-Webster dictionary describes it as “a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterised by extreme spareness and simplicity.” Today, Minimalism is applied in a variety of fields but it still maintains its fundamental core of simplicity. How can the deliberate act of “designing less” enhance the way users perceive, engage with, and ultimately benefit from digital interfaces and products?

You might be aware of the “less is more“ approach. Minimalism is exactly that. It extends beyond aesthetics and is about simplifying one’s life by reducing unnecessary clutter, possessions, and distractions, and focusing on what truly matters. In fact, Hook et. al (2021) conducted a study on minimalism and its impact. 80% of the studies found a connection between voluntary simplicity or minimalism and enhanced well-being.

A Deep Dive into Minimalism and User Perception 

Often labelled as design’s most enduring trend, minimalism promotes not only a personal style but also a way of living. One of the top requests from people making decisions on their interior style is that they want it to remain “minimal.”

Minimalism has remained steadfast and unlike trends that fade away, its fetish for minimalism remains strong. Dieter Ram, a German designer who wrote the book Ten Principles of Design seems to agree, as he writes, “Good Design is as little design as possible…back to simplicity.” The minimalist movement has been around for almost a century. Henry David Thoreau wrote in Walden, “Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify and simplify!”

The theory behind our human attraction to minimalism is as simple as the concept itself. When faced with complexity, our brains often find it overwhelming and less engaging, so we naturally gravitate towards simplicity. A user’s experience with minimalism allows them to focus on what is there in front of them. This eliminates the distractions that would’ve subdued or diluted the user experience. 

So what exactly is user perception and how is it impacted by the minimalist style? Simply put, it is related to how individuals understand their experiences and their interactions. This could be anything from the environment such as products, services, and interfaces. Minimalism impacts user perception because it is shaped by a combination of processes like cognitive and sensory input, emotional responses and even personal differences. 

Let’s explore how minimalism guides or enhances user perception.

1. Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is a phenomenon that refers to how some elements in our surroundings stand out more than others. The concept of visual hierarchy is kept in mind when designing so that the user’s perception is guided towards the important elements first. The user is able to pay attention to the entire design according to the hierarchy of importance. 

This phenomenon which is essential to human perception is strongly related to minimalism. If employed strategically, designers can direct the user’s attention to important components. The ability to easily discern what is important makes users feel more satisfied overall and reduces cognitive burden.

2. Sensory Input 

Minimalism has a key impact on visual clarity and auditory simplicity. With little information and the presence of ideas that are key to making decisions, users can make correct and important choices without getting distracted. The unnecessary elements are eliminated in minimalism. The user can now focus only on the core content. Similarly, we can extend this to auditory sensory stimulation. When obtrusive sound cues are reduced, it leads to a pleasant user experience. 

3. Cognitive Processing

Cognitive load refers to the amount of information the working memory of our brain can process in a given amount of time. Therefore, a cleaner and minimalist design will ease cognitive strain. Information will be processed more efficiently. 

4. Decision Fatigue

Decision fatigue refers to the overwhelming feeling that occurs when you need to choose from too many options. The more decisions you have to make, the more tired you become and the process of efficient decision-making is hindered. Minimalism presents you with far less options. It believes in “less is more,” and thus helps you alleviate decision fatigue. 

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5. Emotions

Minimalism is associated with calm and serenity. The uncluttered environment reduces stress and frustration. This positive emotional response has a direct impact on the user’s perception of the website, design, or product. They are more likely to view it favourably. In the context of personal minimalism, decluttering one’s living space influences us. A tidy and uncluttered environment can reduce feelings of anxiety and promote a sense of serenity


Minimalism today goes beyond being just a design philosophy. User perception refers to the degree of our understanding of a concept. It’s the way of regarding, understanding and interpreting something. Minimalism helps guide us to make such a platform for users where they can make sense of complex interfaces. As we read above, the psychology behind minimalism goes beyond the aesthetics. It does have a positive impact on one’s mind and well-being.  

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Is Life All About Black And White Or Is It Grey? https://www.psychologs.com/is-life-all-about-black-and-white-or-is-it-grey/ https://www.psychologs.com/is-life-all-about-black-and-white-or-is-it-grey/?noamp=mobile#respond Wed, 16 Sep 2020 00:00:00 +0000 https://www.psychologs.com/is-life-all-about-black-and-white-or-is-it-grey/ ‘Don’t define your world in black and white, because there is so much hiding among the grays.’ The world is made up of opposites. Like hot-cold, sweet-sour, male-females and the list keeps on going and these dualities are most clearly divided at the broad extremes. But life is not always about black and white but […]

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‘Don’t define your world in black and white, because there is so much hiding among the grays.’

The world is made up of opposites. Like hot-cold, sweet-sour, male-females and the list keeps on going and these dualities are most clearly divided at the broad extremes. But life is not always about black and white but about grey. Black and white are seen as the comfort zone and grey a danger zone. This is because the society never taught us that it’s fine to possess the qualities of grey and have grey areas in the life. What we believe and affirm to is that day is with light and the night is without light.

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But, there are those in-between times called dusk and dawn where it is quite difficult to say if it is actually a day or a night. Whenever the sun goes down do you officially call it evening? When before the sun breaks the skyline do you call it daytime? These are unsettled focuses in the world to the majority of us however that show there are grey areas even in our physical world that we can only see when we connect with our restricting qualities and nature.

If you are ever in a state where you are dealing with any grey areas no matter where you are with your grey areas you should always remember that you are not so far that you can’t figure it out and it’s never too late for the things to settle down. You do not need to be labelled or feel broken because of the fact that you’re dealing with some stuff or problem in your life that is creating hindrances.

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Life is not a bed of roses nor is it a bed of thorns. Happy and sad moments both are a part of life, but what matters the most is how do you prepare yourself for it in the time that is between sad and happy, never feel that you’re facing pain always or there is no success at all in your life, then life becomes useless for you. Everything takes its own time, and things will fall into place.

We all possess a choice about what we can control and what all we cannot. Exercise upon the action of what we know is right to do as per our knowledge. That is the biggest asset we all have in our lives when it comes to the grey areas. It’s very easy for us to label something as good or bad so we carry on to do so without giving a thought about it and figuring out that what it really is.

Thinking in extremes can cause more negativity in our lives It’s okay to feel your feelings, we all are meant to feel different emotions as humans. Hiding behind the mask or bearing the blinders only keeps the problems alive in your life and we won’t be able to overcome it if we will certain the same thinking.

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There are certain Truths that we should learn and always keep in mind to Embrace the Grey areas in our life:

  • You should never ever be afraid when it comes to speaking about your life struggles nor you should hide your feelings.
  • We all have the ability to make empowering decisions that could lead to amazing results, all it requires is to focus.
  • It is possible to get ultimate joy, happiness, peace, and gratitude all it requires is hard and honest work.
  • You possess the power and capacity to decide your future by making your present fruitful.
  • You should always remember that if you need little help, you are never falling apart.
  • Alcohol, prescription or recreational drugs aren’t required to you for relaxing.
  • The number of likes, friends or followers on social media does not matter.
  • You’re not required to settle for the desiring second best or mediocrity.
  • Whatever you have achieved from your hard work, you really deserve it.
  • You are not required to work yourself to the grave.
  • Living a happy life is not as tough as it might feel.

The way we can overcome our grey areas is through self-acceptance

Acceptance plays a very important role in our lives. Accept that life is not a mathematics equation, where either the answer would be right or wrong but rather it is an adventurous journey, which will include both good and bad times. Accept that your life is not going to be the same as your cousins, or neighbours, or friends and or any other people. You will have your own joys and sorrows of life.


Accept that there will be times when you have to choose among things, and there will be times when you will have the clutter of problems but all you should remember throughout this is that accepting the present and working for a better future will help you sail through everything. Ultimately you will glow out of your problems. Life will give you both the happy and the sad challenges.

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We waste so much time thinking about what is right and what is wrong during this we miss the things that are being offered to us in the present moment. Life will have its both negatives and positives and one should accept both of them with equal intensity. The moment you start embracing, its complexities will be the moment you will start living. The biggest acceptance which we have to make is that life is lived in shades of gray.

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